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Everything posted by mr_russ

  1. Hi guys - I'm after selling the cab Alex built for me last year. As far as I'm aware, it's the same spec as the current 'compact' model with the exception that it's the same size as a markbass 102hf and that it's carpet covered. It sounds fantastic and is incredibly light - the bathroom scales test indicated about 17kg More than enough top end for standalone use, really really punchy and quick. Build thread available [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=46774&st=20"]HERE[/url] Info on the compact model available [url="http://www.barefacedbass.com/thecompact.html"]HERE[/url] Unfortunately the carpet covering is a bit tatty so I'm looking to drop over to Alex for a refinish (tuffcab) to match his latest offerings - if anyone doesn't mind it as it is, I will sell it for less. I've gigged it over the last year but could really do with freeing up some space in my flat - I find the 102hf on its own is suiting my current gig needs. Alex sells these for £400 - with the above taken into consideration I'm after £250 when refinished - or make me an offer if you want it in its current state Pics asap - hopefully this evening
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  3. I'm gobsmacked that this is still about - these are excellent basses and the price is really low Just in case any one missed this video - here's an idea of what they sound like, I've since found the bart and lakland electronics not to be as different as previously thought aswell.
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='504287' date='Jun 2 2009, 10:13 PM']Life's too damn short to play anything other than the best bass you can afford.[/quote] This quote has to potential to be incredibly dangerous for my wallet ;D
  5. Gaargh - this sounds awesome and so local aswell I'm very interested in pics - I'm going to check the bank balance right now R
  6. [quote name='51m0n' post='484835' date='May 11 2009, 09:34 AM']Dunno what you all talkin' 'bout. Low action is where its at for me. Not such that it buzzes if I dig in, but I might get some fret noise, which I think is a really good sound. Having said that my digging in is where most people start.. High action just wastes energy, I dont like fighting my basses. I thought my old bass was sorted action wise till I got the Roscoe, but that has without doubt the best action I've ever played, its not just low, its incredibly consistent across the board. Personally I've been trying to play lightly and evenly for years now, and its pretty much just how I play. I do sometimes catch myself digging in a little more than I would like, but only if I'm not plugged in. I'm not in Gary WIllis' league on this and I dint use a ramp, but it just seems sensible to not waste energy or stress my hands any more than I have to (RSI is a real indicator that you are over doing it). I certainly dont have a weedy tone as a result though, its all in the fingers! As for slapping, well as long as the notes dont choke its fine. I've found that the lower the action the less welly you have to give it to get the same tone, and you can more easily bounce back with a low action than a high action, plus muted left hand slaps are easier, and sound more like muted right hand thumps if your action is low, which is a good thing in my book.[/quote] +1 That's exactly how I feel - I find the tone of many basses really opens up when the action is reasonably low. I don't go for a stupidly low action, but certainly lower than most. I spend most of my time at a desk typing so have put the effort into reducing the stress on my hands and wrists Another problem I find with a high action is that the string height isn't often at all consistent - varying quite a bit across the neck. The exception for me would be with a precision bass, I find myself setting the action higher on a P than most other basses in order to get the sound I like.
  7. What sort of weight is it Si? I've got a potential buyer for my DJ5 R
  8. I was surprised at how bright they were - they've got a real punch in the mids to them too. It's a shame they've got that annoying sharpness to the pole piece edges so many j bass pickups have - just a pet peeve of mine ;P The lakland pickups in my DJ5 are a lot darker in comparison - although I didn't compare the pot/cap values
  9. Glad you like it ;D it's a wicked bass The TRB6 is excellent, the action goes SO low - I'm so impressed with it I'm thinking about getting hold of a 5 string aswell
  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='458110' date='Apr 9 2009, 09:15 AM'] Eh? What are you studying?[/quote] +1 that sounds a bit off
  11. Hi all - I've had a sudden influx of pm's on this - I'm sorry I can't pm you all back at the moment, I'm extremely busy with work. I'm having to hold on to this for a while longer until I'm in a better position to source a replacement instrument - I'll be back in contact with people who were interested asap. Once again sorry for the impersonal notice! Cheers ;D Russ
  12. I'm pretty sure those basses are active - have you changed the battery?
  13. I think she's a great player, with great tone and her album has some really good stuff on it but I have to agree with the ceefax statement earlier - it does go a bit too far into the realms of musak in places, and the pianist doesn't help - think baywatch I think she's great in a supportive role.
  14. What about a px for a markbass 102hf? it fits in my astra's boot and is more than good enough to gig standalone
  15. because a 2 litre diesel just doesn't cut it
  16. That's my favourite colour SR5 - I like a few marks on a bass, I don't have to worry if I add one or two myself then.
  17. I do have one but I'm not sure how keen she'd be on being re-purposed in such a way
  18. [quote name='Feelgood' post='441891' date='Mar 22 2009, 06:17 PM']Hey Russ When you say standard pups, do you mean those original to this bass? BTW, the pics are good but for great pics you really need to borrow one of Lysdexia's guitar stands! [/quote] Yep - or as close to them as I can find - I'm going to look into the economics of it - it may not be worth while. I think the cheapest you can get a set of CS 60's j pu's is about £110/120 and BA2 bridges are about £60/70 - I could probably get £70 for the pu's and £30 for the bridge - but I'd probably have to spend half of that on the new bits. I'll look into it further R
  19. I'm surprised at the lack of comments - it's a great looking bass, I even got the tripod and decent camera out to take some good pics Bump
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