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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1363087410' post='2008086'] But, if you read the whole of that thread you linked to, it's still in dispute as to whether they actually are knots and whether they are the cause of the problem. [/quote] I've googled for possible links on warping due to knots in the wood and there seems to be quite a bit of evidence, from experts, to support that over time a weakness can develop at the point of the knot. The OP has also asked for advice from Talkbass and The Fender Forum too and there is some anecdotal stories of similar problems from other bassists and guitarists. I have an open mind about it now.
  2. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1363054734' post='2007731'] I'm actually inclined to agree with the luthier. We all know about Fender's less than perfect QC.. And I have a neck on my first ever Peavey with a knot that looks very similar to this one around the 17th fret... Which is exactly where the frets begin to buzz! It was my uncle who pointed it out to me, who happens to have been playing bass for the last 40 odd years, AND is an extremely talented carpenter, so knows his way around a plank of wood! The issue could well be sorted with a fret dress and nothing more though! And with a bit of luck there will be no more drying out / moving by the wood, [/quote] You know........you may be right? I've been reading this and the guy in question took it to two repair guys and both concluded it was the knot that caused the problem [url="http://forums.fender.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=55505&start=15"]http://forums.fender...=55505&start=15[/url] Good old Fender QC.
  3. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1363049701' post='2007713'] ANyone know if the OP got his Fender CS fixed yet? [/quote] He sold it to the guy that told him the neck was knackered.for a fiver and a packet of fags.
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1363025303' post='2007194'] But they aren't the full set. [/quote] Those are the ones I knicked from Haimsey and put on my facebook page to show the perils of smoking.
  5. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1362923587' post='2006206'] Damn! How did this happen? Only just seen this. I'd love to have seen those pix. Come back haimsey, come back! [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362932450' post='2006362'] What? When? How? Where? How many melons were used? Aw, I want to see the filthy bass pics! [/quote] Psssst....wanna see sum dirty pictures! Before [attachment=129646:63226_10151559426852292_1399185415_n.jpg] After [attachment=129647:426458_10151559427797292_1735710044_n.jpg]
  6. Glad you're back. By the way the pay hasn't got any better in the last 23 years (just in case you were wondering).
  7. I usually have a good sense of rhythm but when things get messy one thing that helps, and makes me tighter with a drummer or drum machine, is to tap my foot to the beat. I don't usually do it (I know many others do) but when it's a difficult rhythm or a drum machine, which is difficult to hear clearly live, it makes things easier. I know it seems simple but it's very effective.
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1362929570' post='2006307'] Don't mistake this guy for a martyr - he's a self-obsessed intellectual pygmy with nothing to offer the seeker of truth. He is a Judas. He is a liar. He's watching this debate now and he's got one hand inside his trousers. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] I think you're right. The troll is laughing maniacally at the fact we're still talking about him, even though he's f***ed off long ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrWxPUSJoeg
  9. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1362927302' post='2006263'] gjones - when you say two fingers is easier, what do you mean? more fluent? less stress on one finger? i don't mind working on two finger as long as i can understand the long term benefits [/quote] It's easier to play fast fluent basslines with two fingers. I play a lot of fast octaves which is difficult if you're only using one finger. A lot of the time I'll just use one finger for simpler stuff but it's good to have the option.
  10. Welcome to basschat I like the music.
  11. I notice he has 'Temp banned (TOS Violation)' under his name. Has he pissed Talkbass off too?
  12. James Jamerson used one finger. He called it 'the hook'. So it can be done. It's just a lot easier if you persist at using both fingers. You'll get it eventually. This guy is showing Jamersons technique . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsWlkamlqH4
  13. Music is all about 'feel' not perfection. If the performance and feel of a track is good it doesn't matter if the actual playing is a bit sloppy. The quest for perfection can sometimes result in sterile and soulless music. It's called the human touch.
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1362856307' post='2005467'] I'm slightly confused. Were there 81 guitars all hanging from a rope in a living room full of smokers? [/quote] I have seen smelly guitars before, damaged by years of gigging in smokey pubs. But this does look quite extreme. My theory is that it was caused by smoke damage from a fire rather than chain smoking Rastafarians. But however it got into this state, I have to say it's a lovely restoration job.
  15. [quote name='haimesy' timestamp='1362852030' post='2005391'] Thought this might interest some of you , I picked up this bass from a local music shop who had bought a number of guitars and basses in an estate sale , the story goes they were in a room where it appears some heavy cigarette smoking had been going on for i assume 20 to 30 years. The pics that follow should maybe go on the back of a cigarette packet as a warning message. I took a punt and bought it , having never attempted any of my own repairs in over 20 years of playing bass , it was i little risky...But my god what fun it was bringing this lovely bass back to life. It was a grim cleaning process in the kitchen [understanding wife you know] The bass stank up the place and so did the turps , t cut and any product i thought might clean it , also the bass was actually sticky..Almost finished now ...Hope you like , here are just a few of the pics i took ..John Thanks to BCer Kevin Lindsay for all the amazing Fender advice..Top man [/quote] Aha.....an enthusiastic smoker and guitarist, from Edinburgh, has just told me that 'Guitar Guitar' got a hold of 81 smoke damaged guitars all in the same state (but different vintages). Would that be the shop you got this one?
  16. Now are you sure it's not smoke damage from a fire? I mean that would take some HEAVY, HEAVY smoking.......rastafarians maybe?
  17. I've posted those pictures on my Facebook page. And some people wonder why they banned smoking in pubs?!
  18. [quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1362777885' post='2004815'] Yes!!! About twenty years ago, I had a friend who had a bass with a similar knot in the neck of a bass from a different manufacturer. I helped him write a letter to the manufacturer and include pictures and claimed warranty from day one and that it had to be replaced. Yes, this knot is causing the grief, just like it caused the same grief to my friend. Do the same thing: contact the Fender custom shop, send pictures, explain what is happening, and demand a new neck. [/quote] After 23 years? I've a feeling I know what Fender are going to say.
  19. [quote name='Bezinga' timestamp='1362496889' post='2000197'] At the ripe old age of 56 I have been learning bass guitar since santa brought me a starter bass with 20w practice amp. I love it and now really need to buy my first decent amp. I like to play Blues/Rock and I am getting pushed by friends to get up on stage with them at small venue jam sessions. Money is somewhat limited so I am thinking maybe a Fender Rumble 150w or Gallien Krueger MB112 -II Any opinions or alternative suggestions would be appreciated. [/quote] The number one priority is to buy something that is loud enough and won't sound like an elephant farting when playing at decent volume. I'm sure a Fender rumble would do the trick. Another recommendation is the Ashdown EB 180. I had an earlier version of this combo and it more than held it's own with heavy hitting drummers and it won't break the bank. You can always add another cabinet at a later date to make it even louder if you get that gig with Black Sabbath sometime in the future.
  20. [quote name='V2factoryman' timestamp='1362424196' post='1999580'] Hi folks, I wasn't sure whether to post this under "ebay", as it relates to an ad there, but it's more a general enquiry to assist me in evaluating an item for sale. Basically I'm looking for one of these and have missed a couple on here but found one on ebay which is not too far away from me. However I have asked the seller the serial number and he says he can't find it? Apparently it's MIJ and I've read on here that these are generally believed to be better versions, anybody got an opinion? Secondly the post says the bass has had active pickups added, does this mean that the electrics/tone controls will have been modified? Again I've asked the seller and he says "the work was done by a professional company". If they're active doesn't that mean that accommodation would have to be found in the body for the battery? The original pickups are for sale with the bass. Any feedback greatly appreciated [/quote] I've looked at the one on ebay and it's definitely a Geddy (it has a badass and the bridge pickup is in the 70's position). Don't know why he/she won't give you the serial number? MIJ are usually pre 97 but there must be exceptions to the rule because Fender Japan started the manufacture of geddy lee basses in 1998.
  21. Lovely bass. I hope to have one of these one day when finances allow. I also like your TV 15. I owned one until I got fed up humping it up 3 flights of stairs to my flat. I bet they sound great together. So have a bump on me.
  22. My guitar playing brother in law owns a Fender de ville combo with 4x10 speakers which is a b'stard to hump about. So he bought himself a nice light 75watt randall tranny amp for £45 off ebay and it blows the roof off. It's only very rarely that the de ville sees the light of day anymore. Which goes to show you don't need to pay a lot of money for a decent tranny guitar amp and under 100w is more than loud enough for most band situations. This is him playing it with Maggie Bell up in Dundee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0apNorFTANI&list=FLGk2nB08ZQx-TOS2AMlSUug&feature=mh_lolz
  23. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1362646436' post='2002513'] Thanks for the info, I have been dabbling over the last few days and seem to be getting to grips with it slowly. Don't know if anybody can help me with a question related to the redlight on the VU meter, what does it signify, is it clipping notification? Should I ran the amp so the light doesnt come on at all or just on the lower/louder notes? [/quote] It's supposed to indicate that the amp is clipping but I've been told ashdown VU meters are pretty inaccurate and the best thing to do is use your ears. If it doesn't sound like it's distorting then you can ignore the red light.
  24. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1362442600' post='1999980'] Currently trying out a 550, but have no instructions, does anybody have a link to a pdf? I have checked the ashdown site and the download page for manuals is nearly empty. [/quote] It's a pain that Ashdown don't seem to have a manual for the MiBass that I can find. The preamp on the MiBass is semi parametric on the LO MID, HI MID and TREBLE (which took me a while to figure out). Make sure the pre shape button and the deep buttons aren't pressed in but make sure the EQ button is pressed in (as this switches on the preamp). The rotary knobs are used to pick a frequency for the LO MID, HI MID and TREBLE and the sliders either boost or cut that frequency. I don't think the bass slider is affected by the parametric knobs and just adds or cuts bass frequencies (although I'm happy to be corrected here if I'm wrong). It's a very precise EQ and allows you to dial in a lot of different sounds.
  25. I'm acquainted with a few people who have written hits. One is a guy whose band went on to sell millions in the 70s and the single he wrote got to number 9 in the UK charts. He then left just before the band went mega and ended up doing cabaret in butlins the rest of his life. Another had two No 1 hits. The first was a novelty hit in 1981 which got to No 1 in the UK and around europe. It sold 5 million copies. The second was a Xmas song which went to No1 in 1985 and still sells a decent number of copies every Xmas since it resurfaced as an mp3 download. The last had their song get to 20 in the US billboard hot 100, to No 1 in the US adult pop charts and 28 in the UK. It also got a grammy nomination in 2007. None of the above songs have anything in common other than the writers had written hundreds of songs previously which didn't get to number 1 (because they were pretty rubbish). The moral of this story is, you have to write a lot of stinkers before you write the one that's going to be a hit. You know what they say about an infinite amount of monkeys given an infinite amount of time. So you better start churning them out now! Chop! Chop!
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