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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. I'd like a 5 string version. Lineup on poles looks pretty normal to me.
  2. Oh heck...sorry to hear this. I don't tend to buy used unless I know the player or I have played the instrument. I would lodge a complaint with them immediately and ask for a partial refund. Whilst MIJ/CIJ Basses and guitars are great, the colour, finish, weight, neck, control and the amazing pickups would steer me towards the Flea Jazz.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1509703244' post='3400949'] But what does an amp sound like? For me it's just some EQ attached to a device that makes my bass loud. [/quote] Hmm..I know what you mean. I think it is just character. Despite being mainly a bassist, I think the guitar side is much harder to get right as I am SO used to pretty clean and powerful bass amps that I use a pedal or three with for say an Ampeg tube sound, or just use the amp as it is for the sound of my bass. Guitar is a different world. Getting that low level of hair on the notes is very hard to get right. Nothing sparkles like a Fender Deluxe/Twin when just plugged in with single coils. Etc.
  4. I think Dood is a good example of someone it would really benefit as he's a musician a lot more than me! If you are a busy musician or basically spend all your time in music/lucky enough to earn a living from it, then it's worth putting the effort in.
  5. The other thing to note is that the bass side wasn't really anything I'd be that bothered about using. I like my Genz/TC amps, and I like my Tech 21 pedals for getting a more gritty tube tone, and then a few good fuzz and octave pedals. I'm not a fan of the Darkglass tone, so that didn't really lure me in. I kept thinking 'does this really sound like this amp?' when I was trying the amp models....I wasn't really sure.
  6. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1509665446' post='3400785'] Been toying with the idea of Helix lately but I fear I’m of a similar disposition to yourself re: preferring the physical pedals...I guess I need to borrow a helix for a while and give it a little trial in my own time. [/quote] I would either try borrow one, or have one on a very good returns policy when you know it can be sent back no issues. I'm not sure whether you can send it back once the seal is broken to be honest. I got mine from Richtone, and as soon as it arrived I thought it was WAY too big and heavy, but exceptionally well built. I asked them about returns and as it wasn't faulty I would have to pay and arrange my own return, which I guess is fair, and I would then get a full refund. As the postage would have been £20-30 at least, I thought I'd try it out properly (as well as I could) and yes, it does sound good. Our Fretmeister kindly helped out and sent over some sample patches and IRs. Whilst the technology is fabulous, and the way Line 6 has designed it is fantastic, I don't think I'm ready for it. One, I don't gig enough and if I did it wouldn't be through amazing PA's that I could use this with. Two, I don't record very often at home at all. Three, I actually prefer the simplicity of an amp and the fun of having physical pedals (with a switching system). Four, I wasn't absolutely bowled over by it. It sounds good, and I didn't really concentrate on the bass side, but the guitar side seemed more suited for 80s high gain stuff....that's not me. I wasn't convinced by the delay, reverb or the pitchshifting. Five, it seemed like a lot of hassle to get that sound you wanted. With my Boss Katana for guitar which I use for low volume stuff at home, I just plug in and it's fun, and it cost £230 for the whole amp, speaker, effects, etc. Unless you have a lot of time to really get into it then it could be a bit 'oh for god sake, what now'. Six, the tuner is appalling. Absolutely shocking for such a high end bit of kit. I do think despite my criticisms that eventually, this tech will move so far on that I will be able to embrace it, but for now, it was surplus to requirements and was just sat there whilst I was eyeing up fuzz pedals. I was using the Helix into the effects loop of an amp (so just using the power section) and through a set of headphones and I just thought 'why am I doing this....I could just use the amp without this huge bit of kit and throw in my favourite pedals which do sound better'. I bought it just before the price surge and managed to do a deal, so I knew I wouldn't lose too much. Otherwise, I don't think I would have tried it.
  7. I enjoyed my time with modelling but I’ve moved my Helix Floor on. If I’m being honest I still just prefer to plug into an amp I like and using physical pedals. I still don’t find the use of multi effects as fun as individual pedals. With bass in particular, if I really want a light rig Ill just DI with a good quality pre-amp pedal or mini board with pre-amp.
  8. It'll be something in the higher-mid range that needs cutting IMO.
  9. The closest I have got is the Genz Benz Shuttlemax tone....I have the 9.2 and it is a very similar quick clear and bright tone. I LOVE it. Plus it is less than half the size and about 1/10 of the weight.
  10. [quote name='No. 8 Wire' timestamp='1507292163' post='3384547'] Maybe darkglass doesn't expect to sell any or many to the general public. They could just be a marketing tool so that endorsing artists can have a wall of darkglass cabs behind them in music videos, concerts and YouTube promos. After all, you can't see a pedal or a class D amp from the back of a gig can you? The pricing is just there so the other gear doesn't look quite so expensive! [/quote] I like your approach. I wouldn't be surprised. A lot of consumers don't realise exactly what happens to get them to buy products, and yes, I think being cynical and not trusting everything you are told helps.
  11. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1507284974' post='3384473'] I agree with Musicman20, they are definitely missing a big big trick with their stuff, the clean amp is rather good, and a good EQ, but we never hear it. I really liked the clean EQ, but too many nobbles for me to tinker, and i wasn't using the distortion which to my ears still does not quite sit together with the clean sound, there is a slight separation rather than a pure parallel. Anyway, they rally need to advertise the clean more, or it may have made more sense to bring out just a clean version of the amp with no distortion circuit, then you don't need the pedal they don't provide with the amp......... [/quote] Exactly, I want to know MORE about the cleans. My Stingrays sound absolutely amazing clean....and with a little dirt, but primarily I want to know what the amps is like clean, so it needs to be pushed more.
  12. I think half the issue is that with so much distortion in 3/4 of their demos, it basically becomes a generic 'DG tone' which is fine if you like it (and they certainly ARE good at their signature style of distortion if you like it) but all the basses I've heard through that tone lose character (as is the same with a lot of distortion) and if your guitars are also super high gain, what exactly are you hearing? IMO/IME, a touch of dirt is great for certain bands, clean is decent with super high gain/heavy guitars, and a full on dirty bass tone is better with a band where the bass takes a more prominent role. Muse...for example. Death From Above 1979.
  13. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1507098928' post='3383238'][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]There is a big difference between "can't buy" and refusing to throw hard earned cash away on something that is [i]clearly[/i] overpriced.[/font][/color] [/quote] +1
  14. Anyone who thinks the current pricing is normal is a victim of marketing!
  15. Big shame, and a sad day and sad loss to music....
  16. I tried a 5 string Ric yearrrrrrsssss ago! Maybe when I was 15?! It was pure awful.
  17. This pedal has just had a major software update land!
  18. I would say a good comparison, pedal wise, perhaps so not high gain, would be the Tech 21 gear. Quite a lot cheaper. I've had a pop at Aguilar as the prices went exceptionally high. Something like £700 for ONE 1x12 DB112! I paid £600 new for a DB212! Those prices are before and after middleman distributors. If these new DG cabs are made here, why on earth are they incredibly expensive? The Aguilar SL410 is crazy money but it is light and it's imported from the USA. At these prices, BERGANTINO every time.
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1506676269' post='3380300'] I like Doug. He seems a nice bloke and he's clearly a very talented engineer. But all that bollocks about bassists not thinking about how important cabs are in the signal chain gives absolute damning proof that his marketing guys should be staked out, smeared with BBQ sauce and left for the wolves. [/quote] HAHAHAHAH
  20. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1506635594' post='3380151'] [b]Over priced, over hyped and last year's sound.[/b] Pointless speakers? Well actually once the short lived buzz about the transient metal sound has fizzled out, IMHO [b]A pointless product range[/b]. There I've said it... [/quote] I hate to be a typical cynical Brit, but I agree. I happily buy expensive products, such as Apple, but something about the DG pricing structure just puts me off. I also really DO NOT like the current trend of extremely distorted bass that people play like a guitar. Djent or whatever the genre is just rubs me up the wrong way. It sounds tacky. I love hearing new types of music but I cannot get into it whatsoever, and I am a big fan of heavier and faster aggressive music.
  21. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1506669096' post='3380228'] Mind you, they still sell plenty of the pedals, so I hope they sell the cabs too! Always good to support the little people and help local businesses. [/quote] I don't think they are so small now!
  22. Just use a Helix into a monitor/PA or even powered cab/bass amp into cab...far more flexible for bass.
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