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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Weird! Does anyone actually do any of that? OK I might technically be in for 15 bucks for bringing an electric tuner, but it's part of a multi effects board. Other than that I'm home free, and I've never even played with a horn player. I don't think I've ever even seen one.
  2. There's also a great exchange of airborne particles. Don't get me wrong. I understand the desire to get back to it, but I think anyone actually doing it is off their rockers, and that includes my old band who are now out gigging every weekend.
  3. But there's a difference between playing and gigging isn't there? I play with my band every week and enjoy it immensely. I still have no desire to play in a crowded room in front of the great unwashed.
  4. I've never had a single problem buying anything from eBay, and I've bought hundreds of things over the years. You just have to use a bit of common sense and check feedback scores. For example, if it's a high value item and the seller has zero feedback, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. If it's a high value bass, I'd check out the sellers previously bought and sold items via their feedback, and if there's other musically related stuff on there, or even just random day to day things a normal person wound buy and sell, then it's must likely genuine. If anything ever says something along the lines of untested, or can't test because I don't have a plug / charger / amp / cable or anything else along those lines. Run a mile. It's knackered!
  5. That's me out then. I'll get my coat. πŸ˜‚
  6. Simple answer is. I play a six because I like playing a six. I started on a 4, wondered if I'd get on with a 5. Thought "sod it!" and jumped straight on a 6. Then I found I just preferred playing the sixer. I like the feel of it more, I like the closer string spacing more, and I much prefer the look of it, which inspires me to pick it up more often. I'm not a particularly clever bass player. I don't play a lot of high end chordal stuff that the sixer would allow, neither do I spend a lot of time bashing away at the bottom B string creating thunderous undertones. What I do "do" is play it exactly as I would play a four string, but utilise the extra strings by playing the higher or lower notes in the same position, rather than having to do fretboard gymnastics up and down the neck. In many ways a sixer is "easier" to play than a four string.
  7. You're playing in tent on a caravan site? Covid is the least of your problems. πŸ˜‚ Joking aside, it looks stunning. Hope it all goes well and safely.
  8. Oh thank Christ! I'm only 45. There's hope for me yet. πŸ˜‚
  9. Fair play. I use octave up and smart harmony to give me the 5th for power chord type playing when we want that second guitar sound. It works surprisingly well. I've never been so tight with a guitarist. 😁
  10. I think she was just sitting on it. It sounds like someone's had a stroke on the karaoke.
  11. I don't think it's mandatory. It was only a few months ago I had use Google to find out who he was, and only a couple of months before that I had to Google Jaco for the same reason. In the case of the latter I wish I hadn't bothered.
  12. I don't think it would bother me if I never played in public, went out in public, or even saw the public ever again.
  13. I started my musical career playing the recorder at the age of six. By the time I'd nailed "Little Donkey" I knew I'd pretty much peaked and had to quit to give up and coming musicians a shot. It took me another 10 years to recover from the dizzying heights of recorder success before I picked up my fist bass. Purely because my mates were in a band and they didn't have a bass player, so I thought I'd give it a bash. That lasted maybe 12 months and one whole gig. I then once again took a hiatus from the showbiz lifestyle. I started playing again about a year ago. So all in all about thirty years, or two depending on how you count.
  14. It's no worse than the original, the only saving grace then being Dave Grohl's drumming.
  15. If someone wound invent a jazz filter I'd pay handsomely for it. πŸ˜‰
  16. Ah bugger! I managed to miss this one. 😞 I've got the Line 6 M13 and a second expression pedal would be just the job.
  17. I'm sure we've been down this road before. Please feel free to copy and paste. **Flight case only. Does not include Markbass cab.
  18. Really? It's a daily occurrence in my house. Incidentally I use both. I hang them when I'm not using them, and put the current one I'm using on a stand for easy access. I don't think it makes a jot of difference with regards to the condition of the bass.
  19. I think the best advice we can all take from this thread is, don't buy Fenders. No? I'll get my coat.
  20. Thanks Kev. Band practice on Thursday. I'll see if he's still interested as get back to you.
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