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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. (It's Got to Be) Perfect - Fairground Attraction Breakout- Swingout Sister
  2. Block inlays and bound necks. Oh, and sanded necks.
  3. Hi There, the Site is legit, I've bought from them before. As for the seller, who knows. I speak fluent German. PM me the text, in English, that you would like to send them. I'll translate it and send to the site ir seller as you wish. I can also help you handle any further correspondence. I'm on the road at present, so may be a little slow in answering messages from you. Still, I'll do my best. Cheers Paul. EDIT: p.s. You'll probably be OK with English though. Most Germans, and particularly in a music context, speak very good English.
  4. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1457567648' post='2999819'] I wonder if Leo tried the reversed position in early prototypes? [/quote] Rumour has it that he would gave done but Mrs. Fender didn't go in for that sort of thing 😜
  5. The delivery has arrived today, and they've sent me a complete new electronic, including the control plate. Big up for Thomann! @dave_bass5 thank you so much for the picture. Maybe the washers are just added to keep all the pots at a nice even height?
  6. Hi there, I love my sire V7, but have had one or two problems recently. I wanted to have a hip-shot D-tuner fitted. This proved a little difficult because a.) there are essentially 3 sizes of hipshots (screw-positioning, diameter of posts etc.) according to what bass you want them fitted on and the V7 doesn't actually match any of them exactly. My guitar doc had to sort of cheat a bit. Not an insurmountable problem, but a pain nonetheless. And, b.) the German distributors, I think it's Warwick, insisted on my guitar bloke buying all three and then going through the returns process of two of them, rather than sending him all three and just billing him for one and allowing him to return the other two. He's [i]the[/i] guitar bloke in Berlin and has a reputation, so he's hardly likely to cheat, but hey-ho. Now I'm off on tour, the volume/tone pot got loose and I can't tighten the nut because the thread is bared. I've no idea how this happened. I just opened the case and there it was. When I took the control plate off to have a look at it, I discovered there were already three washers underneath, which could imply that they already had a problem with the thread in the factory and shoved the washers in to alleviate that. I called Thomann and they're hopefully sending me a replacement pot. In my conversation with the guy, he said that Thomann don't really stock spares. They just get finished instruments from Sire and would probably have to take the parts off of one of the basses they have in stock. A bit impractical, I think. I've jerry rigged it with gaffer tape for now so that the nut can bite into [i]something[/i] and it will hold. Has anyone had a look inside their V7 and are the pots fairly standard issue stuff or are they, like the dimensions of the tuners, a bit non-standard?
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456832278' post='2992601'] Me too. I've had some wildly expensive kit over the years, and though I still own one or two exceptional basses, I'm currently using a Rumble Combo (which is great!) and fettling a Harley Benton P Bass (NBD pending). So there it is. I have spent way too much time window shopping on t'interwebz, but I do also spend a lot of time practising, and lately a lot more time rehearsing and gigging, which is always a good way to avoid GAS. If you don't have the time, you can't do the crime! [/quote] I didn't even know what GAS was till I joined BC. I hadn't bought any new kit for years. Now I find myself constantly craving stuff I don't need. Unlike you, I do very little practice and find it virtually impossible to bend myself to the task. Guilt? Don't get me started...😳
  8. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1456060346' post='2984944'] | I will never tire of watching/ listening to that clip. Absolute brilliance! [/quote] I can't see it in Germany 😕. GEMA (German PRS) have blocked it 😡
  9. Not really advice, but many, many years ago a former peer of mine from school ran into me checking out a bass in a music shop. She said, "I didn't know you played guitar." To which I said, "It's a bass guitar and I do it for a living." She replied, "But you were good at school."
  10. Regrettably, the required roadie is not included 😉
  11. Steve Bailey tells the story of being on tour with Dizzy Gillespie. One night, during the tour, he felt he'd finally nailed his bass feature and the crowd went nuts. Dizzy says to him afterwards "Hey, you're bass solo man," ... (Bailey prepares himself to feign modesty) "...what kind of bull@@@t was that? You know, if you leave a few holes, who knows? Music might just fall out of one of them".
  12. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1456055575' post='2984843'] Spend 2 minutes practicing for every one minute you spend reading basschat. Follow you own advice (still working on the that one). [/quote] ....never happen 😀😉
  13. NO! I am Sparta-Chris! ....coat.
  14. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1455968260' post='2984024'] 30 odd years ago, a workmate lent me The Captain and Me, and Stampede, both of which I have loved and play regularly. I recently bought from Amazon, from a series entitled "Original Album Series" a box set (loads of choices, all 5 albums for around a tenner a set, worth checking out) containing the 2 albums I already had plus Tolouse Street, Vices/Habits, and Taking it to the streets. I'm loving them so much I'm hungry for more. Are there any more albums than the 5 I have? I love the country rock feel particularly of the Doobies, but can anyone recommend me someone else to check out. We all know and love the Eagles of course, but there may well be some lesser known gens that I can lose myself in. A little less keen on the later, Michael McDonald more soulful albums (sorry Mike!) Thanks in advance [/quote] Hardly lesser known, and perhaps more New Orleans than country, but have you checked out Little Feat? Their live album, Waiting for Colombus, would be as good a place to start as any. Or the, sadly, only solo effort of their then ex-singer Lowell George - Thanks, I'll Eat it Here. Tragically he died within a year of it's release. Fantastic grooves and some killer lyrics.
  15. I saw Paul Simon live a couple of years back. When it came to the iconic bass-fill on Call Me Al, Bakithi Kumalo made a complete pills of it. The whole band turned to him and, lead by Bakithi, all roared laughing and carried on. That's the spirit.
  16. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455983024' post='2984263'] On those few occasions when I have owned a van, the best form of security was to park it with the rear door hard against the wall of my house. Granted, that isn't an option for everyone, though. [/quote] You'd need a HUUUGE house if everyone did.
  17. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1455816996' post='2982726'] You can tell your wife that you have sold a bass to fund another when it gets picked up. Perfect result [/quote] Flawless 😀😀😀!
  18. Niiiiice, and Adrian, as we all know, is no slouch on the old lownoteaphone.
  19. I didn't know about the fretless model, but found this if it's any help https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnlEQuQ0I9s
  20. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1455370211' post='2978505'] "Exposure"... that well-known alternative currency invented by landlords who don't like opening the cash-till drawer after the punters have left! [/quote] Would that make a crappy fee "indecent exposure"?
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