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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. Few do...bizarrely We've made up so many stories as to what the name means and where it comes from when in reality it's just longhand for slag
  2. We had a support band a couple of months ago called "She Pleasures Herself" and we''ll be meeting them again in Leipzig in a couple of weeks....we were reluctant to google them tbh
  3. Some friends of mine formed a band after many years in separate bands...."Old Country Union"
  4. I'm in Sad Lovers And Giants The name was contrived to suit the acronym...oohhh 39 years ago....
  5. We've got a chinese promoter trying to get us over there to do a few shows! We've done lots of touring in Europe and a bit in USA but are a little wary of China. I know that things are likely done a little differently in China. Have any of you lot ever toured in China? What must we get sorted with the promoter before we commit? Any experiences you could relate would be welcomed.
  6. Had a web chat with easyJet. Been told the check-in at Pisa got it wrong. They are investigating.
  7. I succeeded at this in 2018 and plan to in 2019. I haven't even bought any strings since 2017. My EBMM Sterling cured my bass GAS. (2016 order 2017 delivery) My amp GAS was extinguished in 2015 ( TecAmp and barefaced ) Pedals? board unchanged last 3 years - no plans
  8. We've been flying easyJet for years. We always book hold luggage allowance of the appropriate weight and have NEVER previously been surcharged. Any clue why this particular flight should be any different?
  9. This has nothing to do with 'taking them to the gate'. Our guitars still went in the hold, as planned, and as always. Having booked and paid for 185kg of luggage and their combined weight coming in well under that we have no clue why we were charged an EXTRA €42 per item. We're feeling totally ripped off.
  10. I fly often with my bass. We often use easyJet in Europe. We have all our gear flightcased and stick it in the hold. Flying back from Pisa to Gatwick last week, at check in in Pisa we were charged an EXTRA €42 per cased instrument despite having a 185kg allowance already pre-booked and paid for! The woman on the check in counter stated it was due to the fact we were carrying musical instruments and they were classed as 'special items'. We've been flying all over Europe for years with easyJet and have never come across this before. On every previous flight the instruments have just been booked in as any other luggage albeit we have to take them to the oversize conveyor but have NEVER been surcharged. Has anyone else experienced this? We suspect we were being ripped off - or is this a new easyJet policy? We've written to easyjet for an explanation (and refund?) but have yet to hear back.
  11. Fender CE300 T bucket bass can't go wrong with one of them
  12. ha - WGT v WGW - just one typo different........just been looking at Haus Leipzig....it looks like a proper venue. and the steampunk chicks at WGT might actually go to the shows!
  13. June 10th http://www.wave-gotik-treffen.de/ro/go4it.php?id=115&loc=en If you go this year please do say hello
  14. I remain to be convinced about the greatness of any festival as a performer. IME with only a brief line check and no proper sound check, the on stage sound always makes life difficult...generally due to the set having to be shorter than usual it all seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of return...at the level we're at we find that the financials often don't make it worthwhile. We played SXSW in 2016 and got paid nothing - a long way to go for a 45 minute set....it would have been an expensive gig if we hadn't been able to tag a couple of weeks touring US on the back of it. Played a few indoor 'festivals' over the years - they just seem like an excuse for the promoter to pay less than at a usual gig. We're playing WGT this year only because we're intrigued by the clientele and the pics of exotic steampunk chicks we've seen online. Oh we might be playing some strange outdoor festival in the mountains of Hungary in August....but the promoter seems to have gone a little quiet on that one.
  15. On Saturday, playing a dairy farm in the middle of the plains of Emilia Romagna in northern Italy, during the soundcheck we lost all power...we went outside to see bits of tree flying around - we'd been hit by a tornado!!
  16. Could be a quote from our tech rider for glasto........not been booked yet...LOL The only festival we're playing this year is Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig - civilised by comparison
  17. Let's see your collection. One of mine was missing for this shot as is receiving a pickup transplant.... L-R 2017 EBMM Sterling 4HH Status Jazz Necked Warmoth Dinky-P Warmoth Jazz necked lined fretless PJ 1983 Squier JV Precision 2016 Fender T-Bucket CE300 acoustic bass 2015 Epiphone Sheraton2 guitar 2016 Fender T-Bucket CE300 acoustic guitar
  18. Amy Winehouse if only because the firm I was working for were due to supply video on her tour and that job went tits up
  19. So three years on from buying it and having toured USA and flown backwards and forwards to mainland europe a dozen or so times with it I can recommend whole heartedly the SKB iSeries cases - the 5014-44 for my precisions : https://www.skbcases.com/music/products/proddetail.php?f=&id=647&o=&offset=&c=84&s=75 I now have a 5014-OP open cavity too https://www.skbcases.com/music/products/proddetail.php?f=&id=655&o=&offset=&c=84&s=75 In my opinion there is nothing better that you could put your bass in for flying. And it's got wheels so you can drag it around without putting your back out. Just be prepared, particularly in USA, to be stopped by customs - they're convinced it's a firearm.
  20. Our next three: Traffic, Rome, Italy May10 Associazone Cultrale Caseificio La Rosa, Poviglio, Italy May11 Wave Gotik Treffen festival, Leipzig, Germany June 10
  21. I just, by coincidence, posted on the EBMM forums asking about just such a thing! http://forums.ernieball.com/ernie-ball-music-man-basses/68923-roasted-neck-finish.html
  22. It's OK I re-uploaded it - still curious what happened to it, mind.
  23. What happened to my Twigman avater? It's been replaced with a T in a blue circle.
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