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Everything posted by spongebob

  1. Jeez, not sure my eyes will recover after seeing that bass! Unpleasant isn't the word!
  2. Great cab at a great price. These are so light and powerful. Sure this won't be here long. Good luck with the sale! 😀
  3. NEOTECH MEGA BASS STRAP Only slightly used, and in excellent condition. These straps are neoprene and therefore, very padded. Pictures show exactly how it is - strap is completely immaculate, the leather parts which attach to the strap buttons just show some small indentations/creasing from installation/removal from instrument. It can go from 90-115 cm. Width is 10cm at it's widest. Reason for selling is simply that I have a narrower strap for my narrow and boney shoulder area, so it's just not getting any use! Only asking £20.00 for this, UK postage included. Please PM with any interest, and thanks for looking! SB 😀
  4. I was tempted by a MM, but ended up with a LM3 instead. MM has a improved EQ, but when I spoke to the guys at the Gallery, it was reasoned that unless I was doing any slapping, a LM3 would do the job at a cheaper price. It does, love it. Used to have the LM2 (when it was part of my old combo). LM3 is better - sure the MM would be a fab choice. 😀
  5. To me, his Joni work is the equal of Jaco. Two masters doing their thing, contrasting approaches to the instrument. https://www.maxbennett.com/index.php/discography/index.html What a list! I did read some time ago, when he bought his early 60s Precision (new from memory) that remained his sole electric bass for about 20 years...live, sessions, the lot!
  6. Just read the sad news that Max Bennett has passed away, aged 90. Amazing player with so many credits....particularly for his work with LA Express and Joni Mitchell. What a player. There's a discography section on his website - awesome reading. From Mel Torme to Zappa. Thanks for the inspiration, Max...may it long continue.
  7. I used to use D'addario nickels, but switched to Fender flats. However, picked up a US Geddy Lee earlier this year, wanted some brighter strings that could offer me something a little different, step forward the NYXL's. Absolutely love them. They give the crisp highs and mellow lows that I've found lacking elsewhere. The bass can sound as alive, or as muted, as I want. They allow me to cover the complete tonal palate. NYXL's have given me control back over my bass. 😀
  8. Good album, that new one that the photo is the back of! 😀
  9. Love JB. There's a great CD/stream/download called 'Spirit'. Takes you through a lot of BBC live stuff right through the 70's. Really good, and broad as well. Bass work is, as you'd expect, a lesson from start to finish. I've been working my way through his solo records since I first heard it. Up until that point, I knew about Cream and his early work, but was quite in the dark about how much he'd packed in since. Very eye-opening. I'm a big fan of his 'How's Tricks' album. The title track alone, is sublime.
  10. It's a massive yes from me. However, just as rock had a 'golden period', for me, jazz did the same. Late 50's to mid-70's. I loved it when it was pushing the boundaries - Coltrane, Miles, Mingus, Albert Ayler.....other day I was jamming with Cannonball Adderley's 'The Black Messiah'. There is so much amazing jazz, but I think perception tends to put a lot of people off....the polite, Pizza Hut stuff. That amazing period of innovation, that's where I like to be. I have enjoyed Marcus Miller's recent records, and Victor Wooten....Stanley Clarke's new album is pretty cool. But I personally don't think they're in the same league as say, 'A Love Supreme'. Same as most, if not all modern rock records don't come close to 'Who's Next'. I'll leave you with this -
  11. Mel Schacher on the Terry Knight-era produced Grand Funk Railroad. Bass monster....and mixed waaaay up there. A blueprint, surely! Quite underrated over here, but there's great bass lines on those records.
  12. Funny how opinions differ - I actually adore the sound of that record, in particular Geddy's bass! Got the album and the DVD! 😁
  13. Great album(s)! Some nice tones on there....for me, the '78 Ricky tone is the weakest....never dreamt I'd ever have said that. Guess our tonal goals all change over time.😀
  14. I'm actually the opposite, and love his later Jazz tone. Really lively and crunchy. On an 'it's in the fingers' type-thing, I was watching the 'Grace Under Pressure' DVD last week, after doing the 'Exit Stage Left' a few days before. 'GUP' is the Steinberger, 'ESL' the Ricky. What I noticed was on the DVD's, how similar the tones were. Never really paid much attention to it before, but there really wasn't much in it. I did an EP with a band a few years back, used a '77 4001 on 3 tracks, and a '78 on another (both long gone). Sounded great, but the tone of the '78....a few people thought that it (and to a certain extent the '77) was a Jazz bass! Some Jazz basses can do classic Ricky better than the real thing - I've had both - and to me, that is sometimes certainly the case.
  15. I think all if this GAS might be covering other deep issues. Tell me about your mother, etc......🤔
  16. At least there might be some SG basses available at last. The US had the 2018's in stock last November. I pre-ordered, with deposit, one over here from a dealer. 4 months later (March/April), I cancelled the order, as there was clearly no sign of it ever arriving. Was originally promised a few weeks....over 16 later, deal not done. I could have probably walked to the States quicker to pick one up. The UK stock apparently comes from the US to Amsterdam, and then sent here. I kept being told 'there's a shipment next week....yours is on that'. Never again, another lost customer for Gibson! 😤
  17. I tend to only sell on BC now, or on the noticeboard at work. 😀
  18. Bit late now, but I'll just add a +1 to the TGI Extreme. I can't fit a hard case in the car, so was forced into gig bag-dom. After some research on here, went for one of these....great price, great protection. Bass is only going from car to venue/rehearsal, so more than adequate. Good luck with your new purchase! 😀
  19. I used to play with a sax player down in East Sussex. She was taking singing lessons at the time (about 10 years ago) from Paul Roberts. I was ever-so-slightly impressed. Ended badly...me and her, not her and Paul!
  20. Hard to believe it, the engine room of The Stranglers for so many years is now 80 years old! Cracking drummer, and the bands' 77-82 works remains peerless in my book. Jet's drumming certainly put them in a different league. I'm so pleased I got to see them whilst Jet was still with them. It was his last full. UK tour with them (2011 IIRC) and he was on stunning form all night. Happy Birthday Jet!
  21. Stay away from Rickenbackers, it'll save you a packet and much disappointment.....!🤣
  22. JB? The Godfather, no doubt. Soul Brother No. 1. All titles deserved.
  23. I can appreciate this. I've owned a few Jazz basses, various price points, and to me, they all sounded a bit polite. Never really any of the tones I was hearing when others played them. It may be over budget, but the Geddy Lee range I have found I love over any other Jazz's. Had MIJ, MIM, and now a MIA. It was more the point of looking all over. I always thought if I had a US Standard, it would sound better than xyz...I found to me, that wasn't the case. Well built, but a little sterile.
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