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  2. Y (does your love hurt so much) . Carly
  3. Wow I must say I was a little skeptical that right hand positioning could make so much difference (as it wasn't quite as glaring on my PJ with flats) but I'm more than happy to be proved wrong! Played around with right hand positioning + different pickup balances and managed to get the sound I was fiending after and some! Thanks for the recommendation!
  4. I’m close by and could make use of this. Happy to make a donation to the charity of your choice.
  5. Today
  6. I have KZ ZS10 Pro's which are great but for smaller pub/club gigs where we use the backline amps and it's mainly vocals going through the pa I use a pair of cheap earbuds which allow all the ambient sound through. This works very well and not having any wedge monitors improves the sound significantly.
  7. Excellent catch @pslh ... it seems the same author created Toggle_2IN which is described as "Same as the MOD switchbox plugin but switch possible with CV" which might also be suitable. Sam x
  8. Not paint, but I do sometimes see a lovely piece of wood that I think would make a nice bass.
  9. There's a couple of specialist bass places: https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/ https://bassbros.co.uk/
  10. Right, I've been messing around with pickups and mic for live use, and I think I've found something decent. Would you be happy sending this sound to FOH? (Mind my intonation 🫢!)
  11. Last weekend we did an afternoon set at The Bull in Horley for their annual bands and bbq event. Was disappointed to realise that we started at the same time as the FA Cup final kicked off but it went well including easing our new, soon to be, lead vocalist in with half a dozen numbers. Plus a photographer snapped a nice pic of my bass (and me!)
  12. The problem with 'hating songs with a passion' is that someone else likes them, so if I don't like something, well that's MY problem ..
  13. Heft, indeed, Chris ! 😁 I have the 15" version of this combo and agree with everything you've said about the Walkabout combos, @essexbasscat. IMHO, there's something very special about them due, I think, to the combination of the valve pre + mosfets in the amp, paired with the uber-clever cab design with it's downward firing passive speaker... Whatever it is, it's a glorious combination of sound! GLWTS (not that you'll need it..) 👍😊
  14. Played with my blues power trio The Andy Wales Blues Band at Leicester’s Riverside Festival on Sunday. Two-day festival but we lucked out by getting the hot sunny day yay. Took my Markbass LM2, 1x12 and 2x10 traveller cabs and my number one Yamaha BB604 which was punchy and growly. No pics yet as I lost track of everyone who I knew in the audience immediately afterwards so I couldn’t ask. Thankfully one kind soul sent me this which gives a rough idea.
  15. I've had a few; we wound up a really good band that had run its' course very amicably and I still see the other lads pretty often and love reminiscing with them (and there are plenty of high-jinks to reminisce about...!). There was another when I fired the singer because he couldn't be arsed to learn, write or arrange the songs and another where the singer shat himself at rehearsal, blamed the rest of us and I broke the band up there and then because the drama and hassle was just too much. The best/worst was not the band breaking up, which happened some time later, but when I first left my first "real" band. I've told the story before, so I'll keep it brief: We'd recorded a demo and sent it around the record labels (this was the early 2000's) and it had received the sum total of sod-all interest, until it landed at Visible Noise, who were the label du jour and riding high with the success of Lostprophets (hmmm, that didn't end well, did it?). They showed a bit of interest and the singer/bass player (I was on guitar at the time) went mental. Suddenly we had to write commercially viable songs, make an album with 14 potential singles etc etc. It all went horrid, from being an almost-credible noise-rock band to some sort of nasty indie-pop-emo bollocks. I tried to register my unhappiness but it fell on deaf ears. I was only a young 'un and didn't know what to do, so at one rehearsal I went for a wee, climbed out of the bog window and got in my car and drove off, leaving all my gear and the band!
  16. Just sitting at Warwick services putting some electrons in the car after an epic weekend. This playing music malarkey is quite fun isn’t it Friday and Saturday I was at Epsom Derby in the Family Festival area, playing 5 sets each day with Boogie Monsters, playing on the main stage entertaining the kids and adults who were gracing us with their presence. Friday was cold and a bit wet to begin with, so my fingers started blistering pretty quickly. I switched over to playing with a pick which was somewhere between a disaster and absolutely fine depending on the songs we were playing… but is was great fun( all the crew are brilliant and I hope we get to go back for a third year next year. Saturday night I then played with my pub rock covers band, Wednesday’s Child, in Dorking. That was ace. Loud, sweaty and raucous. One of my best mate’s from school, and a lurker here I think, was in attendance as was @reggieboomboom . I don’t think I embarrassed myself too much, certainly nothing like some of the Epsom playing 🤪 Got home 1am. This morning I got up 7am to drive to Liverpool with the drummer from Wednesday’s Child, who’s also Katy Hurt’s drummist. We played a very civilised but great fun gig at Strawberry Fields. Was a short but sweet set but we all had fun and I got to meet @jimmyb625 at the end which was ace. Lovely guy, great to meet you! Hopefully home by midnight ready to come back down to earth with a horrific bump with a full 5 day week at work, then another gig next weekend. Wouldn’t change it for the world. (Except maybe the work bit… )
  17. Saddles for the string guage, and string spacing would be the main consideration... A Guitars 42 or 46 Low E is the same gauge as a Bass G... Even a Ultra Extra Light Bass E at say 90 is unlikely to fit that well in a Guitar 6 bridge...
  18. As an alternative to the switch box you might try the (beta) ztoggle plugin which does support CV input.
  19. I have a project in mind. Can I use a six-string guitar bridge for a bass, or do basses need a different design (weight, strength, size, ...)? Thanks in advance
  20. Anyone buying that better make sure their tetanus shots are up to date.
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