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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Not true. Many shift workers could tell you what shift they are on way further than 2 months out.
  2. Each time someone new gets done someone needs to get down to the pub where Mason goes and record him mouthing off about his latest sucker. Sooner or later we'll have him on video with the exact amount.
  3. Sounds like the heart wants to be involved in music again but the head isn't cooperating. Now is definitely the time for career changes what with all the fallout from covid.
  4. BDDI Deluxe is a good option. Soundguys all know the DI will come out static free so don't baulk at unplugging theirs.
  5. I wouldn't risk it. Fixing what isn't broken can lead to heartbreak. You know it's going to pound your kidneys when you plug it in!
  6. Trading so specifically is always going to take way longer than selling. Monster bass for someone with the £1250???
  7. I was a violinist before taking up the bass at age 25. It didn't even occur to me to retune the bass to 5ths. It did take more than 5 minutes to adjust, but less than 5 days.
  8. Yerp. Duct tape a mess of cardboard over/around with a hole so a determined finger can still switch it. Job done.
  9. Yet if you fail to hear the cab complaining about additional transient peaks coming through you could find you have a silent cab.
  10. There's a well priced Genzler 350 in the classifieds. 500 v 350 isn't really here nor there unless you are in the habit of running your Hartke hard out just to hear yourself.
  11. Too many people enquiring about Harley Bentons?
  12. Depends on the cab(s). Not many individual cabs will do a heck of a lot more with the extra 300w, other than space heat. Plenty of dual cab stacks would be the same story. By the time the tune changes you are going to be absolutely deafening and drowning out all nuances of the drumkit.
  13. Dunno what that would do if your amp has a bridged output. In most cases there wouldn't be anything on the 2 set on the amp end. Your only utility would be using less sockets and plugs for a custom breakout box and lead that was fed from a mono speakon.
  14. Or least accompanying a gravelly voice so has to be hard rock of some flavour.
  15. If they relabeled guitar amp bass knobs as 'suck' it would make things a lot easier. I was doing a series of gigs on DB with an acoustic guitarist. One time we set up and it sounded like derrière and nothing could fix it. Then he noticed he had switched off the low shelf filter on the guitar channel to do his solo gig. What a relief.
  16. So true. My best achieving band however was founded on winging it. I was the least equipped to deal with the requirements but frequently was the rock that founded the floundering hot mess back to hotness so it balanced out very well.
  17. Can't help but it looks like you are in good hands. Btw it's wits you have exhausted.
  18. Frets are fun too. I mainly play fretless. I think you should have a crack at fretted. You might not like it at all but you can always sell it for what you paid for it if you go used.
  19. Beats me why hollow composite e' guitars and basses aren't deriguer by now. Clearly ''tonewood'' is a crock in a solid body. So long as it can hold up the neck and the bridge it doesn't make a blind bit of difference. There's an old saying that translates to "you can't fool all of the guitarists and bassists all of the time''. And yet here we are nearly universally literally lumbering under timber basses and guitars.
  20. I don't know that it's all that difficult. It just takes a bit of clear communication from the outset. If people go along with the plan but fail to deliver they get cut or the band folds. The problems come from trying to make incompatible folks change. My big band has cut a couple of players over the years. Both nice people who loved being in the band but not getting their parts down = public friendly g' up from MD followed by ''hope to cya in the audience'' when that didn't work.
  21. Who needs glue when you've got a strip of tin and some screws?
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