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Everything posted by thebigyin

  1. Usually 3 notes makes up a chord...then obviously there's hundreds of chord formulas...major, minor, diminished, augmented, 7th, 9th, 13th plus there inversions ect...so many
  2. Just bought my first 6 string Bass....it's a second hand Cort a6....through neck and through body stringing option...probably an impulse buy but took my eye the moment i see it...played it or attempted to lol...the actions low and felt quite comfortable to be honest...i hung it back up and had a play of a few 4 strings and was immediately drawn to it again...i have pondered whether to get one for a number of years but never bothered....any advice will be gladly accepted. Ended up buying the above 6 string and a second hand ESP Pancho Tomeselli signature Bass aswell and a new Ampeg practice amp lol
  3. Thanks for everyone's replies some divided opinions which I expected...like I say in my original quote...Jaco was extremely talented but just not my cup of tea....Each to their own it would be a terribly boring life if everyone was in the same Bassist's...there's so many talented Bassists out there and most offer something to someone, all the best Bob
  4. Time and Feel and the ability to lay down a groove...forget all the fancy stuff
  5. Very true....if i see a title to a thread that looks of no interest to me i would simply not bother looking
  6. Use open strings a lot to be honest i play a lot around the first 4 frets so find it natural to play them....when I first started playing i never or rarely used open strings but has i developed a certain style i found using them useful....especially in the keys of E and A or keys of G and C playing 12 bar bluesy stuff and walking Basslines ect....or in F# for some 2nd fret funky stuff
  7. I've often looked on various Bass tab sites and thought What? Are you learning the same song lol....some are terrible...i find Youtube better at least you can listen and watch and try pick up a few tips
  8. I realised many years ago i wasn't a good enough Vocalist to make it professionally but I fronted many local cover bands ect....i've been playing Bass now for about 15 years although I have what I consider a good technique i am in the same boat just not good enough to cut it at a higher level and at 56 way to old and even my boundless passion of years ago as long gone but i always say never say never
  9. Standing in the Shadows of Motown just music notation it's basically the works of James Jamerson
  10. See them in their heyday with what i'd call classic line up....Blackmore, Gillan, Paice, Lord and Glover then again about 15 years ago with Steve Morse on Guitar both times excellent See Gillan Band aswell early 80's and Paice and Lord in Whitesnake plus Blackmore in Rainbow in early 80's all superb
  11. I understand your quote regarding Jamerson been a session/studio musician and his scores been penned out beforehand but he often adlibed and made the song better....and here's the big one played on 100's of hits...if you read my original quote i state Jaco has been incredibly talented but like a lot of others i find some of his work just leaves me cold and doesn't inspire....love his playing on The Chicken and Come on, Come over great grooves and some of his Harmonic pieces brilliant but when he starts the fast tuneless noodling just off putting but like someone quoted horses for courses......Jamerson, Weeks, Cogbill, Jemmott, Babbit, Dunn are my inspiration and idols
  12. Thanks for the replies guyz....i know Jaco is undoubtedly a one off and extremely talented Bassist but personally i like Bassist's who play for the song i have never been a fan of soloists be it....Bass, Guitar, Drums or any instrument to be honest i like a good pocket and groove or a tasty Guitar riff as long as it's for the song and band....i know everyone is individual in their musical tastes i know he has a multitude of disciples who odolise and want to follow suit but give me a good funky bass groove and a tight rhythm section anytime or a good Rock song...But I can appreciate folks who want to push the boundaries of music just not for me thanks again
  13. I know this will open a can of worms but personally i just don't get the fuss??? Admittedly he was unique and extremely talented but some of the stuff in my opinion is just a muddled up row....millions of tuneless notes played at extreme pace. Give me Jamerson anytime a master of Groove....i can feel my ears burning already lol.....Jaco played some memorable stuff but just not a fan of that nonsense noodling sorry
  14. I was a lead vocalist for many local cover bands in the past....don't use a stand very amateurish....cheat sheets on the floor with opening line or words to each verse/chorus lay on the floor resemble set lists....highlight specific words with yellow highlighter pen they glow under lights will do the trick trust me....start by using this method at rehearsals aswell...your mind only needs prompting the words kick in believe me it's worked for me for many years on and off since late 70's....i have fronted more bands than i have played Bass for....good luck
  15. Free, Bad Co, Whitesnake, Deep Purple, Sabbath, Dr.Feelgood, UFO,
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1510013050' post='3403315'] I never thought I would have a favourite song, but to me, I heard it through the grapevine ticks all the boxes. It combines my fav bass player, the fantastic James Jamerson (as we all know) and my equal favourite male vocalist Marvin Gaye (who draws with Stuart Adamson as my equal favs). I think the lyrics are really good, while not being over the top. They potray a good story and it really speaks to me. And of course you have one of the finest singers ever in Marvin Gaye. The whole arrangement from start to finish really does it for me. Of course not forgetting the cracking bass throughout. While I don't have the capacity to go through the ins and outs of it, but it sounds great and it's one of those that's much harder to play than initially thought. Fantastic tune! Ps I'm knackered as I type but hopefully that all makes sense [/quote] James Jamerson was the reason I wanted to learn Bass....his Basslines are so melodic....i am also a big fan of Tommy Cogbill, Jerry Jemmott, Bob Babbitt, Duck Dunn, Goerge Porter, Willie Weeks ect.
  17. I would always muck in and help set up p.a, lights ect as i have Fronted many cover Bands and also played Bass with bands but i would take about 10 minutes setting up my Bass gear usually always a suitable combo, no effects just plug in and play, i use foam mutes at the bridge on either a Fender Jazz or Precision that's all I have used i find they help with any unwanted overtones if you're playing at loud volumes at certain venues....plus i never or rarely change strings or buy a set of used strings i hate the brightness of new strings
  18. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1508774429' post='3394322'] It's illegal to sell a counterfeit instrument which incorporates a trademarked logo. [/quote] If you scroll through other posts like it's already been pointed out...The seller clearly states it's a decaled logo and you will find plenty of ads selling 'bitsa bass' nothing wrong with the seller's ad he's been honest about the post
  19. [quote name='roceci' timestamp='1509056183' post='3396411'] I've played Jazzes for probably 90% of my 20+ years playing & until recently have always plucked between the neck pup & the neck itself. Over the last month or so however my right hand has moved itself steadily back & I find myself playing mainly over the bridge pup now. I'm loving the clear tone I'm getting as well as increased control on fast runs & less clack & clang generally. The only downside I'm experiencing at the moment is I'm finding that notes played on my D, G & high C strings are not coming thru as powerfully as those played on the bottom two. This wasn't a problem in the old plucking position. The tension feels much higher on the top strings now compared to the E & A, & I'm having to dig hard to get the volumes anywhere near equal. Anyone else made the switch & had this issue? What worked for you? Wondering if it's a matter of strengthening my fingers thru practice, lowering the action on the top strings, trying a lighter string gauge or something else I've not considered. [/quote] I recently took time out playing Bass i just wasn't enjoying playing i haven't gigged for over 3 years and just got totally bored of meaningless practice....but i have picked up playing again about a fortnight ago and have noticed that i am playing more over the bridge pup....always in the past liked the tone of the neck pup but whether it's a comfort thing my arm seems to rest further back hence the bridge position must admit the clarity is better and i take your point about the tension of the strings but a work in progress i tend to use a foam mute anyway as I like my motown sound lol....good luck with the playing
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