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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. I'd go to a weekend daytime event.
  2. Website with video page and clear setlist, gallery and dates pages. Flyers for venues containing web address dates, songs, good band photo. Use the internet. Get a template intro message together and message every venue you can get in touch with.
  3. No offence to Dave Swift intended at all, but at least having Jools Holland on the cover lets me know who he plays with. I can find out more by reading the article.
  4. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1464338155' post='3058508'] A couple of sweeping generalizations there! I have a couple of home built Precision's with Fender logo's applied, I have absolutely no "penis envy" to own a real Fender, I already own too many of them, yet choose to gig with the basses I have built myself...why apply the logo, purely aesthetically, it completes the look of the bass, I would never sell the bass as a Fender and as other have already said, it is not difficult to spot that it is not a "real" Fender.[/quote] If you put a Fender logo on a non-Fender bass to 'complete the look', that is to decieve people. Maybe not for a sale. [quote name='Roger2611'] I am not trying to fool anyone with the logo, especially me, I have a Mike Dirnt Squier Precision, totally rebuilt, all replacement parts, custom colour, Fender logo applied again however it was such a good bass originally that I have happily left the "Crafted in China" logo and serial number on the back of the neck, it is lacquered in and could not now be removed without a total refinish of the neck, so it is there for life now. Most people that have looked at the bass simply cannot believe it was a budget instrument! So again not trying to fool anyone.[/quote] Fender logo applied to a non-Fender instrument. Not trying to fool anyone? [quote name='Roger2611'] Most, but not all obviously! Of the copy Rickenbacker's out there are, to me, hugely inferior to the real deal, the Rockinbetter clone is about half as big again as the real deal, I had a couple and got rid because they felt so cumbersome, but it sparked enough interest for me to go and play the real thing, yes, I was hugely impressed with them to the point that I am probably going to buy one...today...yes really![/quote] Rockinbetter's are awful. You'll enjoy a Ric. [quote name='Roger2611'] I do believe that the copy basses create a desire to own the real thing, I think Fender know that and that is why they are not so protective of their trademarks (and I guess the sheer amount of clones out there would make any effort at protection rather futile now) I do think Rickenbacker are wrong in their aggressive pursuit of copy instruments for the same reasons given above, however, you cannot argue that a Rickenbacker bass has better residual values than the majority of Fender basses have. [/quote] Maybe they do create a desire to own the real thing, but mainly they just steal a piece of the market from the real thing. If you were the owner of said copyrighted designs, you would blow your top if people just started putting copies of your design out there. Saying it's ok is an excuse for saying 'I don't care about the copyright owner' (and fair enough, they may not care about you, but is it morally right to re-badge a copy instrument and pass it off as the real thing? Not really. You have a right to your opinion and I respect that right, but...
  5. I got hold of mp3's of the Arctic Monkeys songs they wanted to do. I sat down to work them out and found them utterly unlistenable. The kind of dumb music I really despise. I never got to the end of a single song. I emailed the band and asked if the Arctic Monkeys songs were deal-breakers. They were, so I passed on the band. I have never heard of them since.
  6. I don't have a problem with a cheap bass that has been rebadged as a Fender, as long as nobody tries to sell it to me. It just shows the bassist has a bit of penis envy for a real Fender. It also shows that they are happy to fool other people and possibly themselves. A decent bass remains a decent bass, no matter what name is on the headstock. It is also a valid comment on the rising price of Fender basses. I lent one of my basses to someone on what turned out to be a long-term loan. It came back to me from the person I had lent it to (dropped off by someone else) suddenly with a 'Gibson' logo on the headstock. It does make it so I don't feel like taking that bass out, especially since I bought a similar real Gibson inbetween times. I can't restore it to how it originally was, as the original brand nameplate was discarded. No wonder he didn't bring it back in person.
  7. You have a way to go to beat this one. Magnificent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T68AXsUAEI
  8. We've just had one cancelled on June 11th and had no free dates to swap to.
  9. No input. Alcoholic singer. Being the only one interested in gig hunting. Being sent a supplementary list of songs straight after passing the audition - I don't like The Arctic Monkeys.
  10. Speaking as someone who has had surgery twice in two years (half of thyroid out last year, and all of my cancerous prostate gland last month), having a decent band with the loyalty to wait for you is a wonderful thing. Try to get a clear picture of what is going on. I don't think the others would be hanging around if they were not confident of the singer's return. It may be worth asking if they kinow a female singer who could dep, so as not to have to struggle for songs.
  11. That site claims that that was the first SG bass made by Gordon Smith. I didstinctly recall missing out on a sunburst GS EB3 in the mid 1990's at what is now Howarths Music in Bolton. It was sold while I went into the town centre to draw the money out to buy it.
  12. I was sent my current band's setlist of about 50 songs (covers) and I only actually had to learn a few for the audition in order to be 90% up to speed. It was just a case of "Let's see what we can get through off that list." Maybe the list of 20 songs for the OP just showed what they did and 'as many as possible' was desirable.
  13. As long as the venue isn't a sh*thole, I'll play any of my basses at any gig. They are bought to be used, not live in cases.
  14. Round here (the NW) there are lots of tribute bands doing the rounds (Thin Lizzy, Status Quo and Pink Floyd appear to be the target of most people's tributes). I think there are two types of tributes: the slavish devotees who try to get everything spot on right down to appearance and instruments used and those who just go out and 'play the music of...' It's a very very over-saturated market and the old mentality of thinking that 'tribute bands always get more money' is totally to blame for this. That's not really true anymore, because some of the inferior bands who think a tribute is about just 'playing the songs of' have really devalued the tribute circuit. It makes it harder for the good acts to be taken seriously. That's why some of the tributes can't find their Freddie, Rossi or Noddy Holder, etc.
  15. A doctor writes: "GAS is possible to cure temporarily. There is, however, a 90% chance of a recurrence in later life."
  16. It really depends how much notice you have been given. In your case, none. That's ridiculous. I would not have left without half of the fee. I would have asked how old their windows were, too. Get the name from them of the person that you need to invoice at the brewery.
  17. Wonderful band - saw them at Manchester Academy on the farewell tour. What a shame they've chucked it in.
  18. Two lovely basses. Horses for courses, but the blue P is an utter joy to play. The sunburst is more of a blues thang.
  19. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1457713343' post='3001275'] To be fair, I don't know if CM has ever [i][b]played[/b][/i] a Rick. I do know he's mimed with one... [media]http://youtu.be/9t2j8NcVpW4[/media] Probably my fave XTC track... [/quote] That is a Kay copy - it's not a Ric.
  20. Personally I think Limehouse Lizzy are completely up themselves after reading this. The time gap between your gigs and theirs, not even at the same venue.... pathetic. Whether you are in the MU or not, you definitely had a contract with the venue when you took the dates. I would tell the venue that you want the two dates back and that you will change your set (that's IF you can do that). I would also call LL out on this and ask them what the f*** they think they are playing at?
  21. Something like this (Friday): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24nnF4V5I1U
  22. ^^^^ That would be Martin Gordon.
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