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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1503314289' post='3357052'] That's an Aguilar OBP2 preamp. There's no Tonepump preamp in there... [/quote] Ah - I thought the boxes on the controls had something to do with it. I''ve not seen a Tone Pump before.
  2. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1503314783' post='3357056'] This is an interesting one, as there are all sorts of Confederate flags. For me they represent the Rock n' Roll Rebel type thing and Lynyrd Skynyrd. I'm not to up on the American Civil war, but[i][u][b] I bet it's not as clear cut as slavery/white supremacy/North good, South bad type thing[/b][/u][/i]. You could either learn your history and use that to justify its use, or just replace it with Old Glory. Still Americana innit? Shame tho, it's such a cool flag and I'm uneasy about destroying elements of history to suit our agenda now. Isn't that what the Nazi's did? [/quote] I think it is - the Americans are currently debating tearing down confederate leader statues - and some states have removed them already. They've been there for a hundred years and now a lot of people are unhappy about the actions of those leaders. Funnily enough - it's probably caused more Americans to be educated about the civil war, which pretty much did start over the issue of slavery. Still - no one needs to be associated with this sort of thing:
  3. I loved them on the General Lee in Dukes of Hazard (not the crap remake) I'd never use them now. The world has changed and that flag is now being used not in a celebration of general redneck-ness, but back to it's original unpleasant use. It's far too easy to lose your fanbase. It just needs 1 person to spam facebook with "so and so is racist" and you are knackered. You'd probably get more fans by dumping the flag and publicly explaining why.
  4. How are you using it? As a preamp into the FX return, or as a pedal in the front of your amp? I'm tempted to try one. I had a B3K which I loved, then a B7K which I didn't like as much - the drive didn't seem to be as saturated as on the 3, so I'm wondering if the AO would do the trick
  5. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1503311806' post='3357030'] My bf four10 is a one-hand lift..... but a six10 would "look" cooler. [/quote] It might be for you - but I've had 4 hernia repairs!
  6. [quote name='XTU' timestamp='1503224503' post='3356502'] I have attached additional photos of the preamp and tone pump [/quote] Thanks I did't realise that the Tonepump could be used with another preamp.
  7. Thank you. a 6x10 is really too much for me, but the tilt back would make it easier to move than a 4x10
  8. Final price drop as I'm trying to raise funds for a bass I've seen on here. [b]£105 delivered in the UK[/b]
  9. Does the Barefaced Retro Six10 have tilt back casters? Asking for a friend...
  10. Is the new one basically a drive pedal version rather than a preamp? How are you AO people using the AO? Into the front of the amp or into the fx return?
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1503150261' post='3356072'] Scrap what I said, I'm keeping it. [/quote] Were the patches a success?
  12. I've got a Premium Jem (guitar) and the build quality is awesome. These days it's the same model CNC machines in different countries. Hard to get wrong.
  13. I used tab for 20 years and then started on notation. I'm not a strong reader by any means, but I'm getting there - and I'd recommend it to everyone. I wish I had swapped earlier. Even books with tab and notation require the reader to look at both for rhythm information. It's more efficient to only need to look at one. And just like every other type of reading it really does only need 5 mins per day practice. That is far better than 1 hour at the weekend. I bought the ABRSM Double bass books - sight reading and the scale book. They are for DB, but I just ignore the bow information. they start dead easy, and slowly build. Worth every penny. Now when I get given a piano part to try and work out a bass part to accompany my far more talented kids, I don't just sh*t myself!
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1503050785' post='3355311'] Have you been using the Helix Edit software at all? If so is it any good, and does it offer a significant advantage over the Helix's built-in display? One of the things that is making me pause at the moment is that Line6 don't have the best reputation for keeping up with Mac OS X updates, and since my main computer (the one with all the big screens which is the main point of having a "proper" computer) is also the one I make my living on, updates are dictated by the needs of my graphics applications, and if I do get a lot of use out of the editing program, I don't want to suddenly find that it no longer works because I've had to update the OS to keep up with the latest versions of Adobe CC. [/quote] I use it with a 2013 Macbook Air The Helix has to be plugged in to the PC / Mac to use the editor. I've had Helix for over a year - everytime the firmware has been updated, the PC and MAC editor and installer has been updated at the same time. The top of the editor page is a reproduction of the helix screen, and the lower part is a more detailed layout of the parameters. Lists of presets etc are on the left. I don't have much experience of other editors, but I find it easy to use
  15. Christ, I'm turning into a real fanboi!! I don't work for them, promise!
  16. I suspect that they'll go a different way to keep the prices down - make the individual patch sizes so massive so the amount of stuff that can be loaded into a single patch is far bigger - perhaps to the point where everything is effectively loaded at all times and switching is only an issue of routing and parameter changes. I can make a patch with 3 amps in it with some FX already without latency. Although most of the time I use 2 amps and more FX within a single patch and get 4 core sounds out of it (Clean / Crunch / Filth / Solo) while still leaving another 4 footswitches for FX that I don't want to be part of a core sound FX that are on all the time don't have to have a switch assignment - they can run "hidden" even if the Snapshots are changing the parameters. For example, I always have compression on, but the values are different per core sound. So that doesn't need it's own footswitch - the parameters change as I change core sounds. It's got lots of lovely little things too - like the footswitches are capacitive - so you can just touch them with a finger and the screen will change to show what that switch is assigned to, and the parameters. If you lightly touch (not press) 2 at once, then it will ask if you want to swap their positions on the floor controller. There's a Home button to always bring you back to the full path screen, and another AMP button to show you your amp and parameters. If you have more than 1 amp it will cycle them, so mid gig you can always find your amp setting page with a button press. If you change a parameter to something you don't like, as long as you haven't saved the change yet, a push on the knob will put it back to where it was. Just highlighting a block will let you scroll through everything on the Helix with a rotary control. Whoever designed the UI deserves all the medals - I looked at the cheat sheet when I got it, but I haven't opened the manual (comes on a USB stick) at all. It would't surprise me if the only people who use the manual either have never had a multi-fx unit before, or want to look up the midi mapping stuff.
  17. Although it's not live yet - the Native will be controllable with the helix footcontroller (the one used with the rack), so that's definitely possible. Grab the 14 day trial version of native and try it. It will probably show zero presets - just click on the helix logo and they will load
  18. Awesome! I have the Butterfly one - sounds excellent as you say. I like to take it to jams when there are people far to concerned about image!
  19. It sounds just like the Helix through my headphones. This is going to be so useful!
  20. Rich bought my Ampeg SVT BSP today. Nice bloke, likes to chat about bass as much as I do! All good!
  21. Just got this (was released today) Very nice bit of kit. Mirrors the hardware Helix units exactly - so you can match recording and live use. Or if you've got a monster machine, you can remove the equivalent DSP limits and go completely nuts. There is a 14 day trial version on the website too. It's launch day and the Helix fanbois have been going nuts so the servers are getting a hammering so it might be an idea to wait until the morning when the USA is asleep again! http://uk.line6.com/helix/helixnative.html If you have a Helix hardware unit then there are big discounts too. Full retail is $399. If you've got a Helix LT you get $100 off, if you've got a full fat helix or rack, then the cost is only $99 (+ vat) Can install on 4 machines at once too - and change authorisations.
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