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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Neither. Most of the time I'm just hanging on for dear life and praying I don't pink torpedo things up before the end of the song.
  2. I've never tried the Fenders, but you can't go wrong with Wilkinson's. Massive bang for the buck.
  3. My guitarist is a very knowledgeable musician, so in that respect I suppose he's a better bass player than I am, but he plays the bass very much like a guitarist. It's just too much. I think a lot of the skill of bass playing is knowing what not to play. Setting the groove and tone of the music without overdoing it. At least that's the way I try to play.
  4. I'm constantly frustrated by the low prices of gear in the UK at the minute. I now live in Bulgaria and the second hand market here is a joke, with people often pricing second hand goods around the same price that I could buy new from Thomann etc. I've recently been looking for a set of PA bass bins. Either 15" or 18" and I could pick some up dirt cheap from eBay UK, but most sellers can't be bothered to ship something so large, and even if they do, the cost is often prohibitive. If we weren't in the middle of a global plague I'd be tempted to drive back and fill a van up with gear, and I'd still be quids in. Smaller items aren't a problem as forward shipping is pretty cheap. I've just received a blender pedal, and I have a few bits, mics, stands etc coming this weekend. I just wish I could figure out a cost effective way of getting bigger stuff shipped.
  5. I'd soon remedy that if I was the one kept waiting.
  6. To be fair. The drummer and guitarist were never going to be on time, without a bass player holding them together 🤭 You may just be the missing cog, musically and personality wise, to bring things together. Good luck. Hope it works out.
  7. I've never understood the "Oh God, not this again" attitude on any forum, It really boils my p#ss when people are pulled up by older members who have seen similar threads numerous times. Most, if not all forums are based around a single subject / hobby / lifestyle. (Bass playing being the most important, obviously) and as such there is always going to be a limited amount to be said about any given subject. At the same time, a forums life blood is new and returning members. So if all you have is a bunch of miserable gits complaining that something has been discussed before, then your forum isn't going to last very long. At the same time, on a lively forum, there are also going to be a lot of newer members that haven't seen any of the earlier posts on a given subject, that will be happy to discuss it. So it really wouldn't bother me if there was a different thread on the same subject every day of the week. If you don't like seeing it, then wind your neck in and move on to the next thread that interests you. "Been discussed before", "use the search feature", or "not this again", really doesn't do any forum any favours.
  8. Definitely not. There are those who can discern pitch, notes, and melody. Then there are those who like jazz.
  9. Or if you want a total change you could get a Rattlebugger.
  10. I'm not sure if you would describe it as the opposite, but if passive P and J setups aren't doing it for you, then to something with active humbuckers. One of my basses has Seymour Duncan humbuckers and preamp and it's the nicest sounding bass I've ever played. Of course, it's all subjective.
  11. Would your paid teacher come banging on your door 6 times a day when you didn't invite him round?
  12. Thanks. I was thinking along the same lines. I have indeed just ordered a blender pedal, so I'll experiment a bit more when it arrives. 😁
  13. No more so than any other single cut "Foldera" style bass, where for some inexplicable reason they feel the need to build the top half of the body half way along the fretboard. They're all as ugly as sin. Beauty is of course, in the eye of the beholder so opinions vary. I personally find Fender P basses extremely ugly, whereas many other drool over them.
  14. So, did he ever come up with any rock / metal content in the academy? The other reason Scott's lessons do nothing for me is because it all seems to be built around jazz noodling. Great if that's what floats your boat, but to me it's about as musically inspiring as listening to roadworks.
  15. Even the video explaining why he waffles is half an hour of waffle. 😂 Thanks for posting. I'd not seen that before, and fair play to Scott for taking the time to respond.
  16. Thanks. I think maybe the component I'm missing is being able to run a dry signal to the amp. Might be time to invest in a blender pedal.
  17. Yup. No lack of thump from mine at any volume, and it's loud enough to wake the Kracken.
  18. Totally agree, and I much prefer Marks straight down to business approach as well, with no needless filler and waffle. I'm not saying Scott isn't a great musician, or a great teacher. He's just not my cup of tea. You can't please everyone.
  19. Does anyone use guitar effects on bass, or does it just always sound cr#p? I've got a Line 6 M13, which I absolutely love from a usability perspective. I've tried using it on the bass for several things but I'm always underwhelmed with the result. A couple of the reverbs are OK, and the tuner works, but other than that it doesn't get much use. I'm more than happy to admit it may just be me not setting things up properly as I don't have a lot of experience when it comes to effects. Has anyone else had any decent results with one of these or similar? Or would I be better off just chopping it in for a dedicated bass multi effects?
  20. I don't think it was custom. Not ordered my me anyway. I bought it new from Electro Music in Doncaster (now sadly no more) around about 2006 if I remember correctly. Although I've never seen another one since and I've looked several times. Sadly had to sell it when I was hard up for cash a couple of years later.
  21. I used to have a Warwick Thumb double buck in the same colour. It was a beauty. If I had £850 going spare I'd take your arm off. Sadly, as I'm sure it's the case with most people. Money is tight at the minute.
  22. Sounds perfect. I'm much more interested in the contents of those than the content of Scott's videos.
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