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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. 60% of the door is pretty normal
  2. Can't really post them here or I wouldn't have forgotten about them.
  3. That's why we use fibre connections and kit like the S3 is so expensive.....lag is minimised. Shows project or display 'live' streams on LED walls all the time these days - have you never been to a stadium show? I've worked in show video for 10 years now. It needs specialist knowledge to operate too.
  4. I work for a video equipment dealer (sales and rental) PM me and I could put you in touch with a specialist.
  5. You need some expensive kit to do that - apart from the projector, you'd need something like a Barco S3 and an event controller (EC20/50) .
  6. Reggae Led Zeppelin with a Las Vegas Elvis impersenator singing.... was quite surprised in your last vid to hear The Kinks and The Who and no sign of the ska heard in the other videos...yet.
  7. I'll wager you guys are fans of Dread Zeppelin - no offence intended. You're like the Ska version!
  8. And another from Rome on 10th May: - it says 11/5 but it was 01:53am so the gig was alwats billed as 10th
  9. Another dodgy punter phone video of a packed house on either the 1st or 2nd of March at AN Club Athens - we played both nights with no support - it shows some of the crowd actually enjoying themselves - and my back - i was almost unaware that there was part of the audience to my side of the stage!
  10. Oi! Home taping is killing music don't ya know!
  11. I just posted a whole thread of those...
  12. Wanted to hear it LOL It is music after all.
  13. I'd say it's sub-zero = part of the permanent collection at the V&A!! = that makes you a proper artist.
  14. Some vids shot by a punter of our gig in the middle of nowhere in Italy 11/5/19
  15. It's not really a waste of time at all. On the stages I play, i am stage right, the guitar is stage left, perhaps 5 or more metres away..we have a mic'd drum kit in between. the keyboard player is on my side of the stage and is DI'd into the desk, only monitoring on the stage wedges. Much of our music's tempo is dictated by the guitar delay so it's imperative that we can all hear it. Without wedges I wouldn't hear it at all. We all take cues from various instruments at various times throughout the set - it's very important to strike the right balance or you lose a lot of feel and stop working together as a band.....we're not a collection of individuals, doing our own thing, we're a band, we feed each other.
  16. I'm not bothered at all about hearing myself - I'm stood in front of my amp, it's never a problem - it's hearing the others that's important - if you can't hear what the others are doing you're not going to sound any good, as a band, out front.
  17. I order it online and it gets delivered in a plain brown wrapping. Nobody's any the wiser.
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