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Everything posted by chaypup

  1. [quote name='garbev' timestamp='1209590502' post='189307'] Any Motown featuring Mr Jamerson, may sound like a 'nice' part to start, but delve deeper and play it as the record and.....ulp. Oh yeh 'only so much oil in the ground', Tower of Power (10 minute version), solo from start to end. Gary. [/quote] Thread from the dead but I have to learn this for a new band and MAN it's a workout! Although, thankfully, not that hard to work out what to play.
  2. My favourite film of the last few years. Took my band to see it the second time.
  3. Are you seeing a shadow of one of the strings? I can't see any pics of a 5 string bass there.
  4. In: Trace Elliot/Status T-Bass Clover Apeiron H.5 EBMM Stingray 5 Out: Clover Apeiron H.5 What I've learned: My technique/style isn't good enough for really fancy basses, I need something more [i]robust.[/i] The T-Bass is amazing. Why have I never had a Stingray before? It's lovely!
  5. Traded a Clover for a Stingray with Pete. Lovely chap, no hassles at all. Recommended!
  6. This is our set for tonight's cocktail bar set. We change the set significantly most gigs, tailored to who we are playing for and to stop us getting bored: [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Mr Tibbs - Quincy Jones Let's Stay Together It's a Shame You Send Me - Sam Cooke 1960 What? - Gregory Porter What's Going On? Across 110th Street Pastime Paradise - The Ray Barretto version seque into a New Orleans style 'Gangsters'Paradise'[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Set 2 Casa Forte - The Yuji Ohno version Another Star - Stevie Wonder Master Blaster No No No Could you be loved? Waiting in Vain 54-46 Set 3 Expansions - Lonnie Liston Smith Funky Nassau Shoot your Shot Mr Doobie - Freebeez and the Honey Horns Is this Love - A funky version by KC Roberts Across The Tracks - Maceo You've Got The Love Move On Up[/font][/color]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419894408' post='2643830'] Well I'm sure that wasn't the OP's intention. It would be very cynical, wouldn't it? [/quote] No of course, I didn't mean to suggest that. It just amused me that in asking for help he'd alerted more people to his 'want' than would have read the original post
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419949046' post='2644202'] We set a price and didn't get it so I'll be going to see my mates band.. Free entry so don't feel obliged to stay forever .. [/quote] You could even save yourself the bother by asking if they use music stands in advance
  9. No gig on NYE itself as none of the interested venues wanted to splash the cash we wanted, though various members of our band are dipping for others. However, we are booked out on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd! [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1419895580' post='2643845'] snip/ [font=Verdana][size=6][color=#000000]13.[/color][color=#000000] [/color][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=6][color=#000000]Medley – Sea Cruise–C (155)[/color][/size][size=3][color=#000000](end of bar 8 outro = upbeat to next)[/color][/size][size=6][color=#000000] –Rock & roll music G (175) [/color][/size][size=3][color=#000000](2nd bar of tag = bar 1 next)[/color][/size][size=6][color=#000000] –At the Hop (190 !!)[/color][/size][size=3][color=#000000](Bar 9 outro = bar 1 next)[/color][/size][size=6][color=#000000] –G-Jump Jive – G (200!!!)[/color][/size][/font] /snip [/quote] I used to play Sea Cruise in a ska band I dep for - nice tune! Edit: Dipping for others? Depping!
  10. Or you could cleverly ask why you can't bump it in the General Discussion thread and draw everyone's attention to it. ;-)
  11. That is a nice one, I really want the case!
  12. Not black, not pozi - thanks for looking though! There are some about but they only come as part of a set with triangular control horns (whatever they are) and are in Hong Kong... It's not even that important, just wanted to make one of my basses look a bit nicer.
  13. Thanks, I've had a look (for an hour!) and the longest M2's I could find were 25mm.
  14. Anyone know where I can some 2mm x 31mm black bolt/machine screw from? Longest I can find is 26mm, most of the guitar parts places only do 2.5mm gauge too. Thanks in advance!
  15. There must be loads of us who have audio or videos of us doing Christmas songs and I want to see them! Here's mine, sadly, it was the guitarists birthday and some random punters fed him champagne for the first 3 tracks of this set so by this point he's a bit hammered! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zDxNSzudL4&feature=youtu.be&channel=SuperChangoUK
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1418682741' post='2632391'] These them? Sound like a pro function band. Not 'raw' enough for me. Bit sterile... http://youtu.be/eoMlqobSKf0 [/quote] Wow. That's about 5 billion times better than i was expecting! Very nice vocal harmonies - one of the things I feel makes a band a league above the norm.
  17. Cardiff was pretty quiet last night for Black Friday - just the right amount of busy for us.
  18. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1418919493' post='2634870'] I can imagine what being trapped in a lift at Smooth FM must be like now. [/quote] What the hell has happened to you that you have to piss over everyone's chips in practically every post you make? Whatever it is I hope you get over it or it resolves itself soon - it can't be nice feeling this bitter all the time.
  19. Very good-ish. Got residencies for 2 of my bands, started getting dep work in and am almost making a living just from playing bass.
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