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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNEOiguqmEk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSFwcYbPTQ0[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEdQOTyUf_4[/media]
  2. Looking at the bass in question, if it was mine, I'd consider the refinish if I had no great desire to sell it. I don't subscribe to the 'if it's mashed, it's valuable' theory, but that's just me. I like a nice looking bass, with minimal wear - some wear, yes, but that's gone beyond the point where I would buy it. I think if you get it refinished to look original, it would be a nice thing to do.
  3. I've got this Custom Shop Thumb NT. At the time a one-off finish - gloss walnut, or so I was told, anyway. Shops will tell you anything. It's lovely to play - shallow, wide neck, stack knob controls. 26 frets (though I don't play up the dusty end much of the time). As much bottom as you could want. Worth spending the money on.
  4. I quietly tell them we are not insured for anyone but the band onstage and we will have to stop until they get offstage. Normally works. My old band used to just stop on the beat if someone got on stage and just wait for them to slink offstage embarrassed.
  5. Fender, look at your feet. Get them in your sights and shoot.
  6. I'm interested in making the switch from the HA3500 to the newer TX600, but am a bit bothered by the lack of a graphic EQ that I can tweak. Has anybody else tried both? Cheers.
  7. That's a great list of questions. [size=2]1. How long has the band been together. 2. Tell me about turnover, how long has your current line up been in tact. 3. How many gigs did the band play last year. 4. How much travel is involved. 5. Do you book through an agency or book yourselves 6. Does the band own commercial grade lights and sound 7. Why did the last bass player leave 8. How is the band paid, equal split or is there a heirachy system[/size] My last band comprised a father and son + a bassist (dangerous territory as you will always be outvoted and they stick together like glue). Their old bass player left because the workload was too heavy. I think they did 80 or so gigs the year before I joined. I got exactly 100 gigs in last year (though a couple were with another band). The travel gets daft - they would go anywhere for money. The drummer did nearly all of the bookings. The lighting was a small 4 bulb lamp, pointed at the drums, leaving the guitar and bass in the dark. Pay was pretty much equal less some small rounding up in drummer's favour - but he sent posters and got them printed etc. The question raised about song selection is a very important one. I struggled to get my choice of songs in, as they hadn't heard of groups like Suede or Cheap Trick and they very much 'did what they did' and ideas came from one place only. Frustrating, but I just knuckled down and took the dosh until I had had enough of this foolishness myself. After being the driving force of a previous band, to be treated as 'an also ran' in that band rankled, but the money compensated.
  8. Some gear p*rn on this page - https://www.facebook.com/biltp/
  9. And it may have been me who hates music stands the most here. But they can be a necessary evil.
  10. I'm having to use one tonight. Bought one for the occasion. First gig with what could turn into new band and I am doing all of the singing. Next to the PA speaker where I can see it. Need prompts for about half of the set list. Will hopefully not need it in a little while.
  11. Last night I played at a Working Men's Club near Rochdale. Nice crowd. The band had an end date of December 24th and I have made plans for next year to go out playing with two guys I already host a weekly jam night with. We have a full set together and it's great fun, so why not do that? I gave one of the bar staff a flyer for the new band and my two bandmates went absolutely ape at me afterwards for doing so. I have never said that the current band would be affected in any way. I think they are going to re-think their decision and get a new bassist nearer the time and said that the band is unaffected. I did nothing to harm any future business. They said that I was 'trading off being in this band' and that it was not on for me to do this. The current band isn't even mentioned on the flyer. It's a photo, the setlist and contact details for two of us. They did not want me to approach our current venues or to give them the flyer. I don't know about you, but I thought that was pretty unreasonable. I would never do anything to make them cease trading, or to restrict where they work. It descended into a bit of an argument and the upshot was the end date of the band appears to have come forward a few months. A weight off my shoulders, as I was definitely the spare wheel in a band consisting of father and son and 'other'. Here's a shot of my huge stage area last night. I was so blessed.
  12. I have a Burns Bison reissue that is everything my Ric's want to be.
  13. Bassist (50's) seeks working pub / club band. Good gear, transport, some vocals, full availability, wide repertoire. Please message if you have a vacancy.
  14. If a buyer and seller agree on a price, then surely the seller is happy, or the bass would not have been sold? If it turns up for sale again at a higher price, then maybe that's what the first seller should have asked for?
  15. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1470733482' post='3107943'] Adam Clayton.........apparently talentless? Mark King.......sounds like a bag of spanners? Matt Bellamy......nods his head funny!! [/quote] Adam Clayton - plays what is required. Bang on. I imagine there is some jealousy going on. Mark King - Plays what he wants to. I imagine there is some jealousy going on. Matt Bellamy - I imagine there is some jealousy going on.
  16. [size=3][i][b]1.[/b]Guitarist/Vocalist and Drummer/Vocalist seek Bass Guitar with vocals (backing or lead). We play but are not limited to alternative, contemporary, kicked up country(outlaw country), classic rock covers. We do covers from artists like Cage the Elephant, Ben Harper, Johnny Cash, 7 Mary 3, Foo Fighters, Nickleback, Social Distortion, Pearl Jam, Fuel, Hank Jr., This is biker party rock cover band. Anyone that has booking contacts, social media reach and/or marketing encouraged to apply! Let's make some music, have a great time doing it and make some cold hard cash in the process.[/i][/size] Not really my thing. Sounds very much like a start-up. [i][size=3][b]2[/b].Female fronted band looking for levelheaded musicians to join. We cover various musical styles from soft to heavily driven rock. Goals include recording and playing out. Material includes originals and covers (mostly reworked to fit our style). We are looking for bass, drums and possibly second guitar. Please contact us for further details.[/size][/i] Another start-up. Female fronted, so limited in what they can do stylisticaly, as they say things are changed to fit their style? Not my thing. [size=3][i][b]3.[/b]Regionally Established, Original Hard Rock Band Seeks Dedicated Pro Bassist Must have own gear, transportation, etc. Must have the ability to rehearse two nights per week, gig on weekends and occasional touring. Writing skills would be great but recording experience is a must. Live show experience is a must and should be pro. Backing vocals would be a huge plus if you’re able. We are currently recording and do have upcoming shows booked for the fall season, so if you think this is you, hit us up! [b]This ad is for serious bassists ONLY and we’re looking for the best! [/b][/i][/size] Rehearsing twice a week. They are serious. Asking for [b]the best[/b] shows either confidence or ego, but maybe it's justified. A possible for me. [size=3][i][b]4.[/b]We are a group of seasoned musicians who are not really interested in playing out anymore but do not want to waste the talent so we get together a few times a month to rock anything from the 70's to today. Examples include but not at all limited to Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Styx, Alice in Chains, Kings of Leon. We are ages 45-50 but age doesn't matter to us as long as you're into it.[/i][/size] [size=3][size=4]Not really for me. It sounds like a bunch of guys who just want to get together and jam occasionally in a rehearsal room. You can be the best band in the world, but if nobody else sees it, you don't exist.[/size][/size] [size=3][i][b]5.[/b]rehearsals on sunday afternoons, 1-2 gigs a month, more if schedules permit. private rehearsal space in the milwaukee area. pro gear, professional and easy going musicians with reliable transportation looking for same to complete our lineup. reo – led zeppelin – golden earring – bto – cheap trick - rush - the police – pink floyd - uriah heep – thin lizzy – foo fighters - van halen - the doors - and more - email or leave message to schedule your audition.[/i][/size] Generic setlist, though my own ideal would be a band that could do an amount of Cheap Trick stuff. I suspect they would stick to the couple of really well-known hits and I'd get frustrated with them. More rehearsals than gigs? No. Pointless, unless they can get really good money.
  17. I think the dragons would mainly have been interested in what else the technology could be applied to.
  18. The choir also apparently had Gizmo guitar chords through a voice box at a low level to thicken it up. I remember that being said as a selling point for the Gizmo at the time of the split.
  19. I like the idea of MusicMan basses but the Bongo looks like it was made out of an old toilet seat. You'll never see me with one of those.
  20. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1469546480' post='3099258'] Thanks, but I'm not sure 5 strings are for me (mainly because of the cost of a set of strings - they're already dear enough for 4). [/quote] Guitar shows are the answer for cheaper strings.
  21. The thing to do is go into PMT and be prepared to sit down and try as many basses as you like the look of within your price range. If they know you are serious about finding the right bass, they will line them up for you. It's hard to buy a really bad bass these days. There are a few makes that you may not wish to bother with - Eastcourt, etc. What you will be looking for is a bass that you can get a wide variety of pleasing tones out of, through an amp that is not set with the tones extremely boosted. Sit down and alter tones controls, try pickup combinations / on-off, get to understand the basses a little. Listen to what other people are playing, talk to them as they try the basses - see what they like and don't like about them. People love to gab about basses. As to the quality of any of these basses, the Squiers, Epiphones and Yamahas of this world are big-selling guitars because they have most of the features of more expnsive basses at more sensible prices. A really good Squier can sound and play better than a dull average Fender. It's hard to comment on the actual build quality of a particular one individual bass from a production run accurately without dismantling and reassembling it It may not be on your first visit that you find the right bass, but with a bit of effort, you will get closer to knowing what the basses in store have about them that you like / dislike. Good luck.
  22. In your shoes, I would turn up to do the gig, taking something small to use as a bass monitor for onstage. In mine, I would bring the amp and 2x10 from my normal rig. If they would let me use that (or the whole rig) and check my stage volume was suitably low enough at the soundcheck, I would be happier. I have hearing problems with one ear and playing without some backline would not be an option for me. I need some actual sound behind me. It doesn't have to be loud. I remember playing a wedding at a castle in Cheshire a few years ago (below). The DJ took up three-quarters of the stage and said we (a four-piece band at that time) would just have to fit in the space he'd left for us. I told the DJ that he could explain to the happy couple exactly why the band they came out to wactch three times beforehand had walked, or I would catch them on their way in and let them know. He immediately budged up into about a third of the space he was using. The happy couple remained happy and oblivious to his arseyness. The venue in the instance in the original post could quite easily allow a bass amp at low level on stage, with an assurance that it was kept at a low monitoring level, rather than lose a band and ruin the couple's day.
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