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Everything posted by BassTractor

  1. Yup. You are right in thinking. Either such a box or a phone or tablet with an app that makes sound. Especially for Apple units, the amount of synths, organs, pianos etc is staggering. As to the physical connection, it depends on the MIDI Out of the keyboard as well as on the MIDI In on the thing that makes the sound. I don't remember all the specifics, but a USB MIDI Out to an Apple unit is very simple with the Apple USB-to-Lightning or USB-to-30pin adapter. I seem to remember you need to do more to get a DIN MIDI Out to work with an Apple unit, but my memory is hazy. Probably a DIN to USB box. Maybe someone else knows exactly. Of course, DIN to DIN MIDI is simple if you get a box like the Miditech.
  2. Well, he does shepherd a lot of new people into the arms of BC. It's quite evident by now that @Kiwi and @ped must be paying him large sums for keeping up the good work. My guess: £30 per head. 😁
  3. No need. There's this new-fangled e-guillotine these days. Order a few of those instead!
  4. Roughly. 😃 User pantherairsoft is Shep, or Chris Shepperson, of Our Helical Mind. Luvverly bloke.
  5. If your interest also lies with synths and music production, gearspace.com has a forum, and in there one discusses synths a lot and sometimes also pianos and organs. That website earlier was named gearslutz.com. I haven't been on there for several years, and can't comment on how it has developed since, but maybe it's worth checking out. I'm with you on the b0ring aspect of pianoworld.
  6. You just wait and see how @Bunion reacts when you turn to him about your warranty claim! 😉 PS super great BC behaviour. Kudos to him.
  7. Yeah, I think you rightly did so. Also, several have rightly pointed at the two threads' page counts. Staggering statistics - hence my notion. That and you Brits' famous and hard-to-copy ability to moan. We foreigners try too, but fail every time. 😃
  8. I know exactly what you mean. Recently, someone revived the Daily Awesomeness thread. On a British forum!!!! 😱 😉
  9. All the xenophobia and xenophilia is fine and dandy of course, but personally I'm offended, shocked and outraged about the thread title, which should've read along the lines of: "Maybe not everyone in the USA is dim after all..." 😁
  10. Not only that. The title also suggest's that we lefty's have an apostrophy problem, which I as a full-blown lefty' have to take ekseption wid.
  11. This. Stronger: a better website may be not only less important but even detrimental. Like when the quality of the firm is in the quality of the knowledge and in the putting the customer's needs at the centre. A better website could a.o. mean more custom, generating a need for more workers, making the boss more of an administrator, and maybe lowering the standards. BTW, this is not an invention inside my head, but the actual situation I had in my old firm. No way I was gonna better the website. Complaining customers, normally of the not-"very specific audience" type, got told it's because we spend that time on catering for the needs of the very specific audience.
  12. Each and every time I've ordered something from Japan, everything has been perfec'. I've ordered from eBay and different Japanese websites. Last time was 2017 or before, but I gather nothing has changed there.
  13. "Rats", with luvverly bass work by John Dalton. This was the B-side to "Apeman". Back then I bought every Kinks single - before understanding I needed the albums. However, no Kinks song has had the same impact on me as "Rats". It's a Dave Davies song, so maybe I like Dave better than Ray, Idunno.
  14. Indeed, drawing UNDUE attention and I shouldn't have edited my post: you simply lack class. Welcome to my ultra short ignore list.
  15. ... and, as always, SHOUTING in the thread title to draw undue attention to your threads. Shaking my head in disbelief.
  16. Or Norwegian! For example, I have a bolt and two nuts, but I still use them for screwing. Yes, I know. It's nuts!
  17. Bah. I always thought I liked you. Well, if I ever did, that's in the past now. BTW, what do I have to do to become a Grand Master? (asking for myself)
  18. Yeah, but, and IMHO: Through the centuries, music developed as one gained new, sometimes deeper, insights into what could constitute a composition. (In this it's funny Bach was considered conservative based on style whilst the listener didn't really appreciate the enormous developments he crafted.) Today's popular music, for the most part, I repeat: for the most part, is a confirmation of old findings and a repetition of what we've heard before. Yes, I'm aware inventive pop music does exist, but the core remains: if it is to be popular, it will have to confirm preconceived notions. In this, much of today's popular music essentially is not too different from medieval street songs or 19th century "Lieder". What sets most pop music apart, and which dates it, is sound.
  19. My guess would be this works in some countries and some circles. It certainly worked here, as relayed earlier: hundreds of sea kayaks sent with a mere plastic sheet around them, and only one damage.
  20. Route '86 It's a lame name proposal, but 80s tribute bands must have lame names. That's the law.
  21. Ovation. With this attitude, you'd be good enough for KeyboardChat! 😃
  22. Nothing outerworldly, but: - guitar with octave pedal of some description - electronic piano through Big Muff - pedal keyboard of electronic organ - piano (incidentally all in the same gig coz we were a trio without bass player) - electric piano - Casio toy ewi type instrument through pedal or synth - synth - flute through Korg MS-20 I'm sure there is more. Loved creating unexpected, weird sounds that I thought worked.
  23. Great post, Blue! Jut as a funny aside, the moving even goes for classical orchestras: Someone I know applied for the job as second flautist in the Concertgebouw Orchestra. Everything went well during all the auditions where candidates were playing behind a screen. The very last, visible, round made her fall through because of her being like a plank. It was explained to her: if something happens and the solo flautist can't play, the first flautist takes over. Then if something happens and the first flautist can't play either ...
  24. I post here even though I have nothing to say, just to support the thread: Love both bands.
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