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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Scumbags have scumbags for friends. Offer a big enough incentive for someone to dob him in and someone will bite.
  2. Another Sansamp Deluxe in the classifieds. This one with scratches 150 quid. You can have: Clean as clean can be on channel 1. More or less clean with a bit of drive if you dig in hard on channel 2. Ragey as you like on channel 3. along with seperately selectable fx loop that can be preprogrammed on or off with any channel but switched on or off at will any time.
  3. I think all the 'amp shoved onto speaker box hey presto it's a combo' models are just that. OP has one of those, not a Commando.
  4. Shouldn't it be in a closet where you are via?
  5. There's a Sansamp BDDI Deluxe in the classifieds. A bit over your budget but a damn handy gigging thing.
  6. In my mind righty tighty lefty loosey is just fine. I equivocate right with clockwise and vice versa. No hex keys involved. I never owned one but it looks like a big arsed Phillips might fit, miracle of miracles style, no idea what the proper driver is but they are are advertised. Screw heads are funny things. The right driver will tuck in and 'stick' with no wobble at all. The right driver is the only one to use or the screw head will get munched on with each visit. The Phillips head should never have been invented. The only advantage is it is cheap and easy to make.
  7. Need to be specific. If two amps are plugged into one another by way of two cabs connected in parallel you go poof. Two amps can only be used with separate cabs.
  8. How many amp channels got plugged into how many cabinets?
  9. Did you RTFM before plugging it in? Some amps have internal manual switching to enable 240V.
  10. 150 Squids is a bit light for what you asked for but you are obviously very flexible on the requirements for compression and EQ. I think your main priority should be lack of noise.
  11. And yet when Agedhorse and his team were challenged that their newfangled GenzBenz class D would never sell, because it couldn't possibly do what the old AB head did, the testing found them indistinguishable. I made that process up from context but not the end result.
  12. Any chance you could hire a club yourselves and get the Irish over on your own account? That'd learn him.
  13. You have a different idea of loud. My idea of loud is not my own cup of tea either. I too have gigged plenty loud enough with just a plain old 210. Still, LOUD is out there, no FOH mix apart from vocals, and has plenty of its own fans.
  14. I didn't say drown out anyone. Either your 210 is uber quality or you don't play so loud. Traditional 210 need two of to match drums when neither has PA support and it's really rowdy ie deafening without earplugs. Not everyone's cup of tea but not to be ignored as if it doesn't exist nor talked down to.
  15. You should replace the 'you' as in 'you who are no longer plebs in the trenches' with 'we who etc etc'. Plenty of people still need enough rig to keep up with an over caffeinated chimp on drumkit. Not generally on the big league stages though.
  16. That is the general rule but do you know this applies here?
  17. I don't imagine things have improved nearly enough yet to reverse this April's turn of events.
  18. You could get a lot of useful cab volume by whacking out those 'port' shelves altogether. Possibly you could trim the 1cm openings back to a usefully tuned length of proper shelf ports. 3cm is still pretty skinny though.
  19. Iirc mine faded off. The 1518 is a pretty hefty lift around 40kg 600 high 400 wide and 350 deep. 1513 is same high as the big one is wide, same or similar depth but skinny on width so must be around about 400 high 350 wide and 350 deep. There's a load of variation over the years. Tolex/ greenish ratfur/ darker ratfur, red stripes/ none, Celestion/ Fane / Celestion For Trace Elliot speakers. I think they all used the patented fading pen for the details on the input panel.
  20. Loud has no official definition. A 1518 is louder than most old single fifteens, benefits from high pass filtering below 60hz. 'Surprisingly' light may be that someone replaced stock speakers with neo? 1513 isn't quite as loud as 1518 for having cut down on girth of cab. Your amp has to be 2.6ohm stable for you to run 3x 8 ohm cabs. Any three Trace 15's should be HELL loud. Two 1518 is going to be HELL loud. Two 1513 ought to stomp on two SWR 12's and be pretty DAMN loud. Refer opening statement.
  21. Much easier to hear yourself with a tall stack also. I am pretty sure I started lowering my overall volume when I got stacked. It's conceivable you could wind up with actual headroom that can be used for dropping the odd bomb, I mean artful dynamic accented low note. Use sparingly lest you inspire guitard to double his rig also.
  22. Not many amps are stable below 4 ohms. The Super Twin has an uprated 12 from earlier versions and I assumed OP has the new one. Good luck not going deaf even with earplugs. The stack must be north of 135dB.
  23. That's because your soundfolk have tuned the PA to the room.
  24. I think the width / height of the Midget is likely the least of your concerns. Such an odd set of cabs is usually only useful in a biamp rig.
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