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Everything posted by Rich

  1. I love the sound of flats on a P (who doesn't?**) and would like to get the same noise from my bitsa P -- the trouble is, I absolutely hate the [i]feel[/i] of flatwound strings. Detest and loathe it. Eucchh. They feel, I dunno, slimy or something, and just make me want to wash my hands. I'm not even mad keen on groundwounds/halfwands/pressurewounds -- I like to feel proper windings under my fingers. So, what I'm getting at is this: other than sticking a set of rounds on and waiting for 20 years, is there any way of getting the strings to [i]sound like[/i] flats without actually [i]being[/i] flats? ** [size=2]intended to be purely rhetorical, I am fully aware that many people don't [/size]
  2. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267188-original-bands-wanted-to-audition-for-new-tv-series/page__p__2836444#entry2836444"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267188-original-bands-wanted-to-audition-for-new-tv-series/page__p__2836444#entry2836444[/url]
  3. Indeed. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267188-original-bands-wanted-to-audition-for-new-tv-series/page__p__2836444#entry2836444"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/267188-original-bands-wanted-to-audition-for-new-tv-series/page__p__2836444#entry2836444[/url]
  4. When, little hen? When, when, when will you lay me an egg for my tea?
  5. Yes, I did. Or more accurately, I sold a Status for cash and bought a Sire with some of it. Do you have a problem with that?
  6. [font="Arial Black"][size="4"]"The knobs are not original" [/size][/font] Worth pointing out, because the rest of it is so obviously mint and untouched.
  7. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1439803461' post='2845805'] [url="http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2015-New-Factory-war-Rick-5-strings-bass-guitar-Hott-selling-bass-with-9V-active-pickups/32398566143.html"]http://www.aliexpres...2398566143.html[/url] Have a look at this one.They get away with calling it a war-Rick.Blatant. [/quote] Jeez, what a dreadful thing The headstock looks like a kitchen utensil (much the same as a real Warwick, really) and the control knobs appear to have been fired at it from a blunderbuss.
  8. "[i]This is truly the rarest piece of stone roses memorabilia any fan/collector could possibly own...[/i]" I'd have said the original was probably rarer and a whole lot more desirable to any sensible collector [quote name='bigmuff69' timestamp='1439879746' post='2846363'] About £3500 to {sic} expensive[/quote] +1
  9. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1439895301' post='2846504'] There are a lot of reasons people sell their basses, amps, pedals etc here. Being crap is not usually one of them. GAS is a fickle animal [/quote] This. Up until recently I had a Status 5-string. I'd had it for donkey's and it was a great bass, a real looker and sounded superb, I loved it. Guess what? I sold it. Not because it was crap, but because I fancied a change and needed a few bob. So I bought something cheaper that I'd had my eye on (a V7). I wasn't the first to do such a thing with a long-owned and cherished instrument, and I certainly won't be the last. As mac says, GAS is a [i]very[/i] fickle mistress.
  10. Yeah, but if they do Rhythm Stick the keyboard player will play it like Les Dawson (but nobody will bat an eyelid), and the OP will be laughing so hard that he will drop one bum note into his otherwise flawless part and the rest of the band will all turn and glare at him.
  11. This is an interesting and useful source of info. [url="http://custompedalchainsystem.com/CPCS/ACCUEIL_files/EFFECT%20CURRENT%20DRAW%20BASE%202013%20CUSTOM%20PEDAL%20CHAIN%20SYSTEM.pdf"]Effects Current Draw Database[/url] It's dead easy to [url="http://stinkfoot.se/archives/821"]measure it yourself[/url] too. EDIT: Boss are conspicuous by their absence from that list, but their figures can be found [url="http://stinkfoot.se/archives/867"]here[/url].
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1439631912' post='2844504'] I think we need 3 lists. . . . Need To Know, Nice To Know and You're Kidding, Right? [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1439633592' post='2844521'] Now that led to Roger Moore in a Volvo (The Saint), a far more acceptable combination. [/quote] Nonsense. Lord Brett Sinclair in that mustard yellow Aston DBS, now THAT's more like it.
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1439627687' post='2844444'] No. This I do not agree with. I first stood on stage with a bass when I was 15 because I was influenced by Sweet, Slade, T Rex, The Clash, The Sex Pistols and the increased opportunity to get females. The aforementioned may have well been influenced by The Beatles, but I don't accept my guilt by association. It a bit like saying because I drive a car I must be influenced by the Model T, when day one for me and cars was Roger Moore in a Lotus. [/quote] This. Horace Panter, Bedders and Dave Steele (and subsequently Mark King, a bit of a sideways jump I know ) were the first guys to really inspire me to pick up a bass, so I guess if you follow that line back you could say that my ultimate influences are the original Jamaican ska bassists from the 60s, and later reggae (I'm sure Family Man will have been in there somewhere too). Not a Beatle in sight there if you ask me.
  15. Nice the tort plate looks 100000 times better than the original one.
  16. I suppose any of the artists at the vanguard of a popular genre can be said to be particularly influential, e.g. the hip hop pioneers (Afrika Bambaataa etc)
  17. Love Games, Level 42. E (min I think) Yes, it's a slap riff. Deal with it.
  18. I'd put [i]Pet Sounds [/i]well up on any list of influential albums. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1439548771' post='2843751'] Except for The Doors maybe, I cant see anything good there tbh. [/quote] Thank god it's not just me feels like that cringeworthy sixth-form lyrics and thoroughly unremarkable music. Everything I've ever heard of The Doors has been utterly meh. [size=3]But then again, I was only 6 when they released Riders On The Storm which means I wasn't really there, so my opinion counts for now't. [/size]
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1439488139' post='2843348'] IMO you should always go back to the vendor and give them a chance to put things right before going public. [/quote] Agreed, and to this end I have removed the vendor name from the OP's posts in an attempt to make it a little less 'name & shame'. Please keep it anonymous for the time being, especially as you say you are not intending to criticise.
  20. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1439213393' post='2840890'] Small bodies, single cuts, the top horn on a Corvette that looks like a nob, bog-seat Bongos, rosewood boards, shiny varnished necks, any of the forty seven million Jazz copies out there (no matter how much they cost), real Jazzes, Rickenbackers, anything other than 4s... [/quote] You've encompassed pretty much everything I own with that list
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1439294605' post='2841587'] Music that you like is a beautiful thing. I still don't see what makes it being played live any more special. [/quote] Hard to describe, but for me it makes it somehow more alive. Listening to great recorded music is a wonderful thing, but seeing and hearing it being performed, there right in front of you, makes it more... personal? I'm making a dreadful job of this explanation
  22. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1439246623' post='2841335'] I also have a strong dislike of guitarists who play blues rock. [/quote] Do you mean a dislike for the guitarists as people, or for their chosen field/techniques?
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