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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. not my first choice either. i watched a pre-recorded Stephen King movie Bag of Bones which was ok but far better than Gary Barlow IMO. Dave
  2. I'd go for my Jazz. Not sure why the arguement about Jazz not standing out in the mix with both pups on full. Simply adjust the vol pots to accomodate what you want and need - easy. Love the look and sound of the Stingray but always felt the necks a bit too wide more like a precision so couldn't realy get used to them. Is that true about all Stingrays or have i played a bad one back when they first appeared. ? Would def consider one as an all rounder if necks had a slimmer feel. General conscensus of opinion on thread so far seems to be the Jazz. Can't all be wrong i guess. Dave
  3. BEFORE (1986 ish) [sharedmedia=core:attachments:120340] AFTER (2012) although not too clear a pic of me 2nd from left. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:125739]
  4. Great stuff Lozz. Took me back but not sure where. Can see the vague Punk influences and def Time Warp thing but still has your own sound. Great work - give us more. All the best Dave
  5. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1356883677' post='1914685'] It was either no electrics, or no brakes. Engine was fine otherwise! I've got an '87 Defender that's never broken down yet... [/quote] A Land Rover that's never broken down - that is a rarity and my Brother-in-Law rebuilds them from scratch and he'll tell you the same. I still love them but can't risk breakdowns where we live especially in winter. OK if you know how to fix them tho. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1356884379' post='1914694'] I had a Lada in the 90s, it would break down constantly. I had to wrap the engine in a blanket over night, as if it was cold or wet it wouldn't start in the morning [/quote] I thought all cars should be covered with a blanket at night - if you love them of course Dave
  6. What about Fords new pick up 4x4 which looks pretty sh*t hot. ? Get it with the truck cab on back and you can do house removals in spare time. A proper off-roader too when it snows or gigs in the Outbacks of Scotland - LOL 2nd hand Ford Explorer Large Chevy Blazer type 4x4 ? don't know the model Unimog - Bedford TK fully refurbished at circa £6k - huge load space and 4x4. I've always found the German cars a bit plain inside and recently not as reliable as they claim to be. I've had 3 Mini Coopers incl current S which have had several electrical faults incl CPU, solenoids, elec windows, faulty connector plugs, burned-out elec steering pump, and my Merc CLS which was great to drive and 0-60 in 6.7 secs was a monster car and loved it but regular trouble with tracking and going thru rear tyres in 9mths circa 10k miles costing £250 a piece wasn't so great. BMW's had same issues with elec faults and general niggly faults. Don't really get that with the JAP 4x4's these days. Maybe worth considering that Germans aint what they used to be in the reliabilty stakes. Dave Dave
  7. Discovery - i had 2 off them few yrs back now and bodywork was forever getting repaired under warranty for oxidation. Think the newer version made by Ford are far better though but i keep hearing comments about niggling little faults with them so check out reviews before buying one and def buy the diesel as petrol ones are very thirsty. Another option is the Mitsubishi Sport or Challenger which was originally an import but far cheaper than the Shogun although a bit more basic inside. Again Japanese tho. Dave
  8. Not just when you start. You need to get along with other band members or band eventually will split or it becomes a chore rather than a pleasure. ie Floyd, Deep Purple, i'm sure there are a few others but can't recall their reasons for splitting Beatles ? Zep ? early Genesis etc etc sure many bands have disagreements that are passed over and they get on with the job in hand because they generally get on with each other. Then again i could be wrong and everyone hates everyone else more than they hate the others. Dave
  9. [quote name='Ninja_Baby' timestamp='1356695174' post='1912455'] I see this topic come up a lot on forums and it annoys the pants of me. I think its wrong to call other musicians 'poor' So some players may not have the technical ability of others, so what. They do what is required, and have made a lot of money doing it. Would people be happier if Adam Clayton played super mega slap basslines on 7 strings? That would really benefit the songs U2 write wouldn't it. I'm no way the greatest on bass, nor if I'm honest do I really want to be. My basslines are simple, but effective. I play what the song requires. **End of rant** [/quote] Oh so true
  10. JTUK beat me to it but Subaru Legacy is a great option and not too expensive on 2nd hand market. 4x4 Transit or similar van an option ??? Rather than RR try the Disco which had more space in back. Dave
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1356694797' post='1912447'] He was too tired to play fancy bass lines by the time he had written the songs and recorded the fabulous piano parts [/quote] Yep would agree there. Wasn't having a dig at him - was meant as a compliment. I think he was greatly under-rated by the media. And he's a nice guy too.
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1356692069' post='1912396'] Yes, agree, Supergroup, Superband. I could pile in with peoples defintion of super group but I had a late night so..?? They all seem to have made a heep of money...and as we all know, that isn't easy. Sure, luck plays a part... but how many of us think they could do the roles..?? I've seen a drummer of a MASSIVE group mentioned here play local and ...well, you can get where I am going but he has a career in stadium rock and his CV is mightily impressive but at the local gigs... hmmmmm Interesting thread is what makes a player good enough. [/quote] Think personality has to play a major part in selecting any musician for a band. Maybe he's just a nice guy. ? Dave
  13. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1356646930' post='1912099'] ...is one of the most solid rock bassists out there and one hell of backing vocalist to boot. So, you're way off the mark there. [/quote] Agree he's not the most technical but he does exactly what the band wanted and needed. IMO thats the sign of a good bassist - to play what is needed for the song. Also note that he was playing some nice little chords on the first album although not easily recognised because of his bass sound. Does make you wonder how they would have sounded with someone playing a more technical bass rather than straight rock. Would it have been better ? Much the same for U2. The guy from Slade was also a basic player in majority of their songs but was more than technically capable of playing very nice bass runs. Its back to the old horses for courses i guess. Dave
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1356301565' post='1909066'] Yes I've seen 'de-fretter' options on bass multi-fx units. I tried one once and was thoroughly unconvinced. [/quote] Yep not impressed by the one on Roland GT-6B. Doesn't quite pull it off IMO. Dave
  15. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1356476656' post='1910499'] Here's some lighting from 'back in the day'. As well as 16 par cans ( 8 a side) we had these bad boys too. Sets of pin spots, used sparingly. The guitarist ran the colour lights and I did the whites, it was all done on a nod. We would either have all colours or all whites. We also carried spots that we trained on any available mirror ball. Right at the end of Comfortably Numb (of course) all lights would be killed apart from the spots on the mirror ball. Anyone who had indulged usually appreciated that. Don't know if I could be bothered carrying this much light nowadays. Bear in mind, as above, there were the lights you see in the pic, plus 16 par cans, 4 spots, two moon effects, smoke machine. Happy days. [/quote] Pink Floyd covers is where most of my inspiration and ideas came from too. I ran a row of white pin spots along the front of stage and did similar to you as a beam of white lines cutting thru the smoke. Great effect. I operated all my old lighting back in 80's myself with foot operated switches along with smoke machine. Meant i personally could control what effects were happening when i thought best rather than an untrained mate as sound engineer who would love playing with the effect lighting but lose the ambience of standard floods on there own. Kinda miss those days in a way but new LED's running from one 13A socket is impressive. I measured current used on my full rig at one point including PARS, Laser, projectors (4off) scanner and 2 smoke machines and it only came to a max 7-8A with smoke machine heaters in the ON position rather than on standby. In the old days you had to hot-wire into pubs 415V systems - not ideal and you wouldn't be able to do that nowadays - LOL Dave
  16. Toyota Hilux with truck cab on back. More reliable than a Range Rover Better mpg than Range Rover or Porsche at 35-40 mpg. Proper off-roader when you need it. Everything fits in the back leaving 5 seats in cab area for band. Would you really want to throw amps and cases onto your RR leather seats. ?? No seats need to be folded down either. Audi A3 too small and heard some poor reports also not great in snowy conditions. A4 doesn't have a lot of leg-room in back seats so not ideal as a normal car. A6 might be an option although they don't come in 4x4 i don't think. Take a look at the various 4x4 pick-ups. Some good deals on the go from Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi Good luck and let us know what you decide. Dave
  17. I use a combination of PAR LED's from Thomann, KAM and Showtec some sourced from ebay and others direct from Thomann at £30 each aint bad. Total of 12 set up 4 each side on stands and 4 on back goalpost stand with each musician having a dedicated spot. Overkill for most gigs except larger stage venues. On the goalpost i have laser, 2 projectors, scanner and 4 PARS. On the floor i have 2 projectors facing forward from each corner of the drums. Stands are from Maplins at £39 each. Lighting desk is a Showtec 24 cost around £140 but you can pick them up lot cheaper now. Most can be set up sound to light but helps if one of your mates can operate. [attachment=125739:564095_10151938656000082_2012560764_n.jpg] Hope this helps. Remember to start with the minimum and work your way up to what you feel makes a great light show. Other suggestions for effect are white pin spots which cut thru smoke like lasers. Also make sure you do a lighting check for angles and that spots are hitting where they should. It does become a tad addictive as i now have a garage full of them. Dave
  18. No matter what the cost is its still a nice bass so have a great Xmas enjoying it mate. I like it. Cheers Dave
  19. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1356137643' post='1907432'] No idea about Cort Curbows. What I do know is that I have a Yamaha RBX200F, P-pup small-body lined fretless, which I picked up here for £100 (IIRC), which is a great starter fretless IMO. I recommend them. (Would I sell it? Yes I would. [/quote] Nice one mate. Good sales pitch. Its not really a starter fretless but more a cheap gigging fretless i'm looking for rather than gig with my Overwater. i kinda liked the Curbow look but its gone now on the wings of the great evilbay. cheers Dave
  20. Yep Mark's postage is normally very quick. I bought Bergantino cabs from him on seperate occasions and both arrived within days. If its late its probably due to the crap postal service we have in this country especially at this time of the year. Dave
  21. Speedy recovery and all the very best to a great guy Dave
  22. [quote name='Voodoosnake' timestamp='1355851942' post='1903693'] I lost a girlfriend once as she got pissed off to my fingers 'playing air bass' on her back whilst we were entwined. I'd like to add that this was the clothed type of entwining. She was a pain in the ass anyway, no rhythm [/quote] Brilliant Dave
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1355832029' post='1903253'] Seeing that Tim makes me think, I`ve seen a few bassists play wrong lines, but I`d never go up to them and tell them - irrespective of their feelings in the matter, which I`m sure wouldn`t be particularly responsive - as I just wouldn`t feel comfortable doing that. just about the only time I`ve ever "offered advice" was when I saw my mates band play, and the bassist completely forgot the run in What do I Get by The Buzzcocks, to the point where he was virtually crying with laughter at what he was playing, whilst looking at me and mouthing "I can`t remember it". In that instance, I was happy to offer advice. [/quote] Ha Ha Ha brilliant Lozz I've been in your mates situation over the years normally when dep'ing and simply not had time to take in all the songs correctly or something distracts you (tall leggy blonde in a mini skirt usually does it for me - female that is) and you just draw a blank - brilliant anf funny when you look back over the years. Even worse when you've written the song and can't remember the bass line - your own damn part. Dave
  24. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1355924340' post='1904530'] Stuff like this... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tRX5eL5wcE[/media] This... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWRU3Sxt9tY[/media] & even BCs very own... [/quote] Got ya. Likin some of this. Love my Roland GT-6B but like the look of those Moog pedals. Thanks for clarifying. Dave
  25. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1312679007' post='1330581'] I've got a SR1000 I bought new 20 odd years ago (ok, it's a 4 stringer) & it's still my main bass. It's went from being a metal/rock bass to a folk/country bass to a DnB/dubstep bass & hasn't let me down. It has the original Powercurve EQ section. I think the main difference between cheaper & higher models is the quality of parts used as well as the woods. [/quote] Sorry for being a twat but what is DnB/dubstep music - can't say i've heard of that before. Dave
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