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Everything posted by gjones

  1. Here's the link. 55 comments so should give you an idea. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168110-mexican-fenders/page__hl__mexican%20fenders"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168110-mexican-fenders/page__hl__mexican%20fenders[/url]
  2. Oh and I used a little giant 1000 last night. Which is Ashdowns previous digital amp that has now been discontinued. It sounded great. You can get them new at Thomanns the german online shop for about £200.
  3. Can they play? If they turn up for a gig will the venue be horribly disappointed? I know a few corporate bands, up here in Edinburgh, which have a rotating roster of members. They have A, B, and C bands. Any demos or videos of the band on the website will probably not have the musicians turning up to venue playing on them. Which isn't a problem because all of the musicians are of decent standard and customers won't be let down when the band start playing. It's only a problem if your friends can't play for toffee and they're trying to con people who are booking them. But even then there's not much you can do about it, especially if you want to remain friends with them. This isn't them is it? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjeMDvCdrtc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjeMDvCdrtc[/url]
  4. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1365092849' post='2035265'] Quite an odd one this. I own two bass - both quality pieces of kit - both I love and play wonderfully. However, as of recent times, I now only play in one band, just covers 'round the pubs and odd function since the originals band fragmented. I keep pondering if I should sell one of the basses - I just feel a bit guilty having two, when it's not like we're gigging every night or even every week! The cash would come in handy elsewhere, but it's not a desperate situation or anything. Maybe it's just a funny time, but if this band split right now, I think I'd have a gap anyway, as I'm a little jaded with the whole thing anyway as we all get from time to time, especially with the disintegration of the originals project. Don't get me wrong, I'd never stop playing, but it's just a thought to play one bass to bits. Could be an age thing - I was 39 this month, and years and years more of dragging around the pubs is kind of losing it's appeal - especially after a couple of recent, 'through the motions' gigs is dives..... Please tell me we've all be through this temptation to start flogging, and just own TBH, what I need? [/quote] If you sell one bass buy a double bass with the money. Lots of original bands looking for DB players and it will give you a new lease of life because you'll be starting almost from scratch.
  5. [quote name='blinddrew' timestamp='1365194656' post='2036727'] Serious question, has anyone tried this? I play in a pub on monday nights and that's an easy 15 minute walk but I also play in another pub that's a couple of miles away (and finishes later) so I was wondering about cycling down and thus being able to have a couple of cheeky shandies. Anyone been as foolish as I'm thinking of trying to be? ;¬) [/quote] Check out the first video on the whisky riverboat bands facebook page. Hope this answers your question. [url="https://www.facebook.com/whiskyriverboatband?ref=ts&fref=ts"]https://www.facebook.com/whiskyriverboatband?ref=ts&fref=ts[/url]
  6. The Highway ones are nitro. You can usually pick one up for about £450 secondhand. Made in USA (supposedly). Link to specs [url="http://www.proaudioland.com/fender-highway-one-precision-bass-5302.html"]http://www.proaudiol...-bass-5302.html[/url]
  7. The Mag is the standard range and is all solid state. The ABM range has a valve pre amp which can dirty things up a bit if you like that sort of thing. The MiBass range are their lightweight digital amps. All of the amps come as combos (amp and speakers contained in one cabinet) or separate amp heads and cabs. They are all good in their own way. Having owned an ABM head and now a MiBass head I can recommend them both. The MiBass is a lot lighter of course. Best buy used as you get more for your money. I'm not a big fan of Ashdown cabs though as they can be a bit muffled.
  8. Check out Ed Freidlands (The Bass Whisperer) videos on youtube to find out how to do a really good video review.
  9. Ever thought of visiting China? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203815-bassist-with-good-vocals-needed-for-china-contract-changed-dates/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203815-bassist-with-good-vocals-needed-for-china-contract-changed-dates/[/url]
  10. I found my old Geddy Lee neck (which are the slimmest Jazz necks Fender make) very easy to get around on. It also was very easy to get a low action on as well. In fact, weirdly, I almost felt it was a bit too easy to play and tempted me to be a bit too busy on it.
  11. Badass bridges are a direct replacement for Stock (bits of tin) Fender ones that have 5 screws. I think the newer USA ones have 3 screws. So you can get a stock 5 screw bridge and it will fit exactly where the badass used to be.
  12. One of the bands I play in just forked out for leopard skin bowling shirts (shudder). It's all showbiz and people have paid for a bit of a show. If you're playing to a paying audience you need to make a bit of an effort.
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1364901275' post='2032294'] What's going on here? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-1966-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-J-BASS-ELECTRIC-GUITAR-/200911935973?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ec748d9e5#ht_409wt_1399"]http://www.ebay.co.u...5#ht_409wt_1399[/url] [/quote] Keeps on being posted. Ebay keep on taking it down. Eventually some idiot will be taken in by it. At least that's what the fraudsters are hoping.
  14. Morning numbness can be a sign of carpal tunnel. I had carpal tunnel and had to have an operation. You don't want that. So first thing to do make sure your wrists are as straight as possible when you play. Make sure you strap is not too high. Good posture prevents possible future wrist problems. Below is link to carpal tunnel symptoms. You can wear wrist splints at night which will help keep your wrists straight when you sleep. [url="http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Carpal-tunnel-syndrome/Pages/Symptoms.aspx"]http://www.nhs.uk/Co...s/Symptoms.aspx[/url]
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  16. In 2012 I experimented with fitting a few pickups; dimarzio model Js, wizard 64s, Fender Mex Standard into my bass. Of all of them the 64s sounded most specifically Jazz Bass like. They made my Japanese Squier growl like an early 60s Jazz Bass and I liked them a lot. ultimately, I ended up going back to the original Squier pickups because they had a bit more bottom end. But if I ever bought another Jazz I'd have no problem fitting it with a set of 64s as they are very classy sounding pickups for not a lot of cash.
  17. I love the simplicity of Klauss Voormann's basslines on many John Lennon tracks. He is the master of holding back. I also love the way John Lennon puts Klaus's bass to the front of the mix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELwfVR7yKCg
  18. Phil Jones amplification gets a lot of love from DB players.
  19. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1364115469' post='2021947'] OK I'll bite... for some controversy. I think he's bland. I initially enjoyed his chorus fretless in the '80s (which was a pretty strong 'Jaco for masses' cloning) but it became over-worked. And I recall some Tube performances where he was sitting in - perhaps with Jools and was terrible. So what am I missing here with Pino - who does seem like a nice humble bloke when interviewed? (Admitting a personal bias for bass lines that jump-out in some way - tone, notes, form... don't do meek bass.) [/quote] Remember he is a session player and is doing a job for a paycheck at the end of the day. So, on many gigs, he'll err on the side of conservative playing because there just isn't the time to think up some weird, mind blowing bassline (the client probably wants just root notes anyway). I read Mike Scott's, from the Waterboys, autobiography recently and Pino and Jim Keltner played on his album 'Still Burning'. Mike describes how he had 10 days to record the whole album. So he had 2 or three hours to show the session guys the chords of a song in the morning and 6 or 7 hrs to actually record the song in the afternoon. If you listen to the album it's not bad but the bass (which has been mixed very muddy and low in the mix) and drums sound like they've been played by a couple of guys who play in a decent cover band on a Saturday night. Not two of the most accomplished session guys in the western world. With The John Mayer Trio, and the stuff he does with Simon Phillips, Pino has the chance to spread his wings a bit more..
  20. 19 year old genius eh? That boys gonna go far. Dunno about the basses you mention. Gibson don't sell a lot of SGs for a reason and even 70s Mustangs don't sell for much on ebay. You can get medium scale Fender Jazzes and Precisions which would be more versatile.
  21. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1364152197' post='2022593'] Badly. I used an olive woodstain that still looked brown. And then the wife suggested I used a thin acrylic paint wash over it. That worked, so after it dried I slathered the whole thing in Danish Oil, and voila. Comes off with my big sweaty paws all over it, and looks like it was done 20 years ago rather than 5 now. Lovely wear on it. [/quote] It looks very..........organic.
  22. This version is possibly even better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-YDNXggCYQ
  23. The guitarist in my band has one of these. It sure can twang. Have a bump on me.
  24. You could get somebody to make a torzal twist neck like this and fit it to your precision. I doubt it would cost more than the cost of a new medium range bass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLi8pOa6zYk
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