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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. There's a whole lot of questioning going on there. 'Wattage' from an amp assumes a load so as to calculate power from the known amp voltage output. Class D amps come with varying levels of claim about their wattage. Agedhorse can fill you in on the detail but the more reputable claims are based on a 'duty cycle' that acknowledges the lack of noise required most of the time and leverages that to increase the peak power that can be had without anything blowing up. Less than reputable schemes shrink the duty cycle to claim stupendous power output that fails the thumping 8ths test. This contrasts with old school Trace Elliot solid state rating which was the continuous rated output. Play whatever you like and it can come out with the peak clean voltage every time. Tube amps still sound good with quite a bit of distortion going on. That raises the power level without raising the peak voltage.
  2. As in no service available only wholesale board replacement if you're still in warranty.
  3. Bill is a very reliable source of information. Diversity doesn't always blend well. Far from it. Sometimes a bit of diversity will work out ok but your proposed diversity is a non starter thanks to the amp impedance limit being exceeded. In any case it's a lottery so the advice to double up your current cab is sound. Ahem, you're missing a comma.
  4. Muffin top is such a drag. Tube amps that can't fit on a upended 210 without muffining should come with a little fold down trestle table that can hold two 210's and a splash guard so the amp can sit under, safe from spillages.
  5. I hope your big stages have a sound crew that accommodates a mic for the true tube glory to be sent forth.
  6. Not a very available item last I was looking around a couple of years BC. What's the choice like these days?
  7. All good except it's apparently just the singer recruiting for a replacement set of unrewarded underlings on his mission to stardom.
  8. I think it lacks the black and yellow factor that works on the primitive subconscious brain, the last to go after 10 pints. Those cable run protectors are genius. Nobody wants to dance on those. Next best thing to a solid fence I reckon.
  9. I feel I have lead a charmed life never to have encountered such a narcissistic freakshow.
  10. Been there done that and been partially deafened while still not hearing myself properly, although my calves heard very well.
  11. Originally 4x cabs solved the relative lack of volume of single 15 boxes of similar size. Tradition set in. Tradtions die hard but these days it's difficult to even give away 410 cabs in the US.
  12. Dangerous stuff that 'thinking'. Either it's the duck's nuts or it's trashing your sound. Can't be both, you decide. I have tried multiple drive distortion on series and found it wasn't too flash unless one was only doing a mild giddyup. But that was my pedals and amps not yours and even if I had the exact same as you we could have entirely different preferences.
  13. Not unique but a 4x of 12's beams worse than a set of 10's which are bad enough themselves that the exact same comment would have been made.
  14. This happens in many industries. The venue knows they are in the position to deny access to vendors. A tame captive crew is ripe for taxation. On the other hand the vendor is free to add to his quote for a taxing venue. The venue has to be extra good to make up for the inflated prices being charged. The venue banks on them being the best so the best vendors are happy to charge a bit more or eat the tax on their significant fee to get in. If neither is true they wind up with 2nd or 3rd tier vendors and their own status falls. This naturally favours monopoly venues such as stadiums, airports, destinations, and the big in demand function venues.
  15. That can work for sure. It really depends on what you want the compressor to do. The VT will do a fair amount of compressing when the gain is increased. On the other hand you might like the sound the VT makes when fed a compressed signal. On the other hand you might like what the compressor does with a high passed signal. I hope you are seeing a pattern here. Lucky for you there are only 6 ways to order three pedals. Have at it.
  16. Not all tolex is created equal. The only defects in my Kaman era UK production Trace cab are the ones I put there by mishandling it.
  17. I'm sure it will only produce the glorious tone for the lucky few that are in front of it. Everyone else gets chunks of mids and highs missing, degrading to just the woof when too far off axis. Comb filtering is a bastard.
  18. A Barefaced 110 for the SB and a Quilter amp for a BF 410 then. Stand well back. Never mind the Markbass.
  19. Depends on where the 'feedback' phenomenon is generated relative to the DI. Sounds like it's an output tube thing. If the DI comes out of the preamp you're out of luck. If it monitors the speaker output you might be in luck. Next question is if the thing runs without a cab connected like some of the little American ones... If not you're going to have to run a cab off the LS along with the LM3 rig. A better plan might be to invest in a big PA and simply mic your LS rig.
  20. 2 problems with hearing yourself on stage. Mids and highs are directional so the backs of your legs get the best sound. Lows reflect off ceiling and walls sometimes arriving at your ears out of phase causing certain frequency dropouts that won't respond half as well to EQ as the unaffected ones. They can also boom.
  21. Must be a way J.C. can apply to a lesser court that has the power to kick it up a level or two when the cops aren't interested enough. Cops aren't the be all and end all of justice being meted out.
  22. How about Joe Citizen applying to the Court directly?
  23. I have not been able to search out or elicit any posts that actually confirm the current fraudster is Mick Mason, other than the M.O and photography appear the same.
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