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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1455222887' post='2977279'] Skint [/quote] I think you'll find that is timeless
  2. The best example I've seen lately was on a bitsa precision made by Mykesbass of BC fame. I hope he doesn't mind me copy-/robbing his graphic. BTW, if you should read this Mykesbass, I am gutted that you've withdrawn this bass. If I lived in the UK, I would have definitely come by to try it out.
  3. Oh my giddy aunt! 😍😍😍😍
  4. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1454857584' post='2973576'] http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual-Maintain-Guitar/dp/1844258173/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857376&sr=8-3&keywords=HAYNES++fender+manual http://www.amazon.co.uk/StrungOut-Function-Electric-Acoustic-Millimeters/dp/B00STTCOJ4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857273&sr=8-2&keywords=string+height+measure+for+guitar http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dr-Ducks-String-Electric-Acoustic-guitars/dp/B00FA3GROU/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857558&sr=8-14&keywords=guitar+polish Roughly 35 quids worth. [/quote] I'd (+1) this with one notable exception. For strings, Luthier's choice is the canine 'nads http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0002D0K5K/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1454861054&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=luthiers+choice&dpPl=1&dpID=416HhaEPK4L&ref=plSrch I only know the string cleaner, but if the other two are anywhere near as good then get the set 👌 P.
  5. My experiences with dpd have been positive, so this comes as a surprise. Good luck with everything.
  6. Here's one like mine http://basschat.co.uk/topic/255773-yamaha-bb5000a/page__fromsearch__1 I sold mine for a bit 😳 ....... Less 😉
  7. I had a Yamaha BB5000A that was very lightweight and had a thin neck. When you say thin, do you mean shallow (depth) or narrow (width)? The Yammy was both and sound-personel loved the sound. Always check which neck-width they have before purchase. The earlier ones, like mine, were in fact a relatively broad 4-string neck but strung 5-string (making them really quite narrow). Later ones were a good deal broader.
  8. That sounds like it must have been a very serious accident. All the best with your recovery.
  9. Gagging to hear how this pans out.
  10. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1453631708' post='2961115'] Has anyone handed in my bus pass? I think I dropped it when I was here earlier. Ta. [/quote] Mother?........Not mother........? (Strictly speaking, this belongs in the film quotes thread.)
  11. Looks like a toxic-waste of space.
  12. If that were a bass, I'd want it. I mean, what's not to love, right?
  13. That's it, right there. Thanks for posting.
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1452038104' post='2945886'] I don't like any of those songs (don't hate them either, haven't heard several of them anyway) - but good grief, what a useless, gargantuan buttock the person who wrote that is. Jon. [/quote] Nicely put. Thanks for that. 👍
  15. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1451945483' post='2944971'] Singer: "Can't rehearse today, as I've accidentally erased the cassette with the drum machine data on it". Guitarist: "I can't record today, as I've got an audition for another band". (The recording had been booked for weeks). Best one was the singer who turned up to rehearsal, but after his mobile rang he disappeared. As in his parents phoning us up days later to see if we knew where he was type of disappeared. Turns out the call at the rehearsal was from his wife who had just discovered the emails between him and his ex-girlfriend making it clear they were having an affair. [/quote] Ouch! We had something sort of similar happen at a gig. We did the usual soundcheck finishing around 5ish. Then the guests were arriving (it was a corporate gig) and we were due to play around 9. Everyone heads off and we meet back up at 8, fine. Come 8.30, still no singer....8.45 I'm getting seriously nervous.... 8.55 he shows up and we just get changed and rush on stage. In the break, he explains that he met up with his ex to bring back their daughter who he'd been minding all day. They get into a row and she calls the police, claiming he attacked her. They arrive, arrest him and want to lock him up. They only relented when the daughter confirmed that he had neither threatened nor attacked her mum. It was pure luck that he made it back when he did.
  16. I find that internally singing the vocal line (scraps will do, not a perfect rendition or anything) while playing along helps to tie the bass part into the rest of the song. Then later, when playing alone, try to remember the words/melody that fit to each bit of the bassline. It might seem like increasing the workload initially, but I find it pays off in the long run.
  17. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1451590973' post='2941774'] Staying home tonight while my band is out gigging because I was given an impromptu flying lesson by a car driver while out on my bike a few weeks ago. Might have managed the gig from my wheelchair but not with my left arm in a cast from knuckles to above the elbow. [/quote] Ouch! Bad luck there chief. All the best for a speedy recovery and a Happy New Year anyway.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450980944' post='2937642'] Certainly do. Black gold! [/quote] Texas tea! Awwl, that is.
  19. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1451236988' post='2938999'] T-Shirts [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wal-Bass-Guitar-T-shirt-All-Sizes-Junior-Adult-/201481204519?var=&hash=item2ee9373327:m:mCJ2CW4xjUOquzwtmI3XWZQ"]http://www.ebay.co.u...jUOquzwtmI3XWZQ[/url] [/quote] What does it weigh, please? 😉
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1451072686' post='2938158'] That's cool, I think I'm talking about the guy where you know his spouse can't stand and despises the fact that a guy is in a band. They're out there. Blue [/quote] Hi Blue, Yep, I have experienced such wives. Thankfully they were married to OTHER band members. Back in the 80s, our singer's wife preferred him stocking the bars at Anfield (LFC football ground) for 12 pounds over gigging with us for 30 pounds (80s prices) 'cos the bar job was a PROPER job. Doh!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450989041' post='2937733'] I haven't sh[size=3]l[/size]t outside the UK for years. [/quote] You need a holiday.
  22. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1451120096' post='2938337'] Hearth Vader? I lost the plot around 2:35. [/quote] Stick with it. The plot gains a little pace later on and the twist at the end.... on second thoughts, no spoilers here.
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