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Everything posted by 3below

  1. After that slice just note the precentage paypal takes on the transaction as well. Nice work if you can get it!
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1395822030' post='2406602'] I recently moved on a Warwick Corvette $$ five string as the strings were way to close together for me to play comfortably... Shame really as it was a cracking bass, with a great tone... I just couldn't play the thing Think I measured it at about 15-16mm. [/quote] Said it for me, exactly as above but with Corvette Rockbass fretless 5. Not yet moved it on though... will be a bargain for someone. I was amazed that with 40+ years playing (bass, guitar, double bass) the few mm difference has thrown my playing. I just gave in and got German Corvette 4 string fretless
  3. Paint on top of the Poly? I started to strip a poly finished bass body (cheap). It still awaits finishing.....
  4. I have one, was purchased for other half's business. The plinth can be a bit narrow for some amps / combos etc - cut a suitable piece of plywood to increase the base size.
  5. The back panel is interesting - no obvious screen printed info e.g. wattage, mains voltage, frequency, EC approvals etc. I would have expected that sort of info on a production amp - have never seen one without some info (other than srious vintage lit) since I got into music - 1974. On that basis I would start wondering is it a pre-production prototype (or replacement back panel)? You might have something pretty unique.
  6. Wish I had kept my 77 telecaster - was my mainstay guitar through university. It was a great guitar, notes seemed to bloom, exits left reminiscing as usual....
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1394747352' post='2394857'] I was going to post Little Girl in Bloom on here yesterday... WEIRD. [/quote] Shared good taste
  8. Possible alternative, Vol, Tone and blend pot. I have a two humbucker bass with this arrangement, works well for me.
  9. As far as I know this isRic - remember him discussing Ric vs P bass and effect on playing style. Saw him using Ric with Acoustic 370 Malvern Wintergardens 1970s. The album is one of my all time favourites - Vagabonds of western world. Inspired me to buy a Ric in the late 70s. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq1dXaNHJQ0[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1NLVVKU5Vk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFmNGPyq9eE&list=RDI1NLVVKU5Vk[/media]
  10. Marshall VBA - had one, can be got for sensible prices - mine was £450 ish. Loud, clean or dirty, weighed a ton. Very loud if required. Having owned Hiwatts (200 and 100W 1970s originals), Marshalls and Fender valve heads (still have an immaculate Sound City), all were good. I now use solid state Peavey Tour 700s - cheap, loud, reliable, and good tone (IMO) with BF Dubster and Big One. 100W valve amps more than adequate for most situations. If they are not you need a big PA. Bargains are still out there - carlsbro for example.
  11. Tour 700s can be found for about £200 if you wait long enough, tough call. Both of mine totally reliable (I have the same expectation of Peavey kit as you do). Could be worth opening it up and seeing whether there are any internal fuses. Failing that time to find a good electronics repair shop locally?
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1382568115' post='2253917'] I wouldn't play an aluminium bass guitar, so I assume I'd shun an aluminium double bass too. Mind you, I definitely would have a go on it first, though [/quote] If you get the opportunity, try an aluminium necked Kramer bass. I rate mine highly, clarity of notes combined with even string response. The weight can become a bit tedious
  13. Not a bass but a Yamaha pacifica guitar cheapest model (s/h £60). Ignoring the slightly angular edges, a very good guitar. I have two USA strats and it is comparable in terms of action and playability - pickups a different matter, but easily and cheaply sorted. Lightweight basses - Alder body Warwick Rockbass Corvette - makes my others seem heavyweight, also was cheap as chips.
  14. 3below


    [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1393967408' post='2386477'] Give it to somebody who knows what they're doing - I had a similar issue with my Warwick Corvette recently, spent hours trying to fix it without any luck ...took it to my local luthier who identified a couple of issues which I would never have noticed - he put them right in a couple of hours... There are times when you need specialist knowledge... [/quote] So right, I had issues with setting up the 'best' guitar I own, could never get it right. Trip to local luthier, guitar transformed, now plays as it should. One other thought, which has been touched on in other threads - faulty string. I have also experienced this (only once) and it took me ages to have that realisation. New string was faulty.
  15. 3below


    Is the bridge the usual Fender bent metal plate or diecast (like the high mass bridge)? If bent metal plate, get a local metal shop to make a longer plate in stainless steel. Screw to body locations can be identical but the fold can be further back allowing more adjustment. This arrangement could replace a die cast version.
  16. TI flats (8yrs old) on USA SB1. Plenty of everything
  17. I have one of these, bought at the same price. Someone will get a bargain, the quality is excellent.
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1392742635' post='2372226'] efficiency... tuning... low end response... [/quote] and Xmax, my favourite dimension in many situations.
  19. Based on my Kramer - [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Dimarzio DP122 or based on my G&L SB1, if you can source one, G&L MFD P bass type. Both of these seem to have high output, no shortage of bass n treble and plenty of punch. [/font][/color]
  20. Having both rockbass corvette and German corvette - I will just say the rockbass quality is superb. The bang per buck at this price is incredible.
  21. Time to become the legal Walter White. I will have the placebos that increase my bass playing and cycling powers. Excellent programme, I have used hypnosis and found it was very good.
  22. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1392206599' post='2365890'] Another possiblity is sheer tiredness. I dont drink and play, but if I'm properly knackered after a day at work then if I'm practicing at home I struggle to remain focused. Same at a rehearsal, althought the combined energy of the band together usually lifts me through anything other than utter exhaustion. Gigs I'm generally running in a fairly heightened state jsut by playing a gig, but even then if I'm very tired it can be a struggle. [/quote] The tiredness issue is a real point to consider. I have also been affected by the same (as have my colleagues who are all in same line of work). One rehearsal was such an epic fail that we still laugh about today. We were like a bunch of talentless beginners starting out, the mistakes etc were monumental, so much so we gave up that night. Sheer tiredness.
  23. Dr Dave has it so right from my perspective. I am 'blessed' with the ability to forget (or not even remember in first place) chord sequences (beyond 12 bar). This seems to be getting 'better' with age (ie can forget more). I can remember the fill ins, passing notes etc etc no problem. I have found tolerant band members and large font crib sheets very useful. I believe leading orchestra players use something similar, they call its sheet music? score? Middle distance reading glasses and a good ear have helped. Be gentle with guitar player is best advice.
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