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Everything posted by spongebob

  1. Bought recently and read once, this fantastic read is the autobiography of the voice of rock, Glenn Hughes. He's certainly seen some highs - and he doesn't hold back in telling you all about them! It's a great read, highly recommended. You can pick up a new copy on Amazon for £14.95, or simply grab my minter for £7.00, UK postage included. Please PM with any interest, and thanks for looking! SB 😀
  2. I think Fender should offer a good US made one....baffles why they never do, given the multiples of everything else in their catalogue!
  3. Echo And The Bunnymen left me cold. Quite like their 80's peak material, but thought they were sadly lacking. 2 Bunnymen and a load of faceless backing musicians....not really 'the' band. Mac had a cold....maybe explains why his voice sounded shot. Most alarming was the level of hair dye between him and Will! 😁
  4. It does all sound promising.....just their vague description that worries me a little! As Clivem said, people don't return products for damaged packaging! Pictures look fine, but it's hard to tell if there's anything more. Tempting is the £100+ saving....I'd happily take the odd mark if there was one for that! Just wondering why a buyer would reject it in the first place. Must admit, the b stock section on Bax is huge!
  5. Sounds risky and expensive! 😀
  6. My concern is 2 basses, identical start price, both damaged packaging, 1 is £100 cheaper! Granted, 2 different colours, but their start price is the same. Both look as new....but you can't help but wonder why....!
  7. Some of the basses are discounted more than others with the same 'packaging' defect....that was my worry!
  8. Has anyone bought anything from Bax, from their B stock? Some of the stuff is quite reduced....most with damaged packaging....? Quite tempted by something on there, a good £100 off new UK price, but just a bit worried about the gamble!
  9. I'm with you! My fave BS stuff is the Duo era. Really gave them a new purpose. As I'm typing on the phone, can't post a link right now....but if you Google Heaven And Hell and Craig Gruber, the 'net is full of stuff on it. Some say yes, some no. End of the day, he said he did the work on the album, and got, shall we say, paid off. Geezer (and the band line) was that he re-recorded the bass parts for release. Craig was by all accounts always very certain of what he did. They settled, and it became ancient history as far as he was concerned.
  10. Great album - Craig Gruber always insisted that it was he who played on it, and that they came to a 'financial agreement' afterwards. I for one think it's possible, as it's definitely BS's best 'bass' album. Bass albums? Too many to choose - but for today, I'd plump for 'Red' by King Crimson. 😀
  11. Love Hemispheres, superb album. You can see why they changed after this - it's hard to top the over-the-top nature of side 1! I first heard it about 30 years ago, and still dig it out on occasion. I think they got better afterwards - but it's still a stone-cold classic, and I guess the end of the first era of the band. I'd love to see some more archived live sets released from the band.....a complete Hemispheres first side, if that exists....or another 'Different Stages' type-package. Must be loads out there.
  12. A whole page, and nobody's posted that weird 'Julie's Sixteen Birthday' one yet! Surely a BC record? Record breaker, not that it's a record which represents BC - no confusion please! 😮
  13. I fully sympathise. Whilst I don't have kids or any commitments as such, I underwent some nasty eye surgery at the end of last year. Come 2018, I realised that the band I was in was bringing me down. So I quit. Thought that was it, didn't play bass more that a few minutes a week. Game over for a few months. However, a new project came knocking, and I've ended up fulfilling some of the gigs with the old band (different drummer, so not as bad!) Trouble is, the old band is finished (just a couple more to fulfil) and the new one hasn't really taken off as I'd hoped. Been very slow - only a couple of gigs so far. To make matters worse, whereas say, 8-10 years ago, there were loads of music opportunities around, nowadays the scene has just died. So you can't just jump into something else, which previously, was always so easy. So, I downsized. I've got one bass, one cab, one amp (and a practice amp). All quality stuff, and the stuff I want. If the gigs ramp up next year a bit, or if something else comes knocking, then I'm ready. If things stay as they are, then I'm equally fine with that. What I won't do, is play what I'm either unhappy with, or with people I don't want to. I'd rather give up than do it for the sake of it. As has been said, I'd flog the peripheral stuff, but keep a bass. That's what I'd do if things stopped....put the bass under the bed, and sell the amps. It might help - how many players have got loads of stuff they don't actually need? 😀
  14. I've never used Spotify, but have been a Google Play subscriber for some years (same kind of thing). Being a subber, you don't have to suffer the adverts. I've said it time and time over, for a tenner a month, I think it's amazing what you get. Do I feel guilty? Not a bit. I spent so much money on CD's and vinyl - some amazing, some amazingly bad, I feel I paid my musical dues! Only thing to blame is the music industry/business. I never heard artists whinging in the '90s when they were flogging every single as a 2-CD set, with extra tracks on the 7" and cassingle. Maybe they should have spent less on the Bolivian marching powder! For me, I think that music has been in a dire state since the the millennium.We now have the greatest access ever to recorded music, but as a creative entity, I feel it's in full decline. Whereas albums used to be hard to get or deleted entirely, every new release is in competition with virtually everything ever made. Given the quality of what's already out there, that's a hard sell indeed.
  15. Good to hear a success story! I've used UPS (bar the odd occasion) for years - never found reason to fault them, or to use anyone else.
  16. This is one of the reasons I gave up with them in the end - 9 years ago, a new 4003 was around £1250 if shopping around. The fact they're now close to £2500 is just obscene. I've had many a run-in with the QC of Rics, even worse it's the same bass since about 1960! Just avoid posting any issue over on Rickresource. You'll get denial, blame, and ultimately, flaming torches! 😁 Hope you get it sorted soon.
  17. You are all spot on. Call it a moment of madness, self doubt....but I am now withdrawing this from sale. Regardless of circumstances, I know I'd be regretting it forever more. Sorry for any confusion, but it's just too good to part with.
  18. Loved my Fender flats for a long time, but wanted a bit more zing. Past 4/5 months, been using the D'addario NYXL's. Drew me back to rounds - love them. Give enough roundy zing when needed, but can also go deep and flat if EQ'd. I'll be sticking with these for a while!
  19. Anything from their first two albums. Bass heaven!
  20. After some hesitation, I have decided to put up my Fender USA Geddy Lee Jazz. A dream bass, only a change in circumstance has led me to selling - otherwise, I'd never let this one go. It's a 2016 build stamp, but it was purchased brand new, by myself, a few months ago. It's had very little play time - so the condition is immaculate. Couple of tiny marks which won't picture, that's it. It's a beauty. All case candy, hard case, everything is included. A rare opportunity to snag one of these in this condition on the used market. If you've got this far, you'll know how good these are. They nail that growly Geddy tone to a tee. The neck is the same Custom Shop one which Geddy has on his - plus the new signature high mass bridge, pearloid pickguard, the works. Compared to the MIJ/MIM - there is no comparison! This is a different league - it's clear why it retails at just under £2000 new. No trades - straight sale only please. Best part is, I'm only asking £1495 for it. For that, in the UK, I will included the courier (usually UPS) to your door. Payment by bank transfer for this item please. EU postage can be done without issue, although that would add an additional £50. Bass will be dispatched within a couple of days - it's replacement will provide me with the shipping carton! I'm based down on the Romney Marsh in Kent. Check out my feedback thread for validation. Any questions, please PM. Thanks for looking! SB 😀
  21. Don't really want to chip in, but on behalf on the majority of honest and diligent RM workers, I find this assumption to be a little offensive. Do you really think people kick items around? Good grief.
  22. I went for an audition with a covers band around 2011. Found my way to a country club type-place, unloaded into the back room. Met the guitarist (okay, but very dull) and drummer (nice guy), and finally the 'singer' came in. With her mum and dad (although she was over 20, not a child or anything). They then announced that they were going for a curry in the restaurant. I should have left then, but as the drummer was so friendly, I wanted to stick it out just in case. And the guitarist had a Sabbath 'Heaven And Hell' t-shirt on. So we halfheartedly jammed for the next 40 mins. She eventually returned, and we played a few covers with her parents watching. They had to keep encouraging her to sing with a bit more passion.....she had no clue or idea. Thing is, I'd been sold on the audition by a YT clip of her (she seemed good) and the project in general. It was nothing like as promised, and neither was she. Never again!
  23. I grew up in the CD/late vinyl era, and don't miss either. Sold my vinyl as one collection as one lot, and CD's as another. Thar was back in 2010. I first switched to downloads/iTunes, and then the streaming services (I've had Google Play for nearly 5 years). All you need is a tablet/phone, decent speakers and sub, subscription, and you've got pretty much everything at the click of a mouse/finger swipe. I appreciate many people get warm and fuzzy about vinyl, but having spent many hours trying to clean out skips and dirt from second hand records (or new pressings which weren't that great) I'll pass.😀
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