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  2. electro harmonix deluxe big muff pedal .. used for a few gigs boxed with warranty and instructions..inc uk postage Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi Distortion Sustainer Pedal Overview The new Deluxe Bass Big Muff is the latest in the line of EHX bass specific effects. It delivers enhancements to the classic Bass Big Muff Pi that are specifically tailored to the needs of the modern bass player and gives you more tone shaping options than ever before.
  3. I've had positive comments about my bass, my playing, my sound etc in the past (sometimes!) but never been complimented on my dress sense/knees!
  4. Has anyone used the Soundmagic E10/E11 for IEM use?
  5. Have to say that although the text is a rough simplification (all details are not too accurate), it gives an idea of what's going on. That plastic printing is probably the easiest to misunderstand: first the plastic of the printed parts is removed. There you have a mesh. Then that mesh is put to a sintering oven. Not your Whirlpool: that requires special atmosphere, and high temp among others. The end result is far more smaller than the printed part. How to get a good, usable part depends on the parametres of design, printing, shapes, and sintering. A note: last time I checked: a set of 600 units was cheaper that a mold, but if more units were needed the mold became cheaper. Here the volume of the part was smaller than a hand. Machining is still a very good choice, if the part is doable with traditional techniques.
  6. I wouldn’t sink loads of money into something I knew I was going to beat the hell out of. First gig with my Schecter and the guitar launched his guitar into it and made a big dent, had it been a £2500 bass I’d have been gutted. I also don’t think I would have noticed any difference in that context between a well setup £500-600 instrument vs a high end one. I wouldn't buy a Porsche to do school/shopping runs, I would however want something reliable and cost effective to run. If I was a plumber I wouldn’t be rocking my diamond emblazoned gucci overalls to work 🤷‍♂️
  7. Stingray killer Qu'est que ce.......
  8. 5th with Abraham Laboriel Al Jarreau - Mornin' | Abraham Laboriel
  9. Today
  10. I bought this from DV247 FBSS610 Short-Scale Bass Gig-Bag (Black) it was 31 quid. It's not the heaviest duty thing, but my gear only goes in and out of my car, so it's ok for me Andertons have them at 38 quid GAK have something at 30 quid
  11. Only if you like the top of the headstock sticking out the top
  12. I can't help you, but you might have more luck asking in the "Effects" sub forum.
  13. Would a Strat bag do the job?
  14. This is literally my dream bass - the colour, the vibe, everything. I just don’t have the readies in one lump unfortunately 😭
  15. A Plethora X3 in excellent conditionfor sale at a massive savings from their new price of around £300! This was bought here on BC to provide extra capability to the physical pedals board I tried; I've now gone down the HX Stomp route so moving this on. The TC Electronic Plethora X3 is a multi-effects pedal that allows you to create custom pedalboards with three slots for your favourite TC pedals. This digital all-in-one pedalboard simulator allows you to save and load up to 127 custom boards with three TonePrint pedals in any order you need. The TonePrint system provides deep customisation and preset loading/storage from your phone. Load presets designed by your favourite guitarists, or dive deeply into any pedal to create the exact effect you need on the Plethora X3. The Plethora X3 offers three footswitches with TC Electronic's MASH technology, allowing you to use each switch as an expression control that you can map to any parameter you'd like. The X3 also provides a chromatic tuner, and a global speaker cab simulator, giving you all the tools you need for a cohesive effects chain for live use or recording directly into an audio interface. The Plethora's three control knobs allow for parameter tweaking, as well as assignable parameter control for you to tweak your sounds as you play. Hook Velcro on bottom (Can be removed as the original rubber feet are still attached); supplied with PSU and original packaging; has been upgraded to latest firmware (1.4.3) and factory reset. £165 Collected from Brighton. UK P&P for an extra £5. Sam x
  16. Would ordinary guitar ( not acoustic ) gigbags work? I got one for my headless Washburn status which fits just about .
  17. I use a guitar Mono M80. Not cheap but neither was the bass so worth it imo.
  18. As soon as GG in Edinburgh get a V2 Cali76 in, I’m done.
  19. Rather by small increments and then it was done. Ha I said that, we’ve not actually, officially split up. We were unable to commit to some gigs due to the lead singer’s availability being torn between several outlets, then Covid hit, we did an outdoor livestream, I moved to to Scotland and the keyboard player moved to Blackpool (we we a London/Surrey based band), so being a working band became moot. I still love all those guys and hope we might play the occasional reunion gig. In fact, I was listening to our demo on the way home, last night and I was struck by how good we were (IMO of course). Here’s an example:
  20. I've got a fender one, its a perfect fit so they do exist
  21. Right bunch of piss heads last night. Silly little boys that drinking pith weak lager and and are wobblier than John Inman's wrist after 2 pints. One got up on stage and tried to sing into my mic, earning him by best Rugby style hand-off to the face. He clearly didn't like it, but at a foot taller and nearly double his weight he wasn't inclined to argue the point,. Then a few minutes later another twit tried to grab my spare bass so he could mime along. I managed to stop him, and our singist told the bar manager that any more of that and we'd be packing up. She came on the mic and gave them a bollixing and they did calm down slightly. The would be bass nabber apologised as we were packing away, and said he felt like I'd been giving him the daggers all night. "That's because I was", I replied. That's the last time we play a football club.
  22. Shallow - Lady GaGa and Bradley Cooper
  23. I am not normally a fan of shorts being worn for a gig (Robert Trujillo gets a pass for being a cool, surf dude) but you, Sir, pull it off, very well. Kudos.
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