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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. You're from Carluke - is that not even more weird The sound you end up with by dialling out any odd resonances is "your sound" Havin a laugh with where you live is a good old Scottish tradition. I'm from Motherwell and live up near Biggar so i shouldn't make fun of anyone Dave
  2. I'm settled with mine. Jazz into GB Streamliner into Berg HT322 cab. Best live sound I've ever had. Feel for you but must admit I've never lost sleep over gear. What you have will always do the job. Its not compulsary to keep buying new gear. Could buy a set of elixir strings which would last lot longer but obvious cost more. Hope sorts itself out for you. All best Dave
  3. Ach i'll just look for something else that suits me better i reckon. Not overly fussed about it so maybe that came across during the audition. Onwards and upwards for us then Dave
  4. I took my Jazz to the audition. Maybe the Overwater might have impressed more but it was down to personality rather than playing from what they told me. They were very nice about it tho and i don't have any bad feelings or anything like that towards them. I'm a big believer in being able to get along with people in the band. Dave
  5. After 37 yrs playing bass i finally got my first rejection from an audition. What a bummer. Still I've only ever done 3 auditions. Rest of my work has been word of mouth. Guy who auditioned first got the job cause "he just clicked with the rest of the band" Ah well you win some you lose some. Some nice feedback from the band tho so not all negative. Now to start looking all over again. Dave
  6. I've used a set of Beyer Dynamics since late 80's and still have them altho the "leather" is starting to show signs of wear along with the obvious jack plug failures which i've repaired myself. They have been a great set of phones and can't really fault them. I posted a query on BC last year and majority vote came back as Sennheiser HD280 Pros so i bought a set for Xmas this year and have to say they are pretty great so far. Sound wise the produce a very accurate and clear sound across the range. A bit like my Bose hi-fi speakers. Nothing boomy and not overly top ended. I like so far. Dave
  7. Bought Rock of Ages for Xmas. Managed to watch 15mins and thought it was utter crap. Back in its box to be watched when nothing else on TV or I'm on my death bed with no option. After Cloverfield this is my worst DVD ever purchased. Not a fan of this although i did enjoy Mama Mia Dave
  8. Always end up going back to Fender nickel 40-100 7150's Quite like the Overwater nickel's too. Use Elixir on my 6 string fretless mainly because i wanted a light gauge and they were only manufacturer i could find at the time. Tried Rotos & Warwick various types, Elites (pretty good) Cheers Dave
  9. Nikita from Elton John was always a bit of a surprise to me.
  10. i've just bought a pair of HD280 pro headphones and they seem pretty sturdy to me. i've had my Beyer Dynamic set since mid 80's and starting to show signs of wear on the headband and ear covers. Still good sound tho. Dave
  11. A return to some classic Bowie. Haven't been a huge fan of his recent material but this is great. Dave
  12. Enjoy mate. Looks like fun to me and that's what counts. Try Youtube for bass learning. It has some great quick and easy tips to improve your technique, style and general pick up of bad habits that we all seem to get. LOL Mid-life is now 50 ish from what i'm told so you are just a young whipper snapper in my book. All the very best with the band Dave
  13. Roland m/fx - use comp all time with reverb added when playing fretless. Like the flexability of being able to fool around at home. I tend to have a few preset bass sounds like clanking Glenn Hughes Deep Purple sound and Sabbath Heaven & Hell along with few others to give me a 1 button change but they aren't used very often TBH. Dave
  14. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1357467076' post='1922866'] Everytime I've seen him play it live Pegg used a pick rather than fingers (he's also a great mandolin player) and I tend to do the same if I'm playing jigs and reels. For me I find it makes for a more consistent sound when playing fast. Drops of Brandy works well up at the top of the neck (it's even more fun down at the bottom but I'm a masochist). The important part is to get that 9/8 feel, [b]dee[/b]- da- /diddle-ee-/ diddle-ee// for three bars and then a turn around in bar four (dee-da/dee-da/diddle-ee or some variation thereof). If you listen to the drum part it's even more apparent (except if Mattacks decides to run two bars together) Have fun, I have Drops in treble clef if it's any help. Steve [/quote] I like your dee-da explanation - it portrays it very well and i picked up on what you meant right away. If you have it in treble clef it would help as well if you don't mind sending or posting for me. Anything that helps i will accept graciously. cheers Dave
  15. Nice to hear some good positive comments on Bass shops. Dave
  16. got this CD along with his book. Some very interesting covers by John Entwhistle and Geddy Lee. All influenced by JJ himself in one way or another. Great buy. Dave
  17. I'm only just realising how talented this guy is. I had never really listened to them before but it has opened my eyes to a whole new genre of playing which is challenging but very enjoyable. Sometimes its good to push yourself and extend your boundaries a little. Gonna work on it a bit more today and see how i get on. I think if i can nail the basic riff of the song for the audition it will be enough as they have come back to me to explain it was more a question of " do you think you could tackle this" rather than learn for the audition. Bit of a relief but i would like to do it and show i am capable of it. Would be a nice touch i think. Cheers Dave
  18. Musician is someone who entertains. Doesn't really matter how you reach that point. Provided it is musically entertaining to an audience then answer is YES. I use a combination of reading, tabs and simply listening from CD to obtain what i need to allow me to play and entertain an audinece. IMO that makes me a musician. Like most things in life there are different levels and different routes on how you get there. At end of the day be happy with what you are doing. Sounds like you are having a ball. Well done Dave
  19. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1357445626' post='1922778'] I just got asked to autograph someone's boobs at a gig [/quote] Money isn't everything you know. Is this not why we join bands ?? Dave
  20. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1357439055' post='1922764'] Yes. I sound like me on any gear. Anyone else sounds like themselves on my gear. [/quote] Give me your gear and i'll let you know Dave
  21. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1357410617' post='1922352'] Agreed! Although I own a range of bass gear I really believe I could get by perfectly well with any single one of each of my bass/amp/cab collection. After many years playing I think I can change sound and tone reasonably well by variations of right and left hand techniques and positions. I also think that in a blindfolded test, changing various playing styles would be more easily heard than changing a piece of gear. Frank. [/quote] Yep i think this is spot on and i would agree 100%. Whether its my Thumb or Jazz i reckon i could adjust set up and technique to a point both basses will sound almost the same. Not exactly but to the point a live audience wouldn't really notice what bass it was. Dave
  22. Thanks Pete, This is great. I'll work on it tomorrow as only just home at 9pm tonight. This will save me a lot of time and let me get a better feel for the song in general. Greatly appreciated. Dave
  23. Yep - having had a first stab at it i would agree its the lower end open string control that is posing more problems than i would have thought. I've never had to play that fast and continuously on open strings for many yrs so its def a challenge. Will get there but not sure i'll manage for the audition along with the other tracks to learn. I think they have obviously set a difficult challenge to see how people get on with it. Nice touch on their part and i would try this kind of thing too if i was auditioning. If anyone can offer the tabs or music it would be gratefully appreciated and speed things up for me a bit though. Dave
  24. I have an audition next week and they've asked me what i think about Dirty Linen by Fairport Convention. Great song and first time i've heard it. Does anyone have the bass tabs for this one as would save me a lot of time trying to learn for next week. I also have another 6 songs to learn so they haven't exactly given me a lot of time considering i have a day job. Would be nice to nail this one as i think its more a test. The other songs are pretty standard affairs and relatively simple so won't be a problem. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Dave
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