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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1443780931' post='2877604'] I've posted adverts looking for experimental musicians to collaborate with, and gotten replies from 'classic rock' bands wanting to know if I'd be interested in auditioning for them. [/quote] Likewise. Many years ago I advertised myself as looking for an instrumental jazz/funk band, and the first call I got was from a bunch whose major influence was The Smiths.
  2. Fretless PRS seen on farcebook... I think I'm in love...
  3. [color=#222222][color="#000000"]Searching back through the archives, it appears that he decided to pick a fight with at least one mod and the Admins. One of his PMs to the mod included the line "[i]Feel free to delete my acount [/i]{sic} [i]dickhead[/i]", and in his series of emails to the Admins he made a series of empty quasi-legal threats but then went predictably silent when asked to back his accusations up with anything remotely resembling evidence. Having read some of the stuff, I personally wouldn't go within a nautical mile of him or anything he might be peddling, but obviously it's your choice. [/color][/color]
  4. Most of the best recorded and live fretless tones I've heard have been from Wals. I would very much like to try out a fretless ACG five at some point. My credit card is less keen on the idea
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1436616774' post='2819545'] Except it is a killer rugby world cup game... and [s]will[/s] [i]has[/i] pretty much [s]define[/s] [i]put paid to [/i]England's chances. [/quote] Fixed to reflect the bitter truth
  6. Lovely, right up as far as the nut Sorry, I'm allergic to pointy headstocks but apart from that it's a gorgeous looker. That quilt is lovely.
  7. Is it worth it? A new winter coat and shoes for the wife, and a bicycle on the boy's birthday
  8. Rich

    Strange Bass

    [quote name='visog' timestamp='1443347065' post='2873944'] everyone posts everything in general now and the moderators just let it happen. Madness. [/quote] Yeah, what a complete shower they are.
  9. In this proud land we grew up strong, we were wanted all along I was taught to fight, taught to win, I never thought I could fail
  10. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1443294078' post='2873691'] "We like to party We like, we like to party We like to party We like, we like to party We like to party We like, we like to party We like to party" [/quote] "No no No no no no No no no no No no there's no limits." My god, it's poetry.
  11. Without music, life would[attachment=201535:Bflat.jpg]
  12. What's the difference between a trampoline and a banjo? You take your shoes off to jump up and down on a trampoline. What's the difference between a dead badger in the road and a dead bassoonist in the road? The badger might have been on his way to a paying gig. What's the definition of a gentleman? Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes, but doesn't. A violinist phones the orchestra office one day, asking to speak to the conductor. "I'm sorry" says the PA, "he has passed away." Half an hour later he calls again, asking to speak to the conductor. "I've already told you" says the PA, "he's dead." Half an hour later he calls yet again, asking to speak to the conductor. "Look" says the PA, "I've told you twice that the conductor is dead, why do you keep calling?" The violinist replies, "I just like hearing you say it."
  13. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]As performed by Sam Smith, hyped to the eyeballs for weeks and finally played on R2 this morning... ...and IMO, best summed up as 'meh'. I spent the whole song waiting for the crescendo that never happened. Very, very dull. Predictably, Evans raved about it so much you'd think it was the greatest songwriting epic since Bo Rhap.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]YMMV, obvs.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#1F497D][font=Calibri] [/font][/color] [/font][/size]
  14. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1437907725' post='2829827'] I like the idea of an acoustic bass roundup. If you could herd them all into a corner or a pen it would be so much easier to make sure none escape the flamethrower [/quote]Try that with mine at your peril
  15. I was flicking through the channels on the TV On a Sunday in Milwaukee in the rain
  16. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1443029016' post='2871671'] [color=#444444][font=arial, sans-serif]"One, two, three o'clock, four o'[/font][/color][color=#444444][font=arial, sans-serif] clock rock!"[/font][/color] [size=4]Welcome to an older new era, youth of post-war Britain![/size] [/quote] "Pennsylvania six five-thousand!" [size=4]Welcome to an even older new era, sort-of youth of mid-war Britain! [/size]
  17. When I was young I'd listen to the radio waiting for my favourite songs When they played I'd sing along, it made me smile oh, Karen
  18. The Mississippi Delta was shining like a National guitar.
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1442999793' post='2871222'] Dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources, Chased amid fusions of wonder In moments [i]etc.[/i] Everlasting. [/quote] Hippy.
  20. There are loads, but this one of Seth Lakeman's is a favourite: "Out of the moonlight in the month of May, this ship would take her last breath..."
  21. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1442864489' post='2870135'] I think Leo had something when he created the precision, then the Jazz, then the stingray and then g&l. The proof must be in what people actually play. I don't see many Just, Sandberg, Lakland, Sadowsky or Wals. But I do see an awful lot of Fenders. [/quote] Maybe it's because there are a lot more Fenders actually in existence than any of those other brands?
  22. Probably the best live sound I've ever had (and one of the best overall sounds for us as a band) was engineered by our very own joegarcia. It takes a bassist...
  23. G55+rackmount incoming from Anderton's! I've had several different wirelesses over the years, mainly Trantec (S4.5 is very good) but also an old AKG which was nice and an Ashdown Freebass which was unprintably bad. Getting back into gigging seriously now after something of a layoff and have decided to treat myself.
  24. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1442753088' post='2869202'] So [s]much nonsense[/s][b] many opinions[/b] in this thread. [/quote] Fixed
  25. Sire V7. Everything a Fender Jazz 5 should be and much more, and for stupid money. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1442735794' post='2869013'] There's nothing at all wrong with Fenders IMO apart from the price... I cannot see how a Std Fender Jazz is nearly twice the price of a Sire. If I were looking to spend £700-1000 on a bass, my first thought would be a Maruszczyk not a Fender. [/quote] Agreed.
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