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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. If I were to get one again, think I'd go for the 2eq Classic, best of old and new.
  2. I thought that as well listening to the more recent stuff.. mind you he could make rubber bands sound great
  3. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1510312243' post='3405478'] Got it. When I saw your post a little panic set in. Asking myself "oh s@#t. Could this be a cheap Chinese knock off" [/quote] Well, if it was they did an outstanding job lol
  4. If it's the 5 piece plus pa load in set up, 45 mins or so, just me on bass 5 mins
  5. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1510252486' post='3405097'] I disagree, I put all into playing the music we play (well, a couple of tracks maybe not so much), just that I wouldn't actually listen to that music myself. [/quote] I get that.
  6. Right now I just got a soul, rock, reggae type covers band together where we play a good mix of what I like to listen to. I guess that is because myself and the drummer started the band with an idea on what we would play. I have chosen a lot of the songs uptil now and they seem to go down well with the rest of the band (and singer) We all have something in there we like and seem to gel on ideas. The other band I play in is a rock blues band and there I'm not so keen on listening to the material we cover, we do a few of our own tunes as well, which I hardly ever listen to
  7. I maybe wouldn't spend that much at first if you are not sure. For example, I picked up an old fretless Ibanez Musician a few years back and it's very nice bass, neck-thru and 2 pickups, active and passive mode. (roundwounds for me on it ) very easy to play. Might look a bit old school, but I like that. I did have a lined fretless jazz at one point, but didn't get on with that, prefer just the dot markers for some reason. If you can get to try a few basses out that would be best I think.
  8. Even the shipping is €133 I wouldn't personally pay that for the pedal and shipping together.
  9. Try Norman watt-roys settings No clank there. [url="https://flic.kr/p/jvuU1U"][/url]
  10. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1509713335' post='3401109'] My recently cleared Credit Card made me do it.......... I've just ordered a Fender American Standard Precision in Olympic White, Tort, Maple which is being delivered next Tuesday. The serial number is US1307####, which I believe dates it late 2013 / early 2014, but it is brand new from the shop, still even has the plastic covers on the tuners. Dougie is a happy bunny...! [/quote] Good choice White maple is very nice as well.
  11. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1509562778' post='3399956'] One more for the road... I once dreamt of owning an Alembic Signature 4. And then I got one. Ah well, that's dreams for you ~ be very careful what you wish for! I have neither the time, £$£$ or motivation to carry on searching for the dream Bass... I have what I need and that's that. [/quote] That sounds very sensible and wise. Wish I was that way. Still no real harm done they are only instruments.
  12. Hopefully being made and in my hands early next year
  13. Very nice. Sunburst Maple.. classic combo
  14. Congrats. Looks different and nice. Some lowend from the pup placement as well I would guess.
  15. Not been too many this year A few best's, maybe the old Ibanez basses I seem to be attracted to, A fretless Musician and an ATK. The worst by far, was the Ric copy I bought new, played really nicely till I decide to change strings amd put a bit of relife into the neck, it now has a woeful action, the neck bolts are loose and won't tighten, the shim that was there isn't doing it. It's a piece of junk (firewood) not sure if I should try get my luthier to rescue it and throw more money at it. Lesson learnt. I won't name and shame, but it was over 300 notes new!
  16. Mine seem to be all around 4-5mm at the 17th I do dig in a bit and don't like any buzz.
  17. Boy you have to move quick on these, when they are priced nicely
  18. Very nice. If I hadn't had to order a MK1 last year I'd of had that. Someone is going to be very happy Edit to say, that is the one to not let go!
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1507644273' post='3386946'] Staggered to see that it's only Horse and me who realise that G is the well-spring, the motherlode, the key to it all, along with (of course) being The People's Key. [/quote] That G! Sometimes F
  20. Neither of you tempted to buy it back I'm getting gas for these JD's.. something I plan to get in my collection someday.
  21. Very nice congratulations. Must make you smile everytime you take it out of the case You can always get some fretless into the band I'm sure, regardless of musical Genre
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1508310296' post='3391173'] Pretty much any Ibanez, the necks just feel wrong to me [/quote] Crikey, they are fast becoming my favourite basses, the old 80's and 90's jobs
  23. For me it was a Warwick Star bass, sitting down no problem, but standing up and with a strap I just couldn't get on with the strap pin location, so used to it being on the horn! A 5'er as well, l I tried but didn't persist. Stingrays I like but can never stop fiddling with the on -board eq and drive myself nuts, so tend to avoid them in a band situation.
  24. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1508250752' post='3390852'] Incidentally, what's the difference between the Classic 50's and the Classic 50's Lacquer...is it purely as simple as the paint finish...? [/quote] Yes, I think it's just the nitro finish. Don't rule out the roadworns as well same breed but a little more select, if you don't mind the relicing
  25. Very nice, I have a roadworn P from the same family I think, stays strung with flats. I still wonder from time 2 time about the pickguard but as yet the gold one is still on it.
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