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Everything posted by Musicman20

  1. CITES will have an affect on the prices and spec, should they have rosewood boards....
  2. I would ask for a proper spec'd bass. That is what you paid for.
  3. The thing I CANNOT stand with the Helix is so called 'professionals' just lobbing bits together for patches and trying to make a living from it.
  4. Personally, I would have discussed the issues you have with them and maybe decided if you wanted to send it all back for them to review....it might be just a few issues they shouldn't have missed and they might put them all right.
  5. Still wonder why they didn't just allow it to be removed properly.
  6. Nice unit. I suspect it might come down to £189.... Seems very cheap compared to Darkglass.
  7. http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassdriverdi.html The mids control on the new-ish version is a great additon.
  8. The old GP12 400 SMX (think that is the model name) was absolutely fantastic. All I wanted Trace to do was to make a smaller lighter version. it didn't have to be absolutely tiny or weigh less than your average book, just maybe half the size, half the weight. The closest amp to it is the Genz Benz Shuttlemax. I picked up a Max 9.2 some years ago and it has that ultra clear, crisp, precise and quick tone of my old Trace.
  9. I do wonder why these haven't been picked up by a store in the UK....I know it's specialist, but still..
  10. I imagine the clean channels could be anyone’s taste, but the dirt is, IMO, very specific and very DG modern shred....not my cup of tea at all.
  11. There is a Youtube video from Sound Affects Premier....it starts to sound good once it is Eq'd and turned up a little....about a minute in. It DOES sound like a Ric...!
  12. Yeah Sterling Ball hinted and mentioned it shortly after the guitar dropped onto the market. I bet it'll be a while, but I think it is going to be a shorter scale. Big Al style 3 x single coils would be awesome!
  13. God I wish I worked in a world in which deadlines could be so loose!
  14. Well the prices are all over the place. £440 is a good price. £540 isn't. I'll have one at £440 as I didn't need all the Helix amp models and I actually didn't want to go FRFR powered cab with modelling (I like my physical amps).
  15. I agree. Whilst they make bold moves, I do think they get it right, if you give it a chance. Depending on the prices, I might have to look into a 4HH.
  16. I’m thinking 4HH in a ridiculous colour....
  17. Basically it will have the classic Ray snarl but with the quickness and attack/precision of the neo magnets....they are VERY powerful.
  18. Looks like the Stingay 2018 might be the only options for normal Rays....but I must admit those neodymium magnets sound ACE!
  19. I wonder who will stock these? At around £1400-1500 I could be tempted.
  20. Oh dear. I don't think they look too bad, and at least now they are proper 5 string basses. I played a 5 string Ric YEARS ago in the mid 90s (no doubt second hand) and it was so odd and just didn't work. I thought most 5 string basses were like that, which put me off them for a long time. The Walnut one is nice. The current orange burst they do really isn't my thing...despite loving burst colours.
  21. D-Bird looks great. Not keen on the DG bass but then again DG pedals etc aren't my thing.
  22. Interesting. I'll watch the video in a little while. I never expected them to completely overhaul the normal Stingray. Is this an additional model?
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