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Everything posted by mr_russ

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  6. Another update 'Vintage' stingray copy 5 string- yamaha bb404 - Warwick streamer standard single pickup - I loved this bass so much, really wish I could buy it back Warwick corvette proline (wenge neck) - wasn't actually a proline, bass cellar ripped me off at 16 yrs old. Fender Jazz 4, sunset orange, maple neck Fender usa deluxe jazz 5 Hohner fretless Jazz copy fretless Sadowsky tokyo UV70's 5 string MPG Level 5 Lakland 55-02 Shuker jazz 5 Musicman Stingray 5 1994 Sei Jazz 5 Sei Original 5 Musicman Stingray 5 HH Marcus Miller Jazz 4 Fender Geddy Lee jazz Fender CIJ '75 reissue jazz - WICKED bass Lakland Bob Glaub Lakland Darryl Jones 5 string - currently my only bass I'm currently getting the cash together for another SR5 although still interested in getting a yamaha trb6.
  7. I find a little bit of tweeter goes a long way - I don't go for a trebly sound but having it up about 50% really clears things up - many cabs sound pretty mushy to my ears without them.
  8. I've used a variety of ashdown stuff on many occasions, I really can't stand it
  9. I can vouch for Mark, he's a top bloke and this cab is wicked
  10. [quote name='casapete' post='395108' date='Jan 30 2009, 01:10 AM']Afraid not! Can't remember what was on it though. Thanks for nice comments-this is a great cab for someone who wants a proper grown up rig. And a bargain too![/quote] The one I had was in a flightcase identical to this - It was owned by the simple minds bass player at some point. I sold it to a guy from cornwall (i think, somewhere in the west country) for a lot more than this one is going for -about £500 quid I think. Highly recommended - these sound fantastic with a little mark.
  11. I used to own one of these - it was great It doesn't say 'simple minds' on the flightcase under that gaffa tape does it? R
  12. I'm seriously considering getting an SR5 again - this looks great
  13. I've used markbass since they first appeared over here - I've had a selection of cabs but have mainly stuck to the old version of the 102HF cab with a LM C (yellow one) and now an LMII - great rig. I've played through a few of the combos, does anyone else hate the tweeter in them as much as I do? the horn in the non traveller cabs is pretty good but the little piezo thing in some of them is sh*te. I picked up an Epifani ul110 secondhand through basschat, it sounds wicked, but now I want that tone in a louder format - a ul310 might be on the cards.
  14. How much are mansons going to be selling that AD140B for then?
  15. I really miss my one of these - bloody excellent basses
  16. Where abouts are you based sir?
  17. Yep i'll take a ticket - Although I'm not sure what the impact of having this kind of thing freely available on basschat would be
  18. I wouldn't mind checking this out at some point buddy - can I give you a shout when I'm in Brighton next? R
  19. It sort or reminds me of a baby version of Jean Baudin's 'hideous claw' bass
  20. I miss my one of these terribly - it was the best sounding bass I've owned
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