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Everything posted by Twigman

  1. In my band everyone understands the words Quiet, Slow, Space, Atmosphere and Tension - all words that seem to draw blank expressions on many.....
  2. I can play quietly and often do so....... I suspect it IS you
  3. If they were covering Eagles songs and the like then it was them
  4. My mate had a band which has now disbanded I think which had a great name for a bunch of codgers getting together to play: 'Old Country Union' That name always tickled me.
  5. Plectrum generally gives sharper attack. There are some songs in my set that I recorded with a plectrum but, since suffering a neck injury that has caused a permanent numbness in my right hand and arm I find I no longer have the grip strength to hold a plectrum. Many of the ding-diggadigga-ding rhythms that lend themselves so well to pick playing can be tricky to play with fingers, not so much for the speed (although once you get to 140ish bpm ding-diggadigga-ding gets tricky) but the attack. Getting such a short sharp attack with fingers is nigh on impossible.
  6. Either you've got a time machine or you're posting from a different dimension or I've been in a coma for the last 2 years. Which is it?
  7. CDs last - they're plastic aren't they? thousands of years to degrade isn't it? All my 80s CDs still play fine.
  8. You limit yourself to major record labels? Hpw sad
  9. That very much depends on the music you're buying. Not all CDs are licensed to Rip through Amazon
  10. Could one tune a cello in 4ths ? say C F Bb Eb or D G C F ?
  11. Absolutely - but in that sense it is the ONLY pedal that will ALWAYS have a place on my board..... Wasn't that the question?
  12. My tuner - I don't have perfect pitch so it's an essential
  13. I'll go for skin cancer
  14. I would normally get someone else to move it. I find keeping one's distance of any incriminating evidence is the best approach.
  15. French Horn chat I've got the French horn
  16. Minotaur - their wide padded leather thing
  17. I don't particularly enjoy going to gigs unless I'm on stage.
  18. Played a few times in Paris....Rex Club.....New Morning Club....FNAC department store Make sure you've always got your ID on you and do not loiter...we were frisked by the police while hanging around waiting for our tour manager
  19. I think my measure of how great a gig is is how hot the groupie in my bed the next morning is and how long she stays.
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