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Everything posted by gjones

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1363902565' post='2019348'] no, the shaft that the pot is attached to has snapped off, so the shaft that is glued into the knob (no pun intended he he) has come away from the pot, so if placed back is just spinning around with no tone control.. i can actually pull the knob out with the rest of the shaft attached.. i hope that makes sense... [/quote] Well you could try and superglue it back together for a temporary fix. Failing that ask KiOan's advice. I'm sure he can sort something out for you, inexpensively, without buying a whole control plate plus pots attached (although this could be good excuse to buy a John East J-Retro!).
  2. Are you saying the knob won't come off the pot because it doesn't have a grubscrew? Usually a bit of force will do the trick with those types (mine are the same).But if you can't budge it, I reckon that if you popped the control plate, with knobs attached, in a box and posted it to [size=4][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]KiOgan he would be able to replace the pot and get it back to you by early next week. He was very accomodating when I got my wiring loom from him. And his prices are very reasonable.[/font][/color][/size]
  3. I believe they are al the same shape but I found out the hard way that the holes in the control plate, that the pots go through, are not always the same size. On some Japanese/fareastern ones the holes are slightly smaller. KiOgan will be the expert as he is probably asked this question 10 times a day when people buy his wiring looms for Jazz basses (as I did when I bought one and the full size cts pots didn't fit my MIJ control plate).
  4. Yes as others have said. Unless you're looking for a tubey, gritty, Geddy Lee tone with your bossa nova band don't worry about it just keep it at 1.
  5. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1363778272' post='2017345'] Have you never listened to a song and wished you were there playing it? [/quote] Yes. I've been in very few covers bands (I've depped occasionally for wedding bands but they were usually thrown together and the players weren't up to much). I've played mostly in bands writing original stuff and blues and rock 'n' roll bands. Original bands are great but can sometimes allow me to be lazy and play within my comfort zone (I've written some great basslines - if I do say so myself) but have had to tone them down because the song needed something simpler. I don't feel I've ever been really stretched and would love to play some Blockheads stuff or Jamiroquai or even Muse where the songs were picked for their bass awesomeness and not because they're only 3 chords and easy for the bridesmaids to dance around their handbags to.
  6. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363545911' post='2013939'] Haha Well, he would normally set up, then ask, just so they had some security and could trust to pay him and still get what they paid for. I think it's reasonable, and he swears by it. He wouldn't do a gig unless he got paid before. [/quote] Chuck Berry always asks for his fee, in cash, in a brown paper bag, before he goes on stage. He was ripped off so many times in the past,he now refuses to play without the cash up front.
  7. As far as I'm aware 'Made in USA' has never been printed on the heel of the neck on an American bass. Made in USA is usually on the back or front of the headstock next to the serial number. It sounds suspicous to me. Especially as Noel Redding signature basses were made in Japan.
  8. Check that the earthing wire under the bridge has not become disconnected. This is what it SHOULD look like. http://music-electronics-forum.com/attachments/22120d1361893862-pj-bass-diagram.jpg
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1363371938' post='2012055'] If you really want to punish Dave ( or anybody else , for that matter ) make him listen to this : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzQ1pNfbe3Q[/media] [/quote] I'm Scottish and I like my Irn Bru and shortbread but surely only Donnie Munro's mum can listen to a Runrig CD all the way through.
  10. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1363369008' post='2011994'] If you say her name fast it sounds like that dreary fat scots bloke that wants Scotland to be independent......... sorry wanTED Scotland to be independent until it became a possibility and is now wallowing in his own soiled underwear at the prospect. Anyway - just as I was fantasising about showing Alex Hammond a few tasty bass lines and all of a sudden our clothes fall off his face pops in my mind negating even the slightest of twitches. [/quote] For penance you have to listen to this all the way through. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUfZ24jRT3s
  11. Yes but the only ones who were bothered were the other musicians at my workplace. Very few of the remainder know what a bass is .......and are even less interested in finding out.
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1355000757' post='1892924'] Oh, one time i plugged in my iPod and played rage against the machine. I then told them that it was my band, and i wrote the song. They all said it was good and they would listen to it if it was available to buy. Fools. [/quote] I think that's very funny. It would be even funnier if you let them listen to a HUGE band like Led Zep or The Beatles on your ipod and they thought it was you.
  13. My band share a rehearsal room and I use the other bassists line6 LD300 combo and I have to say it's basic sounds are pretty good and it's loud too. People make fun of them but if Klyde Jones is using one they can't be that bad.
  14. In my experience they don't change. But maybe I haven't had them on my bass long enough to notice?
  15. Oh, and remember to wear sunglasses indoors...... at ALL times
  16. My advice would be to buy yourself a jazz.......if you didn't already have a couple of very nice ones. Sounds like he has the tone down about halfway and has the low mids up a touch. It's the same sound I try to achieve and that's how I do it with my jazz. My secret is also a boss GEB-7 graphic which is flat except for a boost on the low mids.
  17. Does Rickenbacker make any models overseas? I can't see any evidence that they do, so have to assume they don't. Trying to fight manufacturers in the far east making copies is a losing battle. They should do what Fender did and licence Rickenbackers to be made overseas. At least that way you get something from the thousands of copies made rather than nothing at all.
  18. MBass cheap as chips http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ashdown-MiBass-Amplifier-550-Watts-and-Fits-Gig-Bag-Ex-Display-/150667520033#vi-content
  19. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1363087156' post='2008080'] Get something like a reliable , mid price job ( I use the GK MB series) that doesn;t break your back and transports easily - and have a holiday or some other life experience. with the rest of the grand. It's just a black box with knobs on whatever you get - sound is such a subjective thing anyway and the williams wouldn't know the difference between a hi fi sound that cost you a fortune and a kick in the nads. [/quote] I like your style Dr Dave
  20. KiOgon and basskit_case are talking about the original MiBass 550, which is semi parametric. I have one as well and they tick all the boxes and are reasonably priced now the new version is out.
  21. This looks handy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GoQDWVuCes
  22. I think they're called ghost notes. I play them by just lifting my left hand off the fretboard slightly and and pick the string as you normally would with your right plucking finger. This produces a 'dunk' noise but you can't hear the note. It gives a rhythmic feel to the bassline. It's used a lot in funk and motown stuff. If you're playing Jamerson stuff with ghost notes it doesn't sound like beginners basslines to me?
  23. I've refused to do a gig because of the past experience of the knuckle dragging clientele. Of course the band got a dep in and of course trouble flared, there was both a glassing and some other dude got a good beating with the heavy end of a pool cue. So the moral of my story is....... if you suspect there will be trouble just cancel. Gigging is supposed to be fun not a horrible ordeal.
  24. I certainly have a much better idea of bass values than before I joined basschat. I play a game where I guess the asking price of basses in the marketplace (or the eventual selling price on ebay) and usually I'm within £50 one way or another. I can also tell when a bass is a bargain or overpriced. If antiques roadshow ever want somebody to price secondhand japanese Fender Jazzes, I'm their man!
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