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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450128735' post='2929937'] No, I'm convinced the JP haters are confusing "don't like" with "don't understand" [/quote] I think if if you put your mind to it and tried really [i]really[/i] hard, you could probably be a little bit more patronising.
  2. Aye. If D'Angelicos weren't so expensive, I'd buy one just to hang on the wall as a piece of art. My guitarist bestie has one, it's stunning in every way.
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450120519' post='2929826'] Anyway I have checked the dates of birth and death and it's possible that McCartney is a reincarnation of Blanton. [/quote] If you play Let It Be backwards, you can clearly hear Macca saying "I am Jimmy Blanton, and I'm all that. Stop the aimless noodling and bring me my f***ing headband".
  4. Most of my favourite guitar sounds come from humbuckers. But then I like jazz and fusion, so I'm probably a hopeless case For me, guitars don't get much better sounding (or looking) than something like this:
  5. I did just post another comment, but have deleted it -- the reason being that IMO this thread is going round in pointless circles. Very, very boring.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449977774' post='2928538'] You might want to consider selling your gear. [/quote] Will you please give it up with the "if you don't like Jaco you should give up" stuff? It's demeaning and more than a little insulting. Added to which we've heard it (more than) once and it's getting tedious. Yes I'm tetchy this morning.
  7. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1449917914' post='2927912'] That would be a fair point, but a statement like 'Jaco sounds like someone noodling in a guitar shop' is nothing to do with taste. There is a difference between 'i don't like the way it sounds', and 'it's just a load of random notes that my aunt could come up with'. [/quote] Refer to the OP: [quote] to me it was just disjointed... It sounded like I'd just walked into any guitar shop in the world... Aimless noodling... [/quote] The operative words are "to me". It's an OPINION, as in "I don't like the way it sounds", not a statement of fact like "Jaco sounds like...". You're having a pop at the OP on the basis of your misinterpretation of what he actually said.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449785759' post='2926929'] I don't know where I rate as a player. I have nights when I'm "on fire" and think I should be on tour with a big international headliner. And I have nights where I feel I haven't progressed any further beyond my abilities as a teen rocker and should give it up. [/quote] Anyone who says they've never had nights like those is a bloody liar ps. *Rainey
  9. I never liked Nirvana. Is there an instrument I should give up, and if so which one?
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1449700103' post='2926190'] Mexican Fenders - I`ve had a few [/quote] But then again, too few to mention.
  11. A lot of people like Mark King**. There is no doubting that he has been tremendously influential over the years and a hell of a lot of people picked up the bass in the first place because of him. Myself included, to a fairly large degree. There are also an awful lot of people who don't like Mark King, and some of them express this opinion in very forthright terms. It's not 'proper' bass, sounds like a canteen of cutlery being thrown down a metal staircase, that sort of thing. I can't say I've ever seen a King fan telling people to give up playing bass or call people 'ignorant', for simply [i]not liking the sound[/i] of it. They take it on the chin because they accept that at the end of the day it is all [i]opinion[/i] and not worth getting all indignant about. Someone doesn't like the same music/player as you. Big deal. If we all liked the same stuff, it would be a tremendously dull world. Some people love Jaco's playing, some people find it fairly unbearable, some people are somewhere in the middle. Accept it and move on. ** [size=3]please note: I am not in any way seeking to compare MK and JP as players. Just thought I'd better clear that up straightaway.[/size]
  12. You can listen to something *once* and know whether you like it or not. You don't have to know the first damn thing about it to know whether it appeals to your ears or not. Read the OP again -- all he did was to say that he'd heard something and didn't like it. He said "to me, it sounded like..."; he didn't try to present his opinion as fact or anything.
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449704191' post='2926229'] And at the end if the day why would I post negative opinions about any of these bass players. These guys "made it" I didn't and many of you haven't either. Blue [/quote] Hold on. Are you suggesting that we shouldn't express an opinion on someone unless we're as [i]famous[/i] as they are??
  14. [quote name='BenTunnicliffe' timestamp='1449620619' post='2925366'] I hate the Beatles. [/quote] OH NO! You said the B WORD!
  15. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1449477444' post='2923732'] How do you eq your Ashdown? I bought one here recently but am struggling to set it up to how I like. [/quote] I use the following method to get a good sound from an Ashdown:[list=1] [*]Switch it off. [*]Plug into pretty much anything else. [/list] Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449541667' post='2924527'] Fisrt time in 40 years i have ever heard anyone refer to Joco's playing as "aimless noodling" [/quote] Quite. I've often heard it called [i]far[/i] worse than that. Hendrix's playing polarises a lot of opinion. Some say he's a guitar god, others think a lot of his work borders on unlistenable. It doesn't mean that the dislikers should give up playing guitar though, all it means is that Hendrix's style and genre of playing is not for them. EXACTLY the same is true of Jaco. He and Hendrix are two peas from slightly different pods -- like them or love them, you can't deny the fact that they've been incredibly influential on generations of players -- but it doesn't mean that liking their music or style is mandatory.
  17. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1449499681' post='2924074'] He was our Hendrix - regardless of whether you think he was a genius or a hack you can't deny the fact that he totally reinvented our instrument and that almost every single 'big name' player today takes influence from him in one form or another. [/quote] I was going to write something, but then realized that this ^^ said it already
  18. I loved my old GP12SMX, what a great sound. If Trace could get 'their' sound into a lightweight rig, I reckon they'd make a mint. I'd definitely check one out.
  19. Rich

    yamaha sb7a?

    IIRC BigRedX had about a thousand of these at one time?
  20. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1449252729' post='2922017'] Get off this thread then, Elvis. [/quote] Cheeky young whippersnapper. Stand still while I belt you one with my zimmer frame. 👴
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1449238599' post='2921863'] I've just realised how hopelessly out of touch I've become [/quote] 😄 you and me both. Gah, all this modern music is a noise. And you can't hear the words. Is it time for my nap yet?
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1449245170' post='2921943'] I'm sure I saw them on the same tour, wasn't Neil Murray playing bass with them? [/quote] Not quite, when I saw them it was still Sano -- I remember him distinctly, thundering away with his Steve Harris fingers on what if memory serves was a Yamaha BB of some sort. He was a great player and definitely looked very cool. I think Murray took over shortly afterwards.
  23. The only gig I've ever left early was Vow Wow in a club in Reading in 1987. Not because they were bad -- far from it, they were absolutely superb -- but because I'd only gone out of curiosity TBH, and I had a really early start next morning. In terms of [i]really[/i] bad performance, my first prize goes to a band called The Regulators; my band supported them at the Mean Fiddler back in early 1988. They really thought they were It, swaggering around the place like they owned it and basically treating everyone especially us, the support, like the sht on their shoes. From their soundcheck it was obvious they thought they were the Black Crowes, but they were about as impressive as Black Lace. I got an idea of what their set was going to be like when we left the dressing room for our set and they were already a third of the way down a couple of bottles of JD -- by the time we finished shifting our kit and they came out for their set, they could barely stand. The frontman walked into his mic stand, got the mic out of the clip at the third attempt, waved one of the now-empty JD bottles at the audience with a stupid 'look, I've had a drink, aren't I clever' grin and bellowed, "Hey. Heyyyy. Are you, are you ready. To g *hic* get rrregulated?". You'd think from there it could only really get better, but no. That was actually the high point of their set. The sheer car-crash horror of their 'performance' can probably be summed up by the fact that at one point I glanced over at the desk and the engineer was just staring at the stage and shaking his head slowly in disbelief. BTW, I've had a quick google and found a band on there called The Regulators. I'd just like to point out that they are very definitely [u]not[/u] the same band.
  24. I haven't had a NYE gig for years. Really miss it.
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