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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. A bit more info on the amp would be helpful. I'm assuming it's an amp that has a headphone out socket, in which case it should be OK but might not sound brilliant. If it's a valve head then, as Chris says above, it needs to be connected to either a cab or a dummy load.
  2. Robert Plant's vocals in the chorus of "Communication Breakdown" have always sounded painfully out of tune to me.
  3. What about Mansons in Exeter?
  4. The thing that makes the difference for me, regardless of if it's a bolt on or a neck through (or a set neck), is how good the neck to body transition is. I've played neck through basses with crap upper fret access & bolt ons with really good upper fret access.
  5. It's a year from when you pay it, that's how mine worked anyway.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1480540809' post='3185308'] While playing I thought my moves looked cool. When I saw the video, I looked like an old guy humping an invisible bear. [/quote] Brilliant!
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1480536673' post='3185249'] In Felixstowe they speak of little else. [/quote]
  8. Are music videos still a thing?
  9. I've never played a guitar through a bass amp & been happy with the sound.[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1480505082' post='3184857'] It will work. For amps, I can honestly say Roland/Boss have hit the ball WAY out of the park with the new Katana range. The 50W 1x12 is only £169 and it has almost EVERYTHING you need, and there are old tube snobs saying it is one of the closest solid states amps to tube that's hit the market. No one can understand the low price. You can practice, gig, record, rehearse, the lot....it has headphone out, usb recording, .5 watt mode, a kickstand, acoustic setting, clean/breakup/brown sound, and some stellar effects. It is the most appealing guitar amp series in a long time....and it's stupidly cheap. I think they will put that knowledge into a Boss bass amp. [/quote] Not heard of these, I'll have to check them out. I was very impressed with the Roland Blues Cube range but they are a lot more expensive.
  10. Loved their first five albums but I lost interest in them after that. Mike Mills is a great bass player.
  11. Just buy a non-enclosed socket where you can see the connections, the good quality ones (Switchcraft etc.) are usually like this anyway.
  12. RhysP


    I was a big fan of Kim Clarke's superb slap playing with Defunkt in the 80's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhk4aZ89iS8
  13. RhysP


    I was massively into slapping in the 80's. I was a serious Mark King fan & had the Trace Elliot Stack & the Jaydee Supernatural bass to prove it. I still really enjoy playing slap bass occasionally, but my technique isn't anywhere near what it was back then.
  14. [quote name='W1_Pro' timestamp='1479098782' post='3173885'] In 1985, I sold all of the premium bonds my parents had accumulated for me over the previous twenty years-much to my mothers disgust- and bought a TE AH150 with a TE 810 cab from Livewire in Cardiff. It is still, hands down, effortlessly the best rig I have ever owned and I've since spent a small fortune trying to recapture that sound. [/quote] Really? I used to help out in Livewire a lot, was never officially on the payroll though. Great shop, they had some awesome gear in there.
  15. Grew up listening to Stackridge as my elder brother & sister were big fans.
  16. I'm careful with my instruments mainly because I don't have much money & replacing stuff if it got badly damaged would be difficult.
  17. Never had a problem with glossy necks, in fact I prefer them. The only kind of finish I really don't like is that bloody awful oil/wax finish that is so popular these days.
  18. I used Slappers for years when I had my Zons. Great strings. I've also used La Bella's "Deep Talkin' Bass" strings & they're excellent too.
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1479980511' post='3180705'] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_blymvjfgd4 Us Northumbrians win at pipes. :-) [/quote] Kathryn Tickell! I love the Northumbrian pipes.
  20. Not come across him before. Don't really tend to use YouTube for lessons but I might well have a look at some of his stuff.
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