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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. I ordered some LED lighting gear and it arrived well within a week. Also had an issue with an LED Lamp and it was picked up, tested and decision made to fully replace with new all within 7 days and all arranged by Thomann so i can't fault them. They have done well for me and would def use again without question. Dave
  2. Luckily enough it is not sufficient for me to worry about too much and i don't have tinnitus issue. I do take extra care at work and always have done even before it was company policy. For some unknown reason i didn't ever see loud music as a problem ??? Don't ask - i guess i've grown up being naive and stupid enough to think "it won't happen to me" same as lot of people from my generation of 70's rock era. I am not 100% sure it was the loud music but evidence does tend to point to it. I think any ear protection is better than none and i shall be more careful in future. I reckon i will look into the custom moulded ear plugs as i could use them for bike rides too. Motorbikes can be noisy too. Will check these out but someone mentioned ACS - i guess they are a reputable manufacturer worth a look then ??? Dave
  3. I'm 52 and had no probs throughout my early heavy rock days but drummers have a tendancy to hit their cymbals very hard when kit is put together usualy to make sure nothing comes loose when playing normally. It wasn't a deliberate hit because i was there - i just happened to turn round and move towards him at the very same time he belted the cymbal. Was a genuine mistake but just goes to show how easily done it is. my hearing is still above average on both ears so nothing much to worry about but take extra care now that i know how easy it is to lose it. Annoying that i've been careful for 35 yrs and for sake of one "momentary lapse of reason" "ear today, gone tomorrow" "time" will tell Be careful no matter what age you are. Dave
  4. Not sure if this is in right place but here goes anyway. Got my 2 yearly hearing test thru my work. Low and behold i'm above average in both ears but one ear is twice as good as the other. ??? Requested to visit my GP with results and refer to Ear Nose & Throat dept at hospital for further investigation. Suggested i have an MRI as loss of hearing in one ear can be caused by a benign tumour. WHOA !!!!!! stunned to say the least. One scary comment to hear and was the worst week of my life waiting on results. Good news is i got the all clear and that hearing loss has been caused by loud noise in one ear - who knows what but more than likely bands. Last year drummer hit his cymbal while setting up right next to my ear and it was painful - first time i have ever suffered actual pain in my ear and that probably did it. My worse ear is still above average for my age so nothing major to worry about but we should all be careful. Tonight i am happy though and might actually manage to get some sleep - LOL Dave
  5. Agree with most comments. Your band have obviously done / are doing well the way they are. The gigs speak for themselves. You don't need an egomaniac to ruin it. Tell him the band are already settled, committed and more than competant and don't need an additional guitarist which would bring additional workload trying to fit 3 guitarists into the set list. I don't honestly think you would like to see someone steal all his gear. You can't stoop to that level - its not really you is it. Move on and forget him - not worth the worry. Enjoy the band and the excitement that goes with it. Good luck and all the very best Dave
  6. of course and used to have a bad habit of tapping the beat by bouncing my right foot on its toes at very fast pace. Dave
  7. Rainbow - Stargazer Pink Floyd - Time Genesis - I know What I like Supertramp - School Steve Hacket - Everyday just some of my favs but could list a lot more. In fact i can feel a set list coming up - LOL Dave
  8. yep i had same issue waiting for a delivery during the very bad winter a few yrs ago whereby they couldn't deliver due to weather and the parcel was apparently waiting in the "Central Hub" at Coventry. That was fair enough due to the extreme weather but they then couldn't actually locate it when it was clear to deliver. The parcel never arrived and the seller couldn't get it returned either and at this point the recomendation from both Ebay and Royal Mail was to allow more than the stated 28 days due to weather but when the guy went to claim he was told it was over the 28 days and he had a helluva trouble trying to get his money refunded for the goods. MAKES ME VERY WARY OF SENDING ANYTHING AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. I have no confidence in the honesaty of people working at the Royal Mail central hub where most parcels seem to disappear into another dimension yet they are unable to track with their own tracking system. My own knowledge is that everywhere the parcel changes hands or location it is scanned and signed for and should therefore be traceable as to who had it last. In my opinion that should mean legal action against the person who last had it. Sorry to be bringer of bad news but Royal Mail are not to be trusted. Dave
  9. Agree Marauder was the 1st one i bought and thought it was excellent. Soldier of the Line i just loved the bass sound on that album. Great songs but the bass was very sharp and clear - i think it was an Aria SB1000 by this period. Dave
  10. Can't really get enough feedback on these and reviews seem to be scarce so probably gonna give it a miss. The resale doesn't look good either and could be an issue if i don't like it. Appreciate the feedback from you guys tho. Cheers Dave
  11. My feeling is that if it isn't working then move on to something new, something better hopefully. I left my last band by email but that was an amicable way of communication for us all and we parted in good terms. The band before that i told them at the rehearsal i had enough of them arguing, stopping reherasals because the tone wasn't 100% right and various other time wasting issues. I then followed up with a confirmed txt message to them all. Good luck no matter how it turns out. Dave
  12. I think after 28 days Royal Mail wont pay out unless you have lodged a complaint - might be wrong but check the small print. ebay also has a similar thing that you need to register your complaint within 35 days i think. Dave
  13. Not a huge fan of Marcus but if you are then probably a bit more than a standard one but it really depends on how much of a fan you are. If it was a Geddy Lee original signature I'm sure many would pay well over the odds for it. Dave
  14. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1355133387' post='1894350'] Magnum, eh? I remember when they finally 'arrived', sometime in the mid '80s and they were playing Edinburgh Playhouse and that guitarist in the top hat ruined my night! I was the Runner on the local crew that day and usually the Runner got let go just before showtime. So, I went up to the production office to get paid and their tour manager says to me "Oh, we can let you go just yet. Tony wants curry after the show!" So, I had to go out and get menus from three curry houses and deliver them back to the TM who then handed them to the band. Still they refused to let me go and kept me there until well after the show until Tony the diva decided what curry he finally wanted. They eventually let me go around 11pm, with still no curry order in sight! [/quote] Yep that's much the same opinion i have of them when they played the Heathery Bar in Wishaw late 70's / early 80's. I was helping as road crew at the time for the venue. Don't touch that, don't touch this, It was all a bit over played IMHO. They were technically a great band though and have many of their albums to be honest. Think the fame must have gone to their heads at that point. Hopefully they settled down a bit once they got used to it. Yes i still like them. Dave
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1355079527' post='1893808'] if it's new just take it back to be fixed [/quote] the obvious i guess Dave
  16. On very rare occasion my Jazz jack-socket slackens off a bit enough so that the lead moves a bit and the volume drops off dramatically along with tone change. As soon as nut tightened up again its fine. I've checked the wiring inside and its fine. Try tightening the nut on the socket and if still same try checking the connection inside. Might just be dirt on the inside of the socket. Other probs might be loose wire or bad soldering joint. Unusual for the capacitor to fail but it is a possibility. Would try the simple things first though. Dave
  17. Looking to see what the playability and sound was like more than anything else. Have had a few fretless basses over the yrs and have my Overwater 6 stringer fretless but don't like gigging with it as its a one-off my wife bought me for my 50th. I appreciate i shouldn't keep it locked away but its the one in my pic. I have looked at the Squier as i already love my Jazz bass and that was the obvious choice but saw the Cort at what seemed like a knock down price. Dave
  18. nice catchy little bass riff going on there. Like it. Dave
  19. shame he's not related - i like his music tho. Dave
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354812318' post='1890750'] I've seen them before. Thing is, credit cards are pretty thick, and how often do you get rid of one? they don't really work for things of paper thickness either. [/quote] [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1354812584' post='1890759'] Also, the plastic that credit cards are made out of is pretty crap for using as a plectrum. [/quote] [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1354812824' post='1890768'] Yeah, not really flexible. If you want to wreck your thumb, be my guest [/quote] I personally don't use picks so not a lot of experience with them. I would add that some store cards are thinner and more flexi but as most have pointed out it probably won't work. Was a nice idea tho IMO - just a shame it doesn't work Dave
  21. Thinking of buying a cheap 4 string fretless for gigging. Has anyone tried the Cort Cubrow range of basses. Don't see many around. Dave
  22. Damn just read thru most of these and final answer is :- ALL OF THE ABOVE + me
  23. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1354558589' post='1887370'] Hi All Being a bit bored I thought I'd start a thread about forming your ultimate band, the only rules are; You are the bassist and all other musicians must be still alive, so here's mine; Bass - [b]Me[/b] Guitar -[b] Steve Hackett [/b](the ultimate guitarist so underrated) Drums - [b]Neil Peart [/b](just gets better and better) Keyboards - [b]Rick Wakeman [/b](just love his style and sense of humour) Vocals - [b][font=sans-serif]James LaBrie [/font][/b][font=sans-serif](Dream Theater) Good set of lungs[/font] Type of Music - A mixture of Prog/Jazz/Blues Rock (if this is possible ) Cheers Tony [/quote] [b]Same for me except Benoit David on Vox[/b]
  24. There's a plectrum maker on ebay or Amazon at moment. It looks like a hole punch but cuts plectrums from your old credit / bank cards for only £13 If you use picks it could be the ideal custom pick maker IMHO Dave
  25. Just in time for Xmas - who says Santa never comes early all the very best Dave
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