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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The Bamboo ply material has a high Young's Modulus. That is the resistance to bending relative to the cross section. It gets that from having very densely packed fibres like a hardwood. Intuitively a bamboo cabinet of a given size won't be any lighter than other ply unless it employs superior internal bracing, but it will be harder on the surface.
  2. I got a bass from the US which needed tax paid. NZ Post stuffed up the addressing of the letter of demand so the letter got returned to sender. Much consternation as tracking had stopped at arrival. I'd say since you have tax due for sure there's every likelihood you'll be getting a letter of demand from someone once it hits your shores.
  3. That was my first band in high school. My parents were the convenors. Dad was non musical but the prime mover and had some 'juice' within the school. Mum played piano but not much confidence in Musical Direction. Brass Banding was the big thing in town and they managed to get the school Band Director to come along and give us some directing. She took one look at us and said 'my, that's a motley lot'. Thus was christened 'Motley' thanks to Dad's wicked sense of humour. The BBMD never showed again but we got my bro's teacher's husband, who was another brass band guy, to give us some pointers in the following year. Somehow we made the finals of the national school chamber music comp playing jazz and got to play the big house in Wellington all expenses paid. Still my biggest ever indoor gig! Cheers Westpac Banking Corporation.
  4. Ok. I remember seeing one in store when we were on a road trip with the first band to give the Trace rig a proper workout. NZ must have got them toot sweet.
  5. Which ''they'' do you mean? I got my NOS Kaman issued Trace SMX late in 1995. Ashdown was around then I am pretty sure.
  6. I have been known to pinch a couple of chairs from the room if needs be. For stage monitoring my Acme foldaway cardboard creation can't be beaten:
  7. My Ashdown experiences have been all over the place for satisfaction. 1st was a then brand new full stack of those blue speakered cabs. I was in the audience expecting bass thunder. All I got was a muffled mess that sounded like it had a bunch of duvets over it. I got to play on a sound co provided 15'' combo from early 90's. That was the real deal! The rehearsal space more modern combo had the 'subharmonic boost' button left on when I came to it one night. I thought it had been broken until I noticed it was engaged. Quite serviceable. Had a miserable gig with a backline stack that had no oomph. Every other bass amp I had plugged in my Ubass had been fine. I am picking it couldn't handle the piezo direct. Definitely variable qualities in the range. I wish they weren't all ''ABM + etc''.
  8. When I added a 2nd cab to my 250w Trace the master never went above 2. Before that I sometimes had to max it out at 4.
  9. Outdoors the combing you get from insufficiently spread out subs is very noticeable. Some notes are strong and others are weak unless you are in the middle ie equidistant from both.
  10. Studying violin all through highschool stood ne in good stead for taking up playing double bass a quarter century later in a jazz band. I only got in by semi capably 'reading' the score when there where two other bass players there who could not read anything at all and needn't have bothered showing up. Half the time I had no idea what notes I was using but being familiar with the fly excrement conventions meant I could follow along.with something approximating the actual lines.
  11. He said his came away easily with the dried up adhesive not, causing any difficulty. I said ''that's amazeballs" because everyone else has a sticky mess of fur and adhesive to clean off after any and all attacks by physical (grinding, sanding, peeling atttempts), or chemical means.
  12. ''Hard'', no. Try ''impossible to wrap head around''. For me, very much worse than trying to hit a golf ball lefty, but that's all I got for an analogue.
  13. I think I would adapt to no pinky in about 5 minutes. I guess it would depend on how ambidextrous you are swinging a bat. If you feel like you would take to it there wouldn't be any harm in trying lefty first. Certainly would be advantageous if it worked out.
  14. I still haven't seen any direct evidence but there is a suspicion that the current operator has only changed names. Some time back one Mick Mason, a semi known bassist of some semi known 80's tribute band, was convicted of fraud using the same M.O. and the same 'product line' to hook the same fish. Either it's a copycat or Mason himself. I shouldn't have have accused Mason without actual evidence.
  15. The direction the bass amp is pointed has next to zero impact on how much boom reaches the neighbours.
  16. Sadly, Google has lost its mojo in totality then. Once upon a time you could find anything with a few cunning / choice keywords. RIP Google.
  17. If you wouldn't mind, please have a crack at Google Advanced Search. It used to be that you could drill right down into a forum thread by copying in the url of the thread to the ''domain'' and Bob was your hairy arsed Auntie.
  18. The fact that bass cabs have gotten a whole lot lighter in recent years, to the point where the ones that gave rise to to the meme can be hard to give away let alone sell.
  19. There must be an ever increasing number of original owners kicking the bucket. That will put more and more vintage ones on the market. So then we need to consider if we can run out of dentists who like to decorate their walls with our precious.
  20. A cover band once needed a sub bassist mid gig on new year's eve. The incumbent had girlfriend problems of apparently the highest order and exited leaving the lead guitarist having to take up bass, and failing, badly. This being the biggest gig in the city it would not do so yours truly being sober as a judge in those days volunteered and was gleefully handed the trusty P. Some tunes I knew back to front, others only from the radio, nailed it, who was that masked man?
  21. Probably just needs a buffer for his PA to accept your piezo. Some tuners would do that. Anything else you have laying around that can do a full clean blend?
  22. I believe it may be possible for you to speed it up by prearranging customs payment on the basis of your invoice for amp plus shipping, and the shipment ID.
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