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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1477594789' post='3163284'] Have a look on the 'north west bands' site and post a bass player available ad. Some open mic nights also posted on there on the community blog. [/quote] NWB is not allowing any new account set-ups at present (but a new paid membership version with subscriptions available for bands and venues will be available next year). www.nwmusicians.co.uk is taking registrations to fill the gap until NWB v2 comes along..
  2. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1477499771' post='3162638'] Why the hell would you take a 12 string bass to a jam night? A bit self-defeating. We all know what jam nights are for [/quote] [i][b]Without wanting to take this off topic....[/b][/i] And what is the problem with taking a 12-string bass to a jam night? It's only a bass. I often take it to the jam night I run. Never had any issues with it being there.
  3. [quote name='Basvarken' timestamp='1473005073' post='3125957'] The price is based on 500 book printed. Although I am not sure how on earth I am going to sell 500 copies ;-) [/quote] You may want to look at how much it would be to self-publish via Blurb, like I did with my 4 Slade live photobooks. Print on demand means you don't have any outlay and boxes of them lying unsold around the house for years. Blurb do all of the customer service (including the inevitable 'lost copies' that can send you spiralling into loss) and you set your own profit figure. They are signed for on delivery, so that sorts that out. They can also put them on amazon.com for you.
  4. Clicky is the right word, Blue. They like to keep their club exclusive - it protects their income.
  5. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqd-jkQTyB8[/media]
  6. 12stringbassist

    The THREE

  7. I either go active or passive for the evening, so: Active: 2 or 3 from: Warwick Streamer Chrome Tone or Warwick Thumb NT Hamer 12 string bass or Dean Rhapsody 8-string bass Fender Precision Lyte or BC Rich Mockingbird Passive: 2 or 3 from: One of 4 Ric 4003's or Retrovibe Rickenbastard Fender Jazz or Fender Precision or something else from down the pecking order... My Danelectro Longhorn gets a lot of use at the moment, due to its weight.
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1477000223' post='3159244'] I remember I did go to a jam that consisted of local heavy hitters. I even had one if their own vet me or vouge for me. A new set opened and my guy introduced me and asked if I could play a couple of tunes with s well known guitarist and harp player. The organizer said "no" and they played without s bass player. [/quote] That reminds me of one time - the funniest thing I've ever come across - was at an unfamiliar jam night that I went to once was being asked [i]what type of bass guitar I had in my case[/i]. I actually laughed at the guy who asked me and asked him what difference it made. I think he wanted me to have some desirable vintage instrument before he put my name down to slot in with someone. After a long one-way discussion with much *unsuccessful* fishing on his part, I opened the bass case when it was my turn to get up on stage and back some poor sap playing a really turgid version of 'Knocking on Heaven's door' and got out my Hamer 12-string bass. I never went back. Going back to Blue's original dilemma - I'd say it's not what you know, it's WHO you know. Networking will get you more openings. You need to talk to the right people.
  9. This reminds me of the venue in Nelson, Lancs that cancelled my old band at VERY short notice because the landlady and her husband had forgotten they were having a night out. Utter incompetence. Best to agree a band policy for if a venue gets dodgy with you in future on arrival.
  10. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuzNNgWeAkI[/media] Flamin' Slade. I'm playing a Warwick Streamer Chrome Tone.
  11. I'd say to Blue, that if you go for the promotion to the touring circuit, you may be lucky to be able to schedule other work in your downtime from the new band. Finding something to slot into in that downtime may not be easy. Apart from that, I'd say, if you have made some contacts in that world, the thing to do is ask them if there is anything going. Very best of luck. I am aware of a bassist job coming up with a known UK tribute band that I would have been well suited for, but they are apparently not making the money they could, which is why the current bassist is going. Funnily enough, I turned down the opportunity to join the actual band they are a tribute to, as the money for the hired hands didn't match that of my day job at the time.
  12. So, what's the general consensus about a cure for the stickiness?
  13. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1475560422' post='3146851'] First bass I can remember GAS for was a Fender Precision Lyte hanging in Fox's Music in Nottingham. Wouldn't touch one with a bargepole now [/quote] Mine is my soulmate. Different strokes.
  14. Caroline followed by Roll over lay down. Make 'em have it.
  15. Ta. I think I will end up taking my whole rig (HA3500 + TP210 / TP410) to somewhere that gets one in and doing an A/B test.
  16. My band The THREE [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEdQOTyUf_4[/media]
  17. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYZbsWMk9SE[/media] From the Sunday jam night that I run.
  18. I host a jam night and take a bass for myself and one for the mortals. Tonight I let two guys I know play a Rickenbacker - but only because I know them very well. Random people get the Squier.
  19. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNEOiguqmEk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSFwcYbPTQ0[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEdQOTyUf_4[/media]
  20. Looking at the bass in question, if it was mine, I'd consider the refinish if I had no great desire to sell it. I don't subscribe to the 'if it's mashed, it's valuable' theory, but that's just me. I like a nice looking bass, with minimal wear - some wear, yes, but that's gone beyond the point where I would buy it. I think if you get it refinished to look original, it would be a nice thing to do.
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