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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1445778064' post='2894039'] Possible alternative way to the same end: Buy/lend him a wireless rig, so he can go walkabout, and find out how crap he sounds for himself. [/quote] Cheaper alternative: 30ft lead.
  2. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1445758122' post='2893824'] Tom Pudgy and the Heart Bypasses [/quote] Tom Pâté, surely..?
  3. I've heard dreadful bass on some of KC & the Sunshine Band's radio fodder. Give It Up and Please Don't Go spring to mind. They're not really what you'd call a "super" band though.
  4. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1445356537' post='2890876'] Is this as good as it gets round here? [/quote] No, but that story is as good as it ever gets on Yahoo 'News' -- compared to some of the sh*t they publish, this is Pulitzer-winning.
  5. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1445700260' post='2893569'] Record it with a decent recorder facing the stage, then get him to listen to it. I have had success with this! [/quote]I agree. Record it, then the rest of you sit him down and play it to him and ask him if he still thinks it's awesome and needs to be louder. If he still says yes, get rid.
  6. Mind's gone blank. Where do I remember this from? Album? [attachment=203404:roger-dean_00414954.jpg]
  7. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1445510824' post='2891986'] Am I really the only one that would use a P bass for rock covers? I'd want to be using the bass 90% of the songs I was replicating were recorded on. [/quote] I was in a blues-rock trio for a number of years -- we played the sort of stuff you'd expect, Hendrix, G.Moore, Hamsters, SRV, Zeezees. During that time I used a Wal, a Bass Maniac-clone 5 string, even a Tobias 6 string, but never anything Fendery. I always got the right tone and not once did I have it suggested to me that it would sound or be better if I used a P bass. Personally I wouldn't get really hung up on using exactly the right bass unless I was in a pukka tribute band.
  8. Well you've just described my favourite sub-£1000 fretless bass as 'vile', so there's probably nothing I can add to this thread.
  9. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1445440507' post='2891507'] They look a bit odd/naff like the JayDee things. [/quote] I see what you mean. Good heavens, they could almost be twins. I mean, they're both... well... they've got four strings... and, errm... [attachment=203215:twins.jpg]
  10. I'd have the Gallus, but I'd be looking to swap the pickup for one of Alan's big MC multi-coil humbuckers. But then again I like Wals, so what do I know?
  11. Another wholehearted endorsement of Yamaha basses from me. I've had my RBX765A for 13 or 14 years (it's now fretless courtesy of Mr Shuker) and it's as good today as when I walked out of the shop with it. And from what I've seen, their current crop are gorgeous too -- I'd love a TRB5PII but they are bonkers expensive. Their budget basses remain unbeatable VFM.
  12. Zombie thread alert! My GAS list is currently quite short. 1. YOB Jazz 2. Ibanez SRF705 3. Wal 5 string -- yup, I like Wals. Deal with it 1 and 3 are total pipe dreams for the foreseeable. I might consider a L*m*l*ght facsimile of 1 as an interim measure. Maybe.
  13. ...look elsewhere. Eeek. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Bass-guitar-neck-/252125074201?hash=item3ab3d35319"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Bass-guitar-neck-/252125074201?hash=item3ab3d35319[/url]
  14. Summary: All the basses I like are brilliant, and all the ones you like are crap.[/thread]
  15. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1444216291' post='2881162'] [/quote] Becky! She's great -- she depped for me once, although for my band it must have been a bit like having an Aston Martin courtesy car while the Mondeo was being fixed.
  16. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1444243056' post='2881559'] Wouldn't be of any use to me, I can't play guitar (And I mean that genuinely, I can't play guitar at all) [/quote] That needn't stop you. I only know 4 chords, and three of them are E.
  17. If we're mentioning guitars, I have one -- the classic Pawn Shop Acoustic. Everybody should have one in my case it's a beaten up old Eko Ranger 6, built like a tank and about as subtle and handsome as one too.
  18. That ^^ is a real thing of loveliness. The horn shapes are superb.
  19. No worries, I enjoyed it thanks for buying me lunch! Like we were saying in the car on the way back, while it's a pity none sold on the day there was a hell of a lot of interest and everyone who touched them loved them (not surprised, they're smashing, especially that beautiful blue), and it was a valuable Lessons Learned exercise too. If you'd like a similar hand in future, gimme a shout.
  20. Memory's going, is it Dan? Oh dear. Part and parcel of getting old, I'm afraid. Pretty soon you'll be dribbling down yourself, taking afternoon naps and saying things like "In the olden days..." Not to mention repeating yourself and losing track of what you were errm Memory's going, is it Dan? Oh dear. Part and parcel of getting old, I'm afraid.
  21. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1443980088' post='2879181'] Seems they're avoiding France too on the tour. [/quote] It seems that a lot of bands touring Europe are starting to avoid whole countries or regions completely. For example: my favourite guitar chap Mike Stern is on a 'European tour' this November (Tom Kennedy on bass, Chambers on drums!) , so I eagerly checked the tour dates hoping to be able to catch one of the gigs. Fat chance. The itinerary is: Hungary; Austria; Switzerland; six(!) gigs in Germany; Spain; Poland; that's it. 'European' tour?
  22. I saw Yolanda Charles' solo demo at the Manson show in Exeter yesterday. Her complete command of the instrument, together with her faultless ability to sing over a seriously funky syncopated 16th note bassline (and even more impressively, to *talk* over that same bassline), made me feel like an amoeba.
  23. Just watching Yolanda doing her thing. Oh my GOD.
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