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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Congratulations on your new shovel.
  2. I'm still loving my NEO. Fantastic four the money and it sounds superb.
  3. I remember it well. Seek and Destroy by Metallica.
  4. Yeah I almost posted that one, but the original it's ridiculous enough. I think there's also a version with the Birdie Song.
  5. It's not just you mate. I've found myself looking at basses again recently that I really don't need, can't afford, and if I'm honest, don't even want. No prospects of playing live any time soon, even without the Covid restrictions. We're a new band doing all original stuff and still very much in the writing / rehearsing stage. That being said, I still keep trying to convince myself that I need a P bass for recording. I don't even like P basses!
  6. £20 expenses is more than I've ever made at a gig. So that would be a step up for me. 😂
  7. Hi shels. The Gretsch Junior Jet is a great little bass and sounds like thunder. Welcome.
  8. Precisely. That's why I thought it would be a good topic for discussion. No right or wrong answers or judgement either way.
  9. Yup. I think I would definitely do the same in that case. New thread created here on this subject so we can get back to business as usual on this one.
  10. Yup. Us too. Or at least that was the case with my last gigging band. We supported a lot of charities with our gigs and never made any money personally. So my answer would be, absolutely. But if I was a professional musician who's primary income was from gigging, it may not be so black and white.
  11. So they would also have to be not paying their staff or their beer supplier?
  12. This came up on another thread and I though it was an interesting topic for discussion. If a venue where you played regularly asked you to play for free, given that the current social distancing measures make it difficult for any venue to make money, would you do it, at the risk that without your support the venue may have to close for good?
  13. Yeah maybe this should be a thread all of its own. It's a good topic of discussion. I'll start one so as not to derail this thread.
  14. And would you? Genuine question and not a judgement either way. Would you play for free to support a venue that could otherwise close for good, in order to secure future work? It's a difficult one.
  15. I always found this utterly ridiculous. I mean, what were they thinking? It's somehow even worse with the sound off.
  16. Am I missing something? You will always get that noise when unplugging a live cable which is plugged into an amp at the other end. Regardless of what you're unplugging it from. It's not the pedal at fault. It's always good practice to turn off, or at the very least mute the amp before unplugging any cables.
  17. I'd sell it and use the money to rent some thugs to send round to Scott's house and "gently persuade" him to remove me from his email list. Seventy thirteen spamming emails a week is more than one man can endure.
  18. *Heads over to Google to see who Adam Nitti is. 10 minutes reading and still none the wiser. Stunning looking bass though.
  19. Not in front of an audience. But we've been back to our "normal" weekly practice for a few weeks now.
  20. I'm pretty confident I've got 0 out of 15. Not the first foggiest idea who any of them are.
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