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Everything posted by mr4stringz

  1. There’s a Behringer one (MX400 I think it’s called) that’s a 4 channel mixer, so more than you need, but will sort this with aplomb for less than £20.
  2. I know there aren’t many of us gigging just now but how these ABMs aren’t getting snapped up at prices like this I don’t know. Such great amps. I’ve got an ABM400 that I’ve not been using lately but with prices as they seem to be there’s no way I’m moving it on. GLWTS anyway...
  3. Think mine came out at £469 delivered. The price was lower (started at £529 I think) when they had the restock initially and that dropped further and further over a period of a few days. Then I got lucky with a 5% discount voucher too.
  4. Russian Circles. I've been listening to them loads over the last 12-18 months and massively so since lockdown and while plenty will find the whole instrumental post-metal thing lacking something I love them. Lots going on for a 3 piece too.
  5. Have to say after all the horror stories I was relieved that my purchasing experience from order to delivery was Absolutely fine. The bass? Well, I’m not sure if I’ve just been unlucky but it’s the second MIM PJ Mustang I’ve bought (12 mths or more apart) and both have had issues on delivery. On the first one (domestically purchased) the pickup selector connection was dodgy, and on this one the jack socket is faulty. Fortunately it’s something fairly minor thing so I’m fixing it myself rather than trying to utilise some/any after sales service from Bax and invoke the warranty. Seems way too much hassle given their location too. Other than that issue I’m very happy with it. It’s lighter than my other PJ Mustang, presumably due to the different bridge and tuners. Will move to number one status in my current band once I’ve sorted the little issue out.
  6. Word of caution on those All Parts replacement bridges (checked them out a little while back myself). Likely not a gamechanger, but worthy of note. From their website - https://www.allparts.uk.com/products/danelectro-adjustable-bass-bridge NB. The front two mounting holes match up with the longhorn bass bridge (BB-3810-010). However the rear mounting hole does not so adjustment to the body would need to be made if replacing the longhorn bass bridge with this one.
  7. Dang, I didn’t know the pro model was a thing. Have to say my preference would be for a ‘proper’ bridge and tuners. That said, the unconventional aspects of these basses is half the fun I guess. And I can’t complain as I picked mine up a few months back for just over £150.
  8. Also own a 90s reissue. As with previous payer find the pickups and wiring to be fine. I did look around at pickups a little a while back out of curiosity more than anything. Not loads of options out there from what I saw. There’s a Kent Armstrong Hot Lips bass set, but from memory they’re J bass pickups in a lipstick cover. Think they’re what were used on the Lakland Scheff signature.
  9. How you finding the Pessimiser on bass? I’m using a Hilbish Beta preamp and was considering adding one of these in at some point.
  10. Grown arms and legs at times this one... There are a few comments on the thread that aren’t of the sort what I’m used to reading on BC. Talkbass maybe, but not here. Stay classy you lovely lot. x
  11. The MiniMax is great for the cash. The in built tuner would be a help and there’d be no need to upgrade any time soon. The downside I’ve found with them though is the fan is bloody noisy so not ideal for home use for that reason.
  12. Got rid of my electric a while back as never seemed to play it so for now this is my only one. Always loved the Harmony Buck Owens guitars but not the price they command these days so this was a bit of a no brainer for me. Pretty darn decent sounding and playable for something at the cheaper end of the spectrum. I like it a lot.
  13. Body and fretboard material as well as the p/us are different on the PJs to the CV Squiers. Possibly other stuff too. Really fancied a Fallout trib model but lack of being able to try one meant I went with the second Mustang instead. Think the new Burns model was mentioned on the bass vi alternative thread. Good looks!
  14. Given I’d already got a MIM PJ Mustang this new addition was very much a decision based on aesthetics. It is lovely though. Shall be switching out the scratchplate screws for black ones too...
  15. I swear by the Voodoo Labs stuff personally. The thing with the cheaper units is, while they say isolated each individual port rarely is, and I’d rather pay the extra to keep things nice and quiet, though that said I do run a bunch of pedals So am particularly mindful of that. But, if that isn’t a deal breaker Mooer also do one that’s tiny (same size as their main range of pedals) so might be worth a look. About £50 new on the ‘bay if memory serves, significantly cheaper than elsewhere.
  16. I don’t play bass much at home, tend to play more 6 string then bass when rehearsing with my band. That said, on occasions where I am having a bit of a noodle I like something that gets me working across the strings. Midnight Train to Georgia is a particular fave, just genius from Bob Babbitt.
  17. No probs. And fingers crossed for both of us! Mine’s ‘due’ tomorrow.
  18. Seem to remember posting about these none more black FSR Mustangs a while back. Well, Bax have a restock it seems. Bloody good price too. If you’re lucky you might also be able to get a 5% discount code by signing up to their newsletter too. From viewing a recent post it seems their customer service isn’t always the best. But at that price I’m looking forward to receiving mine this week... https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/right-handed-bass-guitar/fender-fsr-mustang-bass-pj-black-eb-limited-edition
  19. Crackers. 10 page thread that the majority of people on here will largely have seen. Bolting the stable door etc etc. To the OP - Not sure at this stage what you want by way of resolution. If you want to reject the bass and seek a refund - if you paid by PayPal and it was goods and services consider registering a case with PayPal. if you paid by credit card consider contacting your card provider and/or investigating if any Visa or MasterCard (the rules differ by each) chargeback rights exist.
  20. Ah, thanks man. Like waiting for a bus etc etc...just nabbed one off another BCer this very afternoon...
  21. If I was spending €2k+ on an instrument and I was anything other than 100% bowled over and any issues hadn’t been swiftly resolved within a couple of days of raising them I’d have already returned it and asked for a refund. Completely take into account (and don’t disagree really) the points people have raised but €2k is a hell of a lot of dough. That spend to then only be maybe 70-80% satisfied is nowhere close to acceptable to me...
  22. Duck was an amazing player. I was fortunate to see him twice as part of a pseudo MGs backing Neil Young. And I do feel very fortunate indeed to have done so.
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