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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP


    Superb basses. I had a Euro 5LX that was one of the best basses I've owned.
  2. I occasionally find myself looking at old Rick 4001 basses & thinking I'd really like another one because they look so great, but then I remember that the two I owned were garbage, and every one I've ever played has been terrible too & the desire to own one soon passes again.
  3. Is that a bit of Burman gear sitting on top of the Ashdown?
  4. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1481654343' post='3194090'] So all shredding is bad and all slap is good then? [/quote] Of course - this is Basschat, where opinion is fact.
  5. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1481626257' post='3193757'] around 150,000 will die each and every day next year so unless we're suddenly all immortal your proposition is highly unlikely [/quote] I wasn't being entirely serious.
  6. I used to do far more recording on my BR600 with it's built in mics than I do now my only option is using Garageband on my Macbook. By the time I've pissed about getting the interface out, plugging mics in etc. I've lost interest.
  7. No particular order but roughly chronological. These are also people who I would regard as having been a big influence on my playing at some point, rather than who I think are the "Best bass players", whatever that means. Geezer Butler Lemmy (Hawkwind era) Chris Squire Geddy Lee Paul Gardiner Dave Pegg Rick Kemp Barry Adamson Mark King Tony Levin
  8. I've just sold my Boss BR600 so there must be a market for them.
  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1481557294' post='3193257'] Nigel Harrison [/quote] That's him, the pube headed bass player.
  10. Comes into force on January 2nd 2017: https://reverb.com/news/new-cites-regulations-for-all-rosewood-species?utm_campaign=eb4a3636e7-rn161209_content&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=0_5889ed6702-eb4a3636e7-57057585
  11. Why not phone them. You're assuming your emails are reaching them
  12. [quote name='Bownose' timestamp='1481543598' post='3193044'] [/quote] Best photo on Basschat ever.
  13. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1478984927' post='3173193'] I'll let the artist know. Thanks! I love them for many reasons. No trouble with the bar. The upper lenses are distance lenses and thus the "main" glasses. One looks "through the middle" of these lenses, and the bar becomes just like the frame of other glasses: it lets you know where the effect of the lenses stops. The lower lenses are "reading" lenses, but the ultra-genius is they're adapted to objects farther away than a book - more like a laptop screen or, importantly, the car dashboard. Absolutely brilliant. So with these, without nodding or adapting one's eyes, one can keep track of the traffic as well as the dashboard, or watch tv whilst posting nonsense on BC. At the same time one saves money, as no expensive bi-focal or vari-focal lenses are needed, and one pays for one frame only. Plus, one doesn't need to carry reading glasses when leaving the house, as the dashboard/laptop lenses are good enough for that. Absolutely bloody brilliant specs in every respect, and highly recommended. [/quote] Interesting. I've recently got a pair of varifocals & I can't get on with them at all. They do three things really badly instead of one thing well.
  14. The role in my last two bands seems to have been to develop an intense (& mutual) hatred of the keyboard player & then leave.
  15. King Crimson's best ever line-up (IMO) was half British half American.
  16. Wasn't a British bloke a member of Blondie at one point?
  17. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1481545531' post='3193075'] No love for The Monkees then? [/quote] See post #11
  18. Some of the dodgiest, most untrustworthy people I've ever had the misfortune to meet have been musicians.
  19. I think Supertramp had/has an American or two.
  20. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1481543831' post='3193047'] Stray Cats [/quote] No British members of The Stray Cats, they're all American.
  21. Ooh, lovely! That would go very well with my 1979 Mockingbird bass.
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