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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. If the band is as far along as you say then it really only needs a new guitarist to jump in. I would hit an open mic with the singer and see if you can't hook up with a spare one. Then grab the drummer back.
  2. Friends don't let friends use cheap knockoff speakons. The real ones aren't expensive and positively cheaper than buggering up your amp.
  3. I think for the purpose of waving a dB meter in front of a guitard to get him to stop with the godforsaken racket, an A weighted meter is useful.
  4. Not at all unrealistic. You just haven't found the right band. Assuming your own chops are in order there's nothing wrong with seeking a band that is set on gigging.
  5. By finishing their drinks and leaving when you are too f n loud
  6. The money is gone unless you can get Interpol to take your case. That would be one for the record books, ie getting them to twist local plod's tail into doing something.
  7. Enough to get a little bit rowdy I expect. Same power divided by more speakers equals louder from acoustic coupling. +3dB for free. More power comes out of most amps when you double up on cabs, so long as the impedance limit is respected. It used to be that a solid state amp would near double the output into half the impedance but not so much with the newer amps and all bets off with TC. Double the power would give you another 3dB. So usually you will get a handy increase in oomph by adding the 2nd cab. If previously you were only just keeping up with the band you should get or 4 or 5 dB in volume up your sleeve.
  8. You mean his Mum does his laundry and makes sure he washes behind his ears?
  9. I think that's the whole reason guitar amps come with fx loops. Certainly when I was running a bunch of fx the modulation stuff sounded best at the end of the chain. There was no bass amp, no vocal, keys bass and kick going to PA behind the band.
  10. Trace Elliot maintained their hi low compressors had differing attack times solving the problem that no single compressor could do full range without making a mess of one end or the other.
  11. For loudness v cartage you would be better off with one power hungry cab and a bigger amp... or just a bigger amp with the two cabs. Elf isn't exactly cheap, you're paying good money for smallness.
  12. I think most of the value would kick in as saved staff time pissing around on invalid warranty claims caused by user error. That would filter back to a slightly keener price.
  13. S/R is very handy for inserting a highpass filter. Preamp output isn't something I have used except for experimenting.
  14. What was the little green saloon thing ahead of the lime VW van towards the end? Looked a bit like a Hillman Imp but not.
  15. Makes a doofus think again before hooking up an illegal load. One for 4 + one for 8 = much less likelihood the disaster you would get hooking up one of each.
  16. I am not following this line of insurance BS. Do they decline to insure your house because Boy George might come over for a BBQ and trip on your front step?
  17. Agedhorse raised concern that prior out of spec loading had caused damage already. Going hard out into 4 ohm being just the last straw. Given that you had the impedance wrong on the HLF it's not a stretch to having it wrong and hooking up 2 ohms previously.
  18. It was an Ampeg 410HLF rated at 8ohms I am seeing a problem here if the 8 ohm cab was (actually) a 4 ohm 410HLF. A pair of 4 ohm cabs is a 2 ohm load. That's nasty.
  19. I meant the motivating factor in leaving the status quo could have a bigger financial twist than just making more sales. It could also be a simple lack of motivation.
  20. If the cab was 4 ohms that's all that really matters, no? Sounds like PMT gave you the runaround with the first return. Does the UK have a 'lemon law' whereby duff stuff gets replaced? Obviously the amp has suffered a major malfunction and the best thing for you would be a replacement and Darkglass themselves autopsy it for posterity.
  21. Farting is the sound you get from an excess of power applied to low end frequencies. I think it's entirely likely your 500w amp is fully up to the task of farting your 4 ohm BF cab without clipping itself. Outdoors you have no wall behind the cab to add the usual 6dB of low end reflective bass. Effectively that's a 'phantom' 6dB cut on your EQ ie the knobs haven't moved. To compensate you boost your lows or pluck nearer the neck without realizing. Fart city for the cab getting four times the low end power to get it sound like it does with a wall behind it.
  22. Only three controls. Bass Mid Treble. The mids are cut only. Nominal flat is 2 on the bass and treble and mids 'dimed'.
  23. The 110 makes the Elf look sorta normal sized with a silly jumbo sized cable.
  24. Wouldn't get a look in from me if it came Fender Tone Stack kneecapped.
  25. It's more they want the sales without the cost of holding stock.
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