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  2. DOD FX25 envelope filter In good, fully working condition. The clip on the battery compartment is not as firm as it once was, but will still clip in and stay in place. £140 posted.
  3. Keeley Compressor Pro - £200 Delivered in UK. About two years old and In great condition with no marks that I can see. This is a fantastic compressor but I need to have a cull as I own far too many compressors and am favouring the new Cali76 Bass Compressor at the moment. I can't find the box but it will be very well packaged for delivery.
  4. Nope, if it's a wunkay night then it's a wunkay night. I refuse to live in fear of hypothetical drunken bams.
  5. I don't miss having a bass rig behind me in the slightest. 1. I have never been in a band that needed to be so loud on stage that I could actually feel the air moving, and I've been in some loud bands in the past. I suspect if I had, I'd be even more deaf than I am. 2. On any decent sized stage the moment that I stepped away from standing directly in from of my rig I could no longer hear it and it turned into a big, heavy expensive stage prop. 3. At smaller gigs I was often asked by the sound engineer to turn down so much, so as not to affect the FoH mix, that I could hear myself better from the guitarist's wedge monitor on the other side of the stage than I could from my rig directly behind me. At some gigs we would deliberately aim the cabs sideways across the stage to minimise the FoH spill. 4. Most of the gigs I have done over the pst 45 years have had PA support for the whole band. On the few occasions that I have needed my bass rig to provide sound for the audience I have ended up needing to be so loud on stage that I could barely hear the rest of the band. It was not a pleasant experience. These days I have a Helix for my sound and an FRFR for rehearsals and personal monitoring for the smaller gigs where the foldback is strictly vocals only or unknown. For the bigger gigs I just use the in-house PA foldback. If I could organise the rest of either of my bands enough to go IEMs then I would. I do most of my composing using headphones and I always mange the get the songs sounding exciting enough at those kinds of levels so I wouldn't find it limiting or isolating in any way.
  6. Anyone explain why there’s an exclamation mark at the front of the title?
  7. Thanks both. I'll admit, there's a twist in this tale, which is why I'm not yet being specific - I'll wait for a few more opinions on the sound! Aled
  8. I have officially left my church, I threw the hand grenade this morning and I'm now waiting for the dust to settle. My reasons for leaving were never just about playing guitar, I just couldn't work with people that are self-centred, that never listen to the songs in advance and turn up late for EVERY single rehearsal and service, the level of disrespect displayed by others infuriated me constantly. The new church is amazing and I know that we will be supported and encouraged like never before.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. Panda isn’t registered for VAT in the UK, which is why buying direct will be subject to UK import VAT (and why they are keen to get a UK distributor). So in the meantime, just buy one from DV247 if it’s cheaper there as they do appear to be registered for UK VAT.
  11. Yes i was wondering about the wording of that too. Dave
  12. I really really like this. Seafoam and ex-RHT... If I can shift a couple of basses I'll check back in.
  13. Sooo.... Does the venue determine what value of bass you bring? I would prefer to take a mid-range bass (at most) to a crowded pub gig or an outdoor gig, even though I usually would rather play my best instrument. Is that paranoia or just common sense? It's been a long time since I have seen a drunken stage invasion, but remember a classic that put a pretty good dent in my old RD Artist....
  14. 1. Was mostly a recording band so when the individual members moved to different parts of the country to go to university we managed to keep it going, getting together during the holidays to write and record, and even had our music played on John Peel's Radio 1 show. However the percussionist and myself who had both moved to Nottingham started a new, more gig-orientated band there which gradually became more important to us. 2. Singer left to get a job in London. The rest of the band decided to call it a day rather than look for a replacement. 3. Band ended after I quit as I wasn't happy with the musical direction the others wanted to go in. 4. Band ended after the singer and bassist (I was playing guitar in this band) who were in a relationship, split up. 5. Having managed to keep the band going for 13 years through numerous line-up changes everything finally came to a head when I had a blazing row with the singer (who was massively insecure and a complete diva at the same time) over musical direction. This is the only time I've been directly involved in an acrimonious band split. 6. Band ended after I quit because I got an offer to join another band that was more active. 7. Band ended after the singer and guitarist had a falling out. 8. Band ended after the singer became too unwell to gig.
  15. lidl e


    This software you can blend multiple IRs and output as a single wav file IR That is cool https://www.overloud.com/products/supercabinet
  16. I bought a new 5-string ReBop DLX in 2015, which was around the time the DLX model was being discontinued in favour of the MM. Possibly connected to the run-out of the DLX, mine came fitted with EMG DC active pickups instead of the more usual HZ pickups. I still love the sound and feel of this bass, but it did feel a little neck-heavy, so I fitted a set of Gotoh lightweight machineheads. A bit pricey, but worth it as they have made a noticeable improvement in the balance.
  17. Electro Harmonix Bass Bif Muff in mint condition. Decent velcro attached to the bottom, and comes with original box. £55 including UK mainland courier. Thanks for looking!
  18. TC Electronic SpectraComp in mint condition. Velcro on the underside, comes with original box. £55 including UK courier. Thanks for looking!
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