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  2. Would ordinary guitar ( not acoustic ) gigbags work? I got one for my headless Washburn status which fits just about .
  3. I use a guitar Mono M80. Not cheap but neither was the bass so worth it imo.
  4. As soon as GG in Edinburgh get a V2 Cali76 in, I’m done.
  5. Rather by small increments and then it was done. Ha I said that, we’ve not actually, officially split up. We were unable to commit to some gigs due to the lead singer’s availability being torn between several outlets, then Covid hit, we did an outdoor livestream, I moved to to Scotland and the keyboard player moved to Blackpool (we we a London/Surrey based band), so being a working band became moot. I still love all those guys and hope we might play the occasional reunion gig. In fact, I was listening to our demo on the way home, last night and I was struck by how good we were (IMO of course). Here’s an example:
  6. I've got a fender one, its a perfect fit so they do exist
  7. Right bunch of piss heads last night. Silly little boys that drinking pith weak lager and and are wobblier than John Inman's wrist after 2 pints. One got up on stage and tried to sing into my mic, earning him by best Rugby style hand-off to the face. He clearly didn't like it, but at a foot taller and nearly double his weight he wasn't inclined to argue the point,. Then a few minutes later another twit tried to grab my spare bass so he could mime along. I managed to stop him, and our singist told the bar manager that any more of that and we'd be packing up. She came on the mic and gave them a bollixing and they did calm down slightly. The would be bass nabber apologised as we were packing away, and said he felt like I'd been giving him the daggers all night. "That's because I was", I replied. That's the last time we play a football club.
  8. Shallow - Lady GaGa and Bradley Cooper
  9. I am not normally a fan of shorts being worn for a gig (Robert Trujillo gets a pass for being a cool, surf dude) but you, Sir, pull it off, very well. Kudos.
  10. YESTERDAY! Another 'two gigs in one day' Saturday, with different bands this time. First up was the Jones Jazz Orchestra at Church End Brewery somewhere near Nuneaton. Nice place, lovely half of Stout (Stout Coffin 4.5% ABV), decent crowd, very relaxed afternoon. We played a set of 1940s stuff, as we'd been rehearsing for a 1940s event that got cancelled (at an RAF museum in Cosford that shall remain nameless). First gig for the new guitarist who was ace and a new singer who looks about 16 but can really do the business. (He was on BGT with a D-Day themed act a few years ago apparently (presumably when he was about 14)). We played well, sounded good and had a laugh. The brewery owners loved it and said it was the best attended and most enjoyed event they've ever had, so we're looking forward to a return booking. Highlights were a fantastic uptempo Jeff Tyzik arrangement of 'In the Mood', the guitar countermelody in 'Mood Indigo', lovely Emily's vocals on 'Anything Goes' and of course, the Trombone solo in 'Sweet Georgia Brown'. Played the P w/DTFs (the upright is in need of repairs) -> amp board (Thumpinator -> VTDI) -> MB802. Then it was hotfoot to the Bescot stadium in Walsall for Azura (4 piece covers band) at the Midlands Football Awards. Everything was set up by the time I got there (devestated!) so it was a very quick set my stuff up and a 30 second soundcheck. Corporate type affair, dinner and awards with lots of waiting around for us. We had a dressing room, so we sat around and twiddled our thumbs for about three hours... they fed us, so that was nice. First set at 915 for about 45 minutes, not much crowd interaction... one table seemed to be enjoying it and we had fun. More waiting round, back on about 1030 for a brief half hour set to a half empty room. A few dancers up, which is always nice, I went for a wander in the last song - Lekato wireless XLR for IEMs and Subzero wireless bug seem to be doing the job. StingRay -> small board -> amp board -> MB802 Load out was a bit of a faff, we were on the first floor and the lift was tiny... all sorted, back home about 1 for an M&S cider (5.2% ABV?) and a fuss with the cat. Long day, but it's always good to be out playing and the evening do was a good payer, so... pretty happy all things considered.
  11. I think I might have asked you this before Jazzyvee, but doesn't the super-filter just duplicate the onboard parametrics in an Alembic Series Bass?
  12. Thomanns, Beatbass gig bag. Just right for my Mexican-made Mustang with P-J pick-up configuration.
  13. Managed it on the FI with relative ease.
  14. I don't understand purposely buying a "cheap" bass just incase I worry or it gets damaged bit, it's a tool for the job. Do you purposely by 'cheap' tools if you're a mechanic or plumber etc incase they get damaged or misplaced? do you purposely buy the 'cheapest' car incase it gets dirty and worn? do you live in a purposely 'cheap' house with no possessions incase you worry when you're out? This is called not living your life well and been ruled by fear. Life is very short, so aspire to have the best and live life to the full, it's just a bass (a tool) get the best one you can afford in the present, and ride that snake all the way to Valhalla 😁 Real poverty is nothing to do with money, it's a mindset!
  15. Having had a number of TE amps, cabs, and combos in my time, The last 4x10 combo I had (Think kit was while they were still owned by Kamen/Gibson at the time) had this Harmonic Emphasis switch. It was great for when my strings were passed their sell by date....made them sound new. However, I liked the sound for some other things too. A quick google tells me that, according to TE, this was produced more by an exciter type fx than EQ. Any ideas on how to recreate it live ? I think I may have an old Aphex Bass Xciter pedal somewhere, but wondered if there any other options ? It's a pity that it couldn't be recreated by EQ, as I have a few options in that direction. TIA
  16. Hello! I thought it might be time to revisit the age-old question of gigbags for the Mustang bass. It seems a near impossible problem to solve to full satisfaction, and I don’t understand why Fender won’t simply… make one. What is the bass community’s current take on this issue? Hit me, internet! /Patrik
  17. Seen, but in their defence they got a lot of royalties paid to the composers of the songs they covered. Many of them were skint, having been ripped off by the original producers. Labour of Love, cheesy as it was in my (our) opinion was just that.
  18. It got him better hardware, better pickups and electronics, a better finish, a real rosewood fretboard with rolled edges and vintage tall frets, a bone nut, carbon fibre rods in the neck for increased stability, a more consistant weight, a sculpted neck heel, and a fender deluxe hardcase with tools and an American auth certificate in a zip wallet. 🙂👍
  19. Today
  20. I've been ampless/IEM in the main band for 18 months now and I like the simplicity of carry-in/out (although I no longer have an excuse for not helping carry the PA gear now 😃) but I miss the sound of the bass behind me. The IEM set up gives me much better sound clarity, particularly with the backing vocals, and as we have a permanent sound man, I know I'm getting a good and consistent sound out front. I still have an amp and speakers for depping and any other band work I do.
  21. Caveman Audio BC1 Compressor - £500 delivered in UK. Caveman Audio BP1 Compact Preamp - £450 delivered in UK. Buy both for £900 and save £50. I will include a custom Designacable XLR interconnect. Bought from Bass Direct only two months ago. I love these as they give me my perfect tone but have concluded they aren't practical for my pedalboard due to size and weight. My pedalboard is now the heaviest thing I need to transport, even heavier than my cab! Both in brand new condition and boxed. Full details here: https://caveman-audio.com/bc1-bass-compressor/ https://caveman-audio.com/bp1-compact-bass-preamp/ No trades and prices are firm.
  22. 8.45lbs (luggage digi-scales) & 41mm (digi-caliper)
  23. That Sire looks great. They are great basses for the price. I bought a P8 at Christmas and I’m playing it more than my custom-made 5s at the moment!
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