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Everything posted by mr_russ

  1. Hi Nik, I used a markbass front ported 2x10 with burning organ with a 5 string exclusively- it was as big and bassy as I'd ever need- I still use the same combination now, it's perfect for 5 string and takes anything I can throw at it. If you want to try it out, I'm only in Saltdean R
  2. [quote name='bassbloke' post='46969' date='Aug 17 2007, 08:38 PM']Can I just chip in and say this is a v. good price for what is essentially a new piece of kit. I paid £135 to get my JZ3D (deluxe) into the country and the JZ3 only lists at $10 less in the first place. It's also a rather spiffing sounding preamp.[/quote] Indeedy- It's a great preamp but my jazz just sounds right passive, it's a bit overkill having this installed only to use the bass boost a tad ;D
  3. I'm actually half tempted to get this alongside my 75 reissue cij jazz
  4. I've absolutely no idea how much this would be worth but I am interested- do you have a rough figure in mind?
  5. Ishibashi have been excellent- my jb75 is excellent- better in build quality than the usa jazz I had a few years ago the tuners aren't as smooth as the american ones but they do the job
  6. I've got the nat/rosewood version- it's excellent, the build quality on mine is BETTER than my old usa S1 jazz
  7. I'm going to be on holiday for a week from tomorrow morning- I'll reply to any messages as soon as I get home. r
  8. [quote name='NickThomas' post='40217' date='Aug 1 2007, 09:28 PM']Hey Russ .. do you have any sound clips ? How does it compare to a J retro? Cheers, Nick.[/quote] Hi- I've taken it out of the bass it was in so can't get you any sound clips I'm afraid- there are some on the website linked in my first post though- I've not played a bass with a j-retro- the audere is pretty much transparent though, set flat the mid z mode is fairly similar to the passive tone. low z mode is earth shaking- the eq is very very usable
  9. Hi Guys- I bought this new from the states, whacked it in my '75 reissue jazz for a day and have realised, why do I need an active preamp in it- i get all the sounds I want from a jazz from it with stock passive electronics- It is however a fantastic preamp, the low Z mode is awesome and the battery light is awesomely handy- bloody easy to install, no soldering. [url="http://www.audereaudio.com/JZ3.htm"]INFO HERE[/url] Mine's the Vol, mid/balance, treble/bass + z-mode switch version. I'm after £90 [reduced as of 21/08] shipped anywhere in mainland UK OR a trade/part exchange for an ampeg/trace tube preamp of some description- or possibly a sansamp (although that mid cut is a pain- i've had 2 in the past) It comes boxed and was only used for yesterday and this morning- comes with spare bits to crimp the ground wires (metal sheath and shrink tubing) Russ russfcox: :at: :gmail: :dot: :com
  10. Hi- I've got a vintage/70's fit jazz bass pickguard from wd music here- I bought it for my geddy lee originally but the guy who bought it preferred the white one- Fits a geddy lee jazz apart from one or two holes- it didn't both me just leaving them as is 3 ply black/white/black- only taken out of the packet to check it would fit- as new £10 delivered russfcox 0at0 gmail 0dot0 com
  11. I just today got hold of my jap '75 reissue jazz today- I'll stick up a review in the next couple of days r
  12. I've just weighed this bass after being asked by someone- It's just below 8lbs and therefore a very light example- I've read that most of these tend to be pretty heavy, around 10-12lbs. God I hate imperial - I long for the day we make a proper switch over It also has a set of the following pickups in- a BIG improvement over the originals- highly noticable on the bridge pu which is now much fuller. The whole sound is a slightly beefier version of the originals. [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0992123000"]http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0992123000[/url] Russ
  13. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='38700' date='Jul 29 2007, 11:30 PM']I would get the GB Spitfire that Ian is selling.[/quote] although great basses- they don't really sound like a jazz with the dual coil pickups- I haven't tried one with single coils though
  14. I've also owned both- Both are excellent basses but I personally way prefer the Marcus- The preamp is better than many make out, when used sparingly, I do prefer it in passive mode though- A passive tone control would be nice but I didn't really miss it. I found the non standard neck profile on the Geddy to be far too shallow aswell. I am selling my sunburst mm jazz, but only because I have a CIJ jazz on its way- It's an excellent instrument and I'd highly recommend it. Russ
  15. [quote name='ARGH' post='38201' date='Jul 28 2007, 05:55 PM']Is wood good? Good wood is![/quote]
  16. The barts in my Sei were rubbish- sounded great in my bedroom, loads of bass, nice strong mids and loads of smooth top- but got completely lost in a band context- bizarrely so the wizards were an excellent buy- they turned it into a proper bass it's the best jazz 5 I've played to date- but there's something about a jazz in a 5 string format that seems to be lacking over a 4- in every example I've tried. I'd love to find a J5 that tonally matched a 4.
  17. indeed, it's going to be excellent ;D
  18. I've owned and played basses with maple necks that I've loved, and others I've hated- I've owned and played basses with wenge neck that I've loved, and again others I've hated I'm certain in myself that the wood does affect tone, but the variation between seemingly identical instruments can be so profound it's almost impossible to say without doubt which I prefer. I've disliked most wenge necked warwicks I've played- and swiftly connected the main outstanding feature (the wenge neck) with that dislike. Yet my old Sei original 5 was made almost entirely of the stuff and it was fantastic. Like CK said, it's all a balancing act. I try not to judge a bass by the wood it's made of anymore- if it sounds good and feels good- it is good, whether it's made of ash or mdf.
  19. I'd love to use fuzz more often in my original band but I prefer active basses for live work- one of these could be rather good ;D may well be interested depending on the price they come out at. r
  20. it's not been charged by customs just yet, + it's at the international depot in coventry- I'll wait until they send it down to the gatwick depot and pick it up from there- going to slap on a hipshot detuner, audere preamp and black scratchplate as soon as I get it ;D
  21. Mine is in the country now ;D can't wait
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