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Everything posted by Cameronj279

  1. I definitely prefer the streamer body to the jazz shape body. I've only ever found a jazz bass to be uncomfortable to play standing or sitting. The streamer I owned however sat really nicely when on a strap...much better than the corvette or thumb bass did. if you're buying second hand I say buy it and worst case scenario is that you don't like it and sell it on for little/no loss.
  2. [quote name='DunRockin' timestamp='1438288858' post='2833368'] Thanks, guys - Gotoh are certainly looking like a good and cheaper alternative to Hipshot. [/quote] I've only had Gotoh tuners on one bass before (my current one) and to be honest I prefer them to Hipshot ultralites (not that there Is anything wrong with them!)They seem smoother and it makes getting the Low B string spot on considerably easier. I believe they weigh about the same as well.
  3. Out of all the ACGs on Alan's website this one has my second favourite topwood. Best of luck with the sale
  4. I could be wrong but I believe the amp I got already has rubber feet...Certainly didn't notice any moving around. I find the actual tone shaping in the amp to be quite subtle if I'm honest. it's not a very harsh EQ which is good for me as my bass has more than enough tone controls.
  5. I use the pedaltrain mini and love it.So much easier than setting the pedals up each time. I can only really second what the first comment says. A good power supply is a horrible thing to spend money on but we'll worth the investment. Ive been using the MXR Power Brick for the last year and have had no issues.
  6. So I'm just out of the first rehearsal with the Genz Benz. I have to say. By far the best sounding amp I've used. it sounded excellent with my ACG and I found the low/high boost switches boosted just the right amount for my needs. All that and I didn't have to put the volume above 3! It certainly didn't lack any oomf!
  7. At the moment lessons aren't really viable due to my current finances (I'm aware I'm complaining about my finances yet have just bought a guitar ).
  8. Generally one of the bass lines to a song that we aren't playing that night.
  9. Cameronj279


    Michal bought my Warwick Thumb from me. No worries whatsoever Cheers again Michal!
  10. Bought an amp head from Gordon. Super easy translation and would have no worries dealing with him again. Cheers again, Cameron
  11. [quote name='waldflote8' timestamp='1438172774' post='2832227'] did you buy the S470 which was on 'the tree' ...seller Motherwell in the last few days ? S470s are superb guitars, very comfortable and you can do ridiculous things to the trem without going out of tune, great choice. ( I have 3 and use them as workhorses, lot of guitar for the money, even without the Di Marzipans) [/quote] Glad I picked something decent cause I have no idea about guitars if I'm honest. I got it (well I'm getting it tomorrow) from a Facebook buy and sell page (turns out I've actually bought a pedal from the guy before though).
  12. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1438152591' post='2832019'] Why don't you organise a local Bass Bash? That way fellow Bassists will bring their rigs and you can try them out....sorted. [/quote] I wouldn't know how to start organising a bass bash if I'm honest! Plus it still wouldn't be trying the rigs out in the situation they would actually be used in (i.e with my guitarist/drummist). The Genz Benz amp is on it's way and looking forward to using it at rehearsal tomorrow though
  13. I have an incredibly basic knowledge of the things you mentioned Bilbo. I know the intervals within certain triads etc. When it comes to reading I can look at a piece on bass/treble clef and eventually figure out what note is being played but I'm still very much having to take baby steps with it. If I could afford a tutor I would be going down that route however YouTube will have to do in the mean time.
  14. Basically for a while now I've been considering learning guitar and tomorrow I'm going to take the plunge and I'm buying a guitar (Ibanez S470 with Dimarzio pickups for those curious). My thoughts behind learning guitar is that it'll help me when it comes to writing music as I do sometimes feel a little limited on bass. I know it's a completely different instrument and will have a learning curve but what would you recommend as exercises/online lessons etc that I should definitely give a go. I should also say that I don't/can't use a plectrum on bass so that's going to be a big thing I need to practice!
  15. I still think the DD-3 is by far the best delay pedal I've ever tried. None of their other pedals have done anything for me however. Not through a snobbery. They've just been a bit bland sounding.
  16. Definitely. it's number one on the priority list at the moment if I'm honest. I know it'll be helpful for lots of things other than carting gear around. The cabs I've used in studios I've been most impressed by have been Hartke. Ampeg have always left a complete 'meh' feeling.
  17. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438118236' post='2831889'] Had a wee listen. Being a Prog fan for almost 40yrs now i'm not really sure which bracket your sound fits. It probably is a touch of Progressive yet it has a distinct funk feel too with a modern vocal feel that isn't funk or prog - that's the bit i can't pigeon hole but that's a good thing because it makes you more unique. Sounds good and i liked it a lot. How i made my mind up was based on listening to bassists i like the sound o. Dave [/quote] I've had a look at that but the band's I listen to the bass rig seems to differ so drastically there's no real consistency! The song we have uploaded at the moment was the first song we ever done as a full band. That and a lot of our songs differ quite a bit makes it a bit tricky to really fit one solid genre. Funky rock tends to sum it up quite well for most songs really! Thank ya for the kind words!
  18. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438117685' post='2831876'] So what are you using at moment. ? [/quote] At the moment nothing! I've been using whatever the in house amp/cab is...which more often than not is absolutely horrendous. The Gens Benz will be my first amp. Unfortunately because I don't drive I'll still be using whatever cab is available. The amp will be easy enough to take to gigs/rehearsals though.
  19. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1438110082' post='2831769'] What kind of music are you playing and where abouts do you play - I'm in Biggar area so not far away. Dave [/quote] I figure the worst case scenario with me buying second hand is I'll lose a little bit of cash but not lots. Will be getting the Genz Benz shuttle tomorrow if all goes well. I feel like 'clinical' is a sound I actually would go for although I can't really say for certain at the moment. We've been described by a few people as "proggy funk rock" a few times so I'd say that's a decent description! Playing a Paisley venue on Saturday 1st August and Glasgow West End venue in the 14th (shameless self promo!)
  20. Went to zoom into one of the pictures of this on my phone. accidentally set it as the home screen. Quite like it like that really. Best of luck with the Sale
  21. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1437990436' post='2830509'] Good choice, I think Is that the 600 or 900? Just curious. [/quote] Shuttle 9.0 so the 900 I believe
  22. Noticed there was a Genz Benz Shuttle in the marketplace here so I've now bought it and look forward to try it. The way they were described 'clear, punchy, modern, hifi' is what I have in my mind (Whether or not it's actually want I need is a different story!) Cheers for the help folks and I'll report back after using it for a while
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