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  2. An A/B switching box with volume controls?
  3. Need??? I use 2 112 cabs because I can.
  4. Yes, it is. I had one, so I can attest to this. Also, if you look at the photos, you came see that curved control plate and bridge (both full sized) sit closer together than on the full size ‘Ray.
  5. Ignoring the fact that I am currently selling one - the mustang is perfect as it is not only short scale, its quite a small neck in general, and also pretty cheap (there is also the bronco, even cheaper). But I am not female so don't match that part of the criteria.
  6. I have tried this but with no success - I'll have another go tomorrow - I'll double check the leads too. Thanks
  7. Lady who runs our local OM would like a bass, she wants to play The Chain. She’s a good pianist, talented singer and passable acoustic guitard she has fairly small hands and didn’t realise that shorter scale basses were available. Can anyone, particularly female members, suggest a non bank breaking choice ? I thought of mustangs and 32” fender style basses
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  9. I had two Silverstones and never needed to use them both together, one would easily keep pace with a drummer and after a year of never using the second one I sold it on. If anything the Monaco is even more capable. It will handle any pub I've ever played in.
  10. Today
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  12. The Ampero stomp is here!! Now I have played around with the unit it's self looking on line and trying to figure it out. I would like to get the editor on my laptop, it's a windows 10 laptop and I can't get anything to work 😡😡 "device not connected". I have installed un installed 3 or 4 times over 3hrs and nothing. It has the 2.0 version maybe I shouldn't have but I did a factory reset on it. What should I do?
  13. He could clench, though the card might get a little soggy over time
  14. Rules on page 1, recently updated
  15. Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers
  16. I cut them to the face edge as I wanted the laminations showing.
  17. Following on from @Dad3353, sometimes you will encounter a bass (or guitar) that you just can not get sorted. Symptoms of a deeper problem where, stating the obvious, the luthier setup is the way forward.
  18. In Trowbridge, there's ... Wilts Guitar Repairs... ... or Salisbury ... Guitar Repairs UK ... Both mention bass set-up, at £40 or so.
  19. ooh blimey, that's a learning curve! 🤣 Ok, well, how hard can it be? ulp.
  20. Great advice from @itu and @Dad3353. One further aspect to consider is whether you loosen the strings before making adjustments. I always adjusted truss rods with the strings in tune, never had a problem with 20? 30? basses. I then encountered my G&L L1505, got stuck in and terminally cracked the fretboard off the neck. Fixed by Jon Shuker (new board, better than new). The advice I was advised to slacken the strings,adjust and bring back into tune. @itu suggests wait an hour which is good advice. Most basses in my experience respond pretty quickly, the hour is a good figure. Some do not, my Warwick Corvette (baseball bat neck) takes several hours to respond. There are many good videos on YouTube on action and truss rod adjustment. Remember also that there are no absolute measurements /settings. Strings, condition of frets, your playing technique all play a part. I have a heavy right hand technique, 2.7mm to 3mm at the 12th fret is the result.
  21. Cheers, I'll be writing down everything i do to it.
  22. @eude more ammunition for a Monza 😎
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