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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1336165907' post='1642132'] This is why. There is no craftsmanship in making a Squire. You just have to have the hardware. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf7aQuofMkc[/media] [/quote] what about the craftsmanship in making the machines and the software ?
  2. I am sorry , but merely hearing the the name Fender , kind of imparts the dreaded word of snobbery to my ears , a bit like M&S they do some great stuff but also some very overpriced middle of the road stuff , but you pay for the name. Our drummer brought in a bass for me to have a look at that he was thinking of buying for his lad, wrong neck on the wrong body , buzz every fret , dodgy socket , no access to the truss rod adjuster it just felt wrong . the dealer was selling to sticks for £200 but could sell it for £800 all day . I suggested taking it back and saying no thanks , but guitarist reckoned it was a bargain , but he is a Fender snob and will have nothing said against the name on the headstock , irrelevant of the planks it was printed on. I don't argue that there are a lot of experienced Fender users on here that really know there stuff , and maybe I just haven't found [b]that [/b]Fender to fall in love with , but then I haven't really been inspired to go look for it either.
  3. The beauty of this is that 2 months after the all important audition , the same old same old comes out , in that the band don't really care what I play as I am only the bass player Auditions, I believe, have different levels of competency and expectancy dependant on the instrument/vocal and the relevance that has in the band. and generally bass just seems to be a supporting act in the scheme of things. I have jammed 3 auditions and got the gig, and I am NOT a great player , I just try and fit in , how long you wish to stay 'fitting in' or even if you want to at all , really depends on circumstance and personalities , but I reckon first thing is to suss out want[b] they want, [/b]then work out if you want to do it , and that is only partly down to bass technique. I reckon bass chops often alienate other band members as that is not want they want , but hit a root in time with the kick drum and away we go, I am pretty sure that a lot of non bass players would not have a clue about techniques even as simple as pick vs finger , nevermind slap ,pop or chords or heaven forbid .............tone (except boom or excess volume ) I didn't join my current band , but formed it by 'audition' and to be honest the word 'audition' didn't even hit my radar, I just went along for the craic , and the craic was good for all of us , hence we are a band , simple , but then I wasn't in [b]need [/b]of joining a band, but was missing it .
  4. I think I know what you mean , but sometimes it feels that you are lost in your own feeling of one-ness with whats being played , when at other times you are just distracted and thinking of something else while autopilot takes over. It often happens at other times too , have you ever been driving and suddenly found that you have no recollection of the last 2 miles!! ( no , me neither ), but I understand it happens
  5. Wa[u]r[/u]wick Profet 5.1 ? I use a 3.2 as a practice amp and then as a pre on the bigger rig , I saw a 5.1 in the for sale on here at a good price and was tempted.
  6. "Hey, guitard, why are you wearing the low ends hat " ed wow, I get post counts for this drivel too
  7. Tonights gig got cancelled , on the basis that the brewery closed the pub for refurb and the landlord didn't bother to let on , FFS
  8. Cant fault that dude , 'cept your even uglier than I am . great tune well played , I got close to getting close once , but why oh why don't the band get more musical acclaim . I am sure they got gold, platinum albums etc , but they could sing and play really well , I loved em and thought live, really rocked .
  9. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1335194445' post='1627001'] Whats occurin??? A [/quote] Occurin ...... noun ... a small brown bird related to the Turple Marsh Warbler , native of the Norfolk Broads and particularly known for it's very shrill trill . HTH
  10. I use Rotosound flats on 3 basses and I love them , I am not sure why anyone wants anything else , they stay cleaner for longer great tone, super smooth /faster to play , great feel, win win win , ed to add I don't really know much .....only what I know
  11. 'Band ready' is not really the issue it is 'band confident', and has been said, there will always be the right outfit to join, the problem is finding them . you will find guys you can play with , then grow out of , you will find guys you can play with who want to do more than you can put in . That is the eternal search , though some are lucky , and luck is what you need. I left my previous band as a bored bassist , learnt the set (simplified) in 10 weeks , then spent 5 years playing the same set. re learning it in fingerstyle and slap just to add some interest , they never new what I was playing anyway , I joined [b]their[/b] band ,I was effectively there cos I was needed , enjoyed it mostly just a bit frustrating. I left, not intending to do another band , but the lad threw me a link to Join my band .com , loads of tyre kickers , but I fell lucky , the first bunch I contacted were brilliant , auditioned and just kept going back for more , when I soon realised that they could all play ,they where not so sound savvy ,or PA aware, though they had the kit, a guy in a previous band ran it , so I picked up the sound and lighting aspects aswell. I was just playing at it and learning myself really, but they were chuffed to have someone make the effort. Now they look to me for the set up and staging !!! So as long as you get on with the other guys GO FOR IT , you may bring more to the show than you realise .
  12. I was trying to upload a photo modelling the new BC condoms ... but it was a bit [s]hard[/s] difficult ed for sp
  13. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1334699040' post='1620097'] cheers for the linky! Heres hoping someone wants a 6 string spector! [/quote] I fear an extra 2 strings would require 50% more practice time , or infact, reduce the practice on the strings I do use, by a margin I couldn't afford to lose Good luck with the sale , I am a Spector fan
  14. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1334700878' post='1620127'] Because last time you went you took the device, measured its effect and found it to be negligable or detrimental, so it is rendered unnecesary this time. Room acoustics and staging dont tend to change often. [/quote] Ah yes , If I can remember what I used , and if it worked
  15. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1334653394' post='1619043'] Well its not that it wont work, its by how much and in what conditions it works best. There may well be situations where the amount it changes the output in the room and/or on stage are so negligable that carrying the extra kit isnt worth it. [/quote] I have to argue with this , In a past life I raced karts , and one thing it taught me was , if you have ANY related kit or tools , take them with you , you will never know when you need it. Every circuit I raced was different for gearing , carburation , tyres and wing settings in the same way every room you play has different acoustics. I grant you that performance on a track is objectively measured with a stopwatch , but if you have tools that may just help find the sound that suits the room why leave them at home I carry all sorts of connectors, adaptors, leads and converters in a kit bag everywhere , the amount of times that they help smooth the set up , or show is minimal , but on one occassion if I hadn't carried a spare power amp the PA would have been down. While I don't suggest you carry spare everything, sometimes the bit of kit at the back of your van just saves the day
  16. I changed the std pickups on my RBX270 to di Marzio and it made a tremendous difference , output was significantly better and the tone control actually seemed to work. that reminds me to dig it out and use it again having said that I mostly use a spector with std EMgs and the tonal range is excellent , but it does have an active preamp on board , I guess the electronics in the guitar may have an influence as to the performance of new pups ???
  17. This kind of interests me not only in the sound mans perspective , but also in the £/tone/ playability argument I really don't get the £000's spent on stuff that is way above the ability of the player that spends it, or the ear that hears it IYSWIM If you have money to burn , then hell yeah , spend it on a bass . but does it really help the tone/playabilty of the kit, does it make that much difference ? is it a confidence/crutch issue , or am I so naive to think that the kit I have gives me decent bangs for the buck ???
  18. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1333469338' post='1602198'] Worst I do, and I do it every time, is mixing up the input and output up on my Zoom pedal. Obviously this results in no sound Thankfully the 'problem' is fully resolved by the time I've actually got to play........... [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333555965' post='1603528'] Ah now then Rich, I can help you here. What I do is look closely at the pedal to see where it says OUT. I plug the amp into this one. Then cunningly, using the principle of elimination, I calculate that the other one must surely be IN. I plug the bass into this one. Never fails! ........... [/quote] Ah yes, but 'my' Zoom pedal also has a 'control' input/output socket which will eventually incur a fail if accounted for as above
  19. I had piano lessons as a kid and really didn't get the stuff I was being taught and packed in, bought a epi SG copy from a 2nd hand shop(only cos it was £12 I had no idea what Gibson or SG was ) and messed with that , obtained a proper vox organ and vox head and crappy speaker from a cousin and had some great fun pretending to write and perform . The next door neighbour could hear the racket and said that her son who had left home had a guitar he did.t use , did I want it for £20 , I said yes , and took it . I was a bit surprised to find it had only 4 strings and a neck that was separated from the body . I screwed the neck on with acouple of woodscrews and I was a bass man , I did'nt realise it was an original 60's Hohner violin until a lot later after I flogged it on , but it led me to proper performing as I was the only person in school with a bass , so I was in every show, at every assembly, and even dragged to church on occassion , It was quite a novelty at the time and kind of baptism of fire .
  20. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1334007715' post='1609704'] Wasn't there one of those in Pentangle? [/quote] That Is obtuse , the triangle corner issue however is acute .
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1334006083' post='1609659'] Bass. Then triangle. Came back to bass when it became apparent the triangle circle was just too [i]cliquey[/i]. Want five different answers? [i]Ask three triange players[/i][i]![/i] All they would talk about is, [i]is this good for metal? [/i]For f***'s sake. [/quote] I always found triangle players a bit square to be honest
  22. how does 'educated' fit for those who are just contradictory , I know a few people who would like X but because ( insert name, relative, enemy etc here ) like X ,they will declare a preference for Y .
  23. I am a lucky [s]tw4t [/s] individual who has 'auditioned' twice and got the gig also . however , I run a business that inevitably involves selling , and an audition is no more than selling what you have to offer , sometimes it isn't the best technique on offer , it may be the attitude or the craic that will get the gig. How many times have you asked a professional to come and offer advice at your house , kitchens, landscapes, drives or even double glazing and NOT given feedback to the losers ?? same meat, different gravy perhaps , but that is real life to some. I suppose band stuff is real life to some also, ( where is the jealousy icon when you need one) but it might lack the importance of the note perfect rehearsal technique that a group of jammers might expect, hell . someone who can actually play the stuff they asked for might even be a bit intimidating
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