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Everything posted by chaypup

  1. Nice condition Thunder II (version 2) here.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-thunder-11-bass-guitar-/151429885274?ssPageName=ADME:SS:SS:GB:3160
  2. There's a beautiful Greco from 1976 on eBay at that moment. unfortunately I can't seem to find the link...
  3. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1411976006' post='2564367'] The monster behind him, btw, is TONTO - reportedly the largest modular synth ever. IMS it consisted of modules and keyboards from a range of brands, necessitating they built all kinds of circuitry to "translate" the control signals between systems. [/quote] TONTO is featured in the best-worst film I've ever seen, Phantom of the Paradise. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n5qVJEg3qA"]http://www.youtube....h?v=2n5qVJEg3qA[/url]
  4. Are you sure you want to sell so quick? That's a hefty hit you're taking for one month's usage.
  5. It weighs 10.4lbs so a bit of a beast but hasn't proved uncomfortable (though I am but a whippersnapper) The XLR primarily serves the purpose of looking cool and maybe being a bit more robust than a 1/4" jack, it isn't balanced unless you have an XLR input on your amp or run straight to the desk.
  6. One of the most horrible gigs I've had to play this evening - just awful. I've been doing a weekly residency at a swing night for the last few months, during that time the keyboard player has been getting more and more wayward - not adhering to dress code, not learning new tunes, playing the same out-of -style solo over everything, and far worse, turning up pished to the gigs. I'd had words with him and, because he's a mate of a mate given him second chances. Last week he texts me 2 hours before the gig saying he's in Spain (!) but he's sorted a dep (the 2nd time he's done this) Cue 2 hours of me teaching the dep the setlist and making sure he's up to speed. The dep is great, professional, nice guy, plays the songs as they're meant to be without going off on some odyssey every 2 minutes. So, we ask him if he can do the role permanently, he can but not until next week. So, I tell the original keys player he's out and he asks for one last week as he can do with the money, this suits me as I would otherwise have to find another dep. Gig comes along and he's a bit offish during the first set, but plays just about ok. During the break he asks for a chat and although I really don't want to get into it halfway through a gig he's pushing for details of why he's sacked - I simply point out the times he's left us in the lurch. 2nd set starts with a blues, he leaves MASSIVE gaps in his playing, like 16 bars! There's just me, sax and drums, it sounds awful. While he's doing this, he's drinking his beer and pulling faces at his mate. Next song, hejust starts playing absolute horrible discordant bullsheet chords and bring in weird synthy stuff. As soon as we make it to the end of the track, I pull the plug on him, apologise for 'technical difficulties' to the crowd, start the DJ stuff up ( we DJ the night as well) and ask him (outside) what the flip he's doing! He can't see anything wrong with what he's done, he's rat-arsed as well, as much as I want to just chuck he keyboard out in the street and drive over it, I stay calm so as not to cause a scene in the posh bar place we're playing, get everyone paid (!) and leave him to it. It's a shame that Cardiff is so small and he works the bar in my favourite venue Apologies for the outpouring of nonsense, but I just needed to vent.
  7. I have a spare pair of the bits that screw into the bass that any buyer can have
  8. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1410811278' post='2553525'] soon as PRS got mentioned, my back went up... [/quote] +1
  9. "Purchased to raise funds for PRS" Like those robbers need any more funds!
  10. From your website I'm guessing this is for female bassists only?
  11. Something that might push prices up on TradeMe is that you can't snipe. If there's a bid in the last two minutes of the auction, then it's extended for another 2 minutes, and so on and on.
  12. [quote name='nick' timestamp='1410283566' post='2547841'] The late great Alan Spenner with Kokomo [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgaZhJzWI0g"]https://www.youtube....h?v=LgaZhJzWI0g[/url] [/quote] I'd never heard of these until last week when one of our singers dropped a load of gigs to tour with them on BV's. But for her!
  13. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1410251952' post='2547436'] wow, never heard of this group before....funktastic stuff, thanks! [/quote] They're playing in London in October I think. Any Basschatters going?
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410101477' post='2546089'] Not necessarily true, I think. Not all bands are run as businesses; there are many that do not have the same financial or commercial reasoning. Why go for £150 if one could get £250..? Maybe because, in their eyes, £150 is enough..? Not 'What they're worth' (that's not part of the equation...), but what they consider makes the deal worthwhile. Fixing a price between the other bands is rather close to a 'cartel', isn't it..? Is there no notion of competition between bands going on..? In this 'free market economy', much vaunted in other debates, is this not a healthy sign, a way of cutting out the dead wood..? Basically these are false arguments, as the bands concerned are probably not playing for the same reasons (... or are they merely more 'efficient' than the higher cost ones..?) [/quote] Running a business at a loss subsidised by other businesses within the same company is also illegal and I think that this is what going out for 50% of the average rate equates to in band terms. Of course, it isn't illegal in this context but it's jolly bad form all the same.
  15. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1409840231' post='2543840'] No - I wasn't born to do or be anything. If I had been I wouldn't have had to practise to get any good. I reckon anybody can do or be pretty much anything they want to , given the desire to do it. I started playing bass because every guitar player I knew as a teenager was better than me and figured I better do something different. I also figured it would be much easier to get to a standard where I could play in front of people on bass than it would be on guitar , and by and large I think I was right. That won't be a popular opinion round here , I expect , but I can't help that. [/quote] Yep, the more you practice, the more 'naturally talented' you are.
  16. Fenders are the best flatwound I've found - cheapest too!
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1409438494' post='2539800'] I dunno about that, but generally if the rehearsal before a gig goes well then it'll be a sh*tty gig, and vice versa... [/quote] True - why is that?
  18. My swing project are pretty much exactly this - swing covers of modern stuff as well as a selection from the 30's 40's & 50's. - I'll get some video done at our gig next Thursday and send it over
  19. This ticks a lot of boxes for me - not sure about the tuner ears though http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Takeharu-Bass-Guitar-MATSUMOKU-Made-in-Japan-Very-Rare-model-/121417792460?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
  20. Bought a Trace Elliot T-Bass from Ash, easy peasy transaction, great packaging, brazilliant all round.
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